Slowpoke Rodriguez
Why not race in SoCal, can leave you stuff with Darin's race car storage and prep service
I know i am busyEveryone must be busy building their cars.....I heard i got a motor tranny and a box of special parts in today. And there was one tire on my porch..
thanks Todd and your statement tells all I can't wait for the big bore guys to go stock"Again". That's cold! My tires, my tear offs, my air pressure, new gloves..... Wait. Wait. You did beat me. But wait. You had a cheater motor !!! Staggs n Mitch Jr tore us fair n square. Soon as all you big bore brothers get your stuff within stock rules specs. I'll bust my car out n drive the 800 miles down there to moto with you!
Why not race in SoCal, can leave you stuff with Darin's race car storage and prep service
Karter 44 is scared too!!!!!!!
I dont want to hear any excuses about weight dave cause in anza you had some work done and my rhino motor was still stock clutch etc LOL so you weight disadvantage will help me against you smooth driving skills LOLGood thinkin El Kido, but I think we need a Sumo rule, today a slid between my truck and a wall and my stomach got stuck. Im 230 and Casey's got to be pushin 300lbs