Yamaha Look what UPS brought today!!


AZ's Finest - UTVUnderground Approved
Thanks to Chris from Benchmark performance for sending me these goodies!! Finally gonna have my own motor back together soon. 102.5 piston and a corrillo rod, 693 motor!! Thats one good looking piston too.

that piston definitley looks pimp!! Looks like a nice peace of desk art or an award! LOL

Leave COurt alone boys, lets just be happy he didnt take his skills and go elsewhere! hahahhaha
Additional parts for the motor....Big ass Web cam, lots of head port work and flow bench time, PDM race clutch machined for more overdrive, AAEN roller clutch slides, Supreme Tool adjustable clutch weights, Grizzly gears and a Mikuni 48 to top it all off.


Kelly is one of Courts best friends... and he (and Chris) knows what he is doing on a PDM. Unlike most other who have troubles with them.
I like the comet clutch alot better than the Powerbloc. I have lots of PDM parts and several comet clutches as spares too. And yes, Kelly is a very good friens of mine.
Totally different clutch design. The comet is like the polaris and kawi clutch with arms not pucks. Much harder to tune initially, but they work very good once your dialed in. The AAEN roller setup makes backshifting instant, it virtually eliminates friction in the clutch. The comet 4 arm is also a bigger diameter, so with a little machining on the secondary and a different (slightly wider) belt you can get more overdrive.
interesting. When i was talking to Dan he was saying we need to tune my clutch...I really dont know anything about the dry clutches so I dont know what it means to tune it...obviously has to do with weights I would assume?
Yeah, you add or remove weights and change spring weights to get the clutch to shift at the RPM where you make peak HP. Use the secondary to obtain enough spring pressure to keep the belt from slipping, then change primary springs and weights to make the clutch engage and shift they way you want it.

Some say go heavier on the secondary to help overcome friction and make it back shift better. But dont go too heavy as that creates more heat also.
Thanks to Chris from Benchmark performance for sending me these goodies!! Finally gonna have my own motor back together soon. 102.5 piston and a corrillo rod, 693 motor!! Thats one good looking piston too.

Thats so pretty i would just put it on the shelf and look at it!:D
The picture doesn't even do the piston justice. Its polished like chrome, then laser etched. Very impressive. :cool:
went from this.....


to this in about an hour..


Found this, the end of the crank obviously broke off. The bearing and crank look like they were banging into each other for some time making me wonder if the crnk was true??


Got the crank out of the case today(took me a while to find my crank press tool), pulled the transmission and installed the grizzly gear set. The rhino set is 21/41. The grizzly set is 24/39. Quite a bit taller.

Taking the cases to XMF tomorrow to be welded up around the base of the cylinder for strength.

Still waiting for crankworks to finish my crank.
Decided to put the piston in my family 4 seater and try it out, will order another for the race car next week. The crank didn't get done in time for me to put the race motor back together this weekend.

Started at about 1:30pm yesterday, tore the top end off, and put the 102.5 piston in. I had a cylinder machined earlier this week for it. I put my ported head with +1 valves on it and a hot cams stage 3 cam I had sitting on the shelf. It has a stock clutch sheave and strock spring with hunterworks overdrive weights. Muzzy pipes and a mikuni 45 rounded it out. Had it all back together by 10pm.

Set the jetting to 12.5 to 1 at WOT with the air fuel meter and did some runs.

It was hitting a rev limiter at 62mph. Checked and it had a Dragonfire procomm CDI. Drove it over to Scott from XMFs house and stole his Dynatek CDI (he wont be needing it for a while). Now it pulls to the rev limit at 69mph. Not to shabby.



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