Live Desert Toyz Racing Commander build web cast

Lucas, I did not write that rule. It is a exact copy of the BITD truck/buggy rule # SCR34. The rule states that the decription, is the "minimum". My Commander, Rhino and many other race UTVs have been built with more than 1 diagonal brace. I have been building and tech inspecting UTVs for over 6 years in the BITD, CORR and Lucas Oil Offroad racing series, you can be confident that I know the rules very well. I would suggest that you stay focased on your build and let me handle the rules and tech. ;)

Wow....rather than helping to explain the rules and allow others to see how the rule might be open to interpretation or have acceptable options, you belittle a fellow racer and basically state that it's your playground and we have to follow your rules.

You're like the Bill Savage of UTV's.

You're setting quite the example of un-biased and fair ruling by basically saying that it's my way or the highway :rolleyes:

...all while being a builder and a racer which seems to be a huge contradiction to what should be an objective 3rd party position.
Is the point to be worried about safety, or leaving it out and making the vehicle lighter since the weight restrictions are gone?? Clarification on the rule would be cool since I am curious now. We do it anyways for safety but would be interested to know really what the description means.
I am sorry I thought I did explain it. The rule says that a minimum of 1 diagonal brace is required in the roll cage. This section of the rule is very open to interpretation. The most common in the UTV class has been the same design as my Commander and Rhino.
Go to the BITD web site read the rule if you want to disscuss plz call me. Can't we all just get along:)
I am sorry I thought I did explain it. The rule says that a minimum of 1 diagonal brace is required in the roll cage. This section of the rule is very open to interpretation. The most common in the UTV class has been the same design as my Commander and Rhino.
Go to the BITD web site read the rule if you want to disscuss plz call me. Can't we all just get along:)

Well despite your delusions of "rock star status" not everybody is intimately familiar with your particular builds so the "explanation of, "The way I've built my past cars is acceptable" without visual representation isn't much of an explanation.

I would think that as a tech director, and a builder, you would be able to post specific examples of what is legal, safe, and common when it comes to interpreting a rule concerning cage design and safety.
stupid question what was the answer. did you need a diagnol bar or an X nobody has answered that part. or was that the scr34 rule i am confused

Is the point to be worried about safety, or leaving it out and making the vehicle lighter since the weight restrictions are gone?? Clarification on the rule would be cool since I am curious now. We do it anyways for safety but would be interested to know really what the description means.

the way the BITD rule book states it is very cut and dry it is on page 27 at this link

I am sorry I thought I did explain it. The rule says that a minimum of 1 diagonal brace is required in the roll cage. This section of the rule is very open to interpretation. The most common in the UTV class has been the same design as my Commander and Rhino.
Go to the BITD web site read the rule if you want to disscuss plz call me. Can't we all just get along:)
i read the website i really think YOU need to re read it there is more than ONE paragraph there.
Isn't this why Ricky Johnson let someone else run TORC? He wanted to race and as a owner/racer you shouldn't do both.
I will set up a live web cast with expert guests and we will discuss the rolll cage diagonal brace rule and what is acceptable in the BITD and Lucas Oil Offroad series, UTV class. Stay tuned for the date of this web cast.
We will not be building the commander this week. We will have one week off due to being out of town, and the build will resume Monday March 21st Live. Here are a few close up pictures of the frame being reinforced, and lower body rails.


  • murray racing utv commander fram supports.JPG
    murray racing utv commander fram supports.JPG
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  • murray racing utv commander frame 2.JPG
    murray racing utv commander frame 2.JPG
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  • murray racing utv commander rear frame.JPG
    murray racing utv commander rear frame.JPG
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  • Murray UTV commander fram 1917.JPG
    Murray UTV commander fram 1917.JPG
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Back at the build this week. Need to get the frame done by the end of the week, and we will have the live feed up for the whole process! Silver State is fast approaching. Lots of new builds happening now, looking forward to seeing the creativity.
Here are some pictures of the updates from the past 2 days. Check out the live feed over the next few days to see all the progress live!


  • murray utv racing commander rear.JPG
    murray utv racing commander rear.JPG
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  • 1917 utv commander front.JPG
    1917 utv commander front.JPG
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  • 1917 commander rear top.JPG
    1917 commander rear top.JPG
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  • 1917 utv frame top view.JPG
    1917 utv frame top view.JPG
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  • 1917 frame structure.JPG
    1917 frame structure.JPG
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Good luck with the build. Looking forward to seeing the completed project. Thanks for posting updated pics.
Almost done with the cage. Starting the suspension this week!

The entire build can be watched LIVE at the following links:

<a href=";current=IMGP0491.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href=";current=IMGP0511.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href=";current=IMGP0505.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href=";current=IMGP0513.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href=";current=1917framestructure-Copy.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Here are a few pictures of the front end of the #1917 race Commander.




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Less than 10 days to go on the build. Lots of work and live video to come for the debut at Silver State 300 on April 30th.

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