
Sorry for laughing but your racing with the big boys now, this is Lucas Oil, you race at the risk of tear down (at Lucas's discrection, not yours) that will be done on your own dime, trust me.

Our SR1 was opened up twice for inspection but never past the valve cover. They measured lobes of the cams and compared casting numbers between the top three and thats where it ended.

This is a stock class, most of the tuff talk is just that but be preparred, they may want to look at cams and/or ports(which are easy to get to) or if they really feel you are cheating, may want to pull your motor which I doubt will ever happen at this level of racing.

Wanna make sure it doesnt happen to you? Dont cheat, simple.

Here is an example of people that were impounded last season, all heavy hitters. All were tore down, inspected, approved, and all recieved a box full of parts back to be reassembled by the (Lucas approved) mechanic of their choice....on their dime.

Welcome to the big leagues ;)


The big league's? LMAO!!! Maybe for a Pro Truck, for a RZR XP class Please....Im not buying that crap. A motor should never be torn into without a dispute PERIOD After hearing that crap I think Id stick to WORC's or one of the many other race programs.
I think Kevin Kroyer had the best idea as it relates to keeping the XP class honest..

LOORRS needs to purchase a bunch of stock ECU's. Before each race everyone is givin a LOORRS ECU which are all stock. Following the race, the ECU's are checked in post tech. This way, a guy with a built motor can't cheat because a built motor ain't crap with a stock ECU. There may have been more to this but it seemed logical to me.

As for the teardown, I don't see LOORRS tearing into a motor unless its for obvious reasons.
The big league's? LMAO!!! Maybe for a Pro Truck, for a RZR XP class Please....Im not buying that crap. A motor should never be torn into without a dispute PERIOD After hearing that crap I think Id stick to WORC's or one of the many other race programs.

So we wont be seeing you at LORORS then?
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I think LOORS should adopt the worcs deal hear so if you want to protest you put up some cash, but don't cheat and you got nothing to worry about. Definatley they should weight the cars to this will make the cheaters stand out as well, meaning your car weights 1400lbs and your say 240lbs but you kicking gunthries butt lol
Doug is spot on. Again. Stock XP class or pro lites, they don't mess around w cheating. Lucas puts ALOT of time, effort and money into these series. They don't play games w cheaters.
Everyone knows the motor rules, just know that when you show up The people running the series may want to look inside your motor to confirm your honesty. Period.
If you want to keep secrets , stick to drag racing at the dunes
WEll Im all for rules. And I hope lucas doesnt go overboard with us. Lee says he wants this to stay as an affordable series for the xp class. Ripping apart our motors aint keeping it cheap. But at the same time....open mine up I got nothing to hide. We all know this going into it and lee said hes getting the right tools to test our bore and stroke without tearing them apart. NOW LET THE TALKING BEGIN.....TODD WHATS IT MATTER TO YOU CHICKEN HA HA HA AHAH HAHA HA :D:D
My stuff is stock, it came from Polaris sat in the garage went to Glamis, then sat in Thads garage, so If I beat you it just me, if you beat me, You cheated!!!
Ok ok. Calm down. Nobody's getting out of control w tear downs. Lee has a lot of classes to deal with per weekend. A lot more going on than just us, that said.. They just want us to know its not gonna get out of hand like it did in the past. I'm not scared! Ill be practicing n testing my set up n Utah, then when you guys start getting 12-15 cars, I will travel down n moto w you guys, don't worry.
Im guessing 20 xp first race. Dave dave .....If we beat you we are cheating ??? Your old!! Better use your flashers, Dont want someone to rear end you when your getting lapped
Too funny! Looks like this is going to be a good group of guys to race with and hang in the pits for the after party

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