Yamaha Look what UPS brought today!!

Took it out to mm 11.5 today. Man does it run good. Rips the washes, climbs like a billy goat. Never let anyone tell you a stage 3 cam is too much, it crawled as well as it hauled butt.:D

Did about 40 miles of fast washes, whooped roads,and rock gardens. I love it. Should be fun at the dunes next weekend.
A little more progress on the race motor today. Went to Xmf and made a puller to pull tyr crank back into the case. put the crank back in and replaced the other crank bearing with the press. I'm going to get the bottom end back together tonight. Bought a new 660 cylinder from 2x. Thanks Dave! Just need another piston and take it to the machine shop for boring.
Cases are finally back together. Need the black cam chain slider and the spacer on the clutch end of the crank. Hopefully 2x has them in stock.

One step forward, two back. Didnt care much for how the counter balancer felt. it didnt spin freeley. Took the cases back apart to change the bearings only to find the counterbalancer gear is stuck on the counterbalancer. Tried a press to get it off, but its gaulled on there good. Will cut it off later. Fortunatlly I have a spare set of cases under the bench so i will start transfering the parts next week. Lucky for me I still have Justin's spare motor for the worcs race in Primm next weekend.

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