I Hate Rules - UTVUnderground Approved
Sorry for laughing but your racing with the big boys now, this is Lucas Oil, you race at the risk of tear down (at Lucas's discrection, not yours) that will be done on your own dime, trust me.
Our SR1 was opened up twice for inspection but never past the valve cover. They measured lobes of the cams and compared casting numbers between the top three and thats where it ended.
This is a stock class, most of the tuff talk is just that but be preparred, they may want to look at cams and/or ports(which are easy to get to) or if they really feel you are cheating, may want to pull your motor which I doubt will ever happen at this level of racing.
Wanna make sure it doesnt happen to you? Dont cheat, simple.
Here is an example of people that were impounded last season, all heavy hitters. All were tore down, inspected, approved, and all recieved a box full of parts back to be reassembled by the (Lucas approved) mechanic of their choice....on their dime.
Welcome to the big leagues
The big league's? LMAO!!! Maybe for a Pro Truck, for a RZR XP class Please....Im not buying that crap. A motor should never be torn into without a dispute PERIOD After hearing that crap I think Id stick to WORC's or one of the many other race programs.