May/June issue of UTV Off-Road Magazine



Thank you to Troy and Don at UTV Off-Road Magazine for giving me the opportunity to write the King Of The Hammers article and do the LOORRS Race Reports. They are giving all of us race enthusiasts a ton of exposure so go out and get your subscription if you dont have one already at UTV Off-Road Magazine :: Everything Side-By-Side for the Off-Road Enthusiast and show your appreciation back. This is the best UTV magazine on the market so lets show some love in return!

In the mean time enjoy the digital copies of the Pit Bull King Of The Hammers and the LOORRS RD's 1-4 Race Report!

Joey D.





HAHAHAHHAHA!!! You DID it!! You did that bad/good pic!! SOOOOO funny!! I must have a copy of that magazine!!! :) Great job, Joey - excellent reading for both articles......thanks so much for helping to put us on the map!! I know how much work it is to get so much info and write it in a well organized manner AND make it interesting for readers!! Great work!!
Its my pleasure Corry! I have such a great time hanging with all of you and helping where I can to grow the sport!!!

Thanks Kyle! They are awesome to work with!
Joey, well done articles. I must say, they give a perspective that you don't always see from magazine writers. I think because of your indepth involvment with the sport as an enthusiast, it gives you the ability to write articles that appeal so well to us. Of course I'm finding that UTV Off-Road Magazine has more than one writer that appeals with the good articles. Maybe it's the company they keep...

Again, well done and thanks for the good articles...
Hey thanks Darryl. I am not the best writer by any means but I try to bring a fan and enthusiasts perspective to the stories I tell. I really enjoy doing it! I am glad you guys enjoy reading them!!!!
I can't find the issue anywere. I would subcribe, but the last time I did that they went out of bisness.

I can't find the issue anywere. I would subcribe, but the last time I did that they went out of bisness.


It'll take another week or so before it hits most bookstores or newstands. If you have a local Hastings, they usually will carry a few copies.
But subscription is the best way.
When SideXSide Action went under, it wasn't because of their own problems, but from their parent company that went bankrupt, leaving them high and dry overnight. Lots of people got burned when that happened, but I don't think you'll have to worry about that with UTV Off-Road Magazine. Go ahead, subscribe, you'll be happy, especially when you get your issue a week or two before it's on the stands... The articles that Joey, Corry and others write are great and come from the perspective of being involved in the sport, not just standing on the outside looking in.

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