Laughlin Desert Classic

Did I just read that Marc Burnett is the best Driver in class 19 ? Isn't Ryhs Millen and in this class ?

My brother told me Guthrie had the field covered by more than 3 minutes on Sunday ? Is Fact or BS ? He likes to exaggerate.
I didn't know Rhys was racing utes. Yeah, he's badass. Not sure of his racing disciplines, but given the name, one has to assume that he's not racing on a shoestring budget, or without quality and experienced crew. If you are trying to bait me in saying marc is a better driver than Rhys, I'm not going there.
We are 3 or 4 races into the season, and I have yet to see his name on the leaderboard.
As I followed the laughlin race on race desert, I don't recall at any time, Saturday or Sunday, the lead car having any more than a 30 second gap on the field. So, either the racedezert feed was inaccurate, or yes, your brother was exagerrating by saying Guthrie had the field covered by 3 minutes.
For what it's worth, Marc's goal going into Sundays race was to keep the leader in his sight, and take care of the car, as he went into the day carrying a 50+ second advantage from the prior day. Because his cv's were knocking early on, he stepped it back even further. Marc claims to have had Guthrie in his sights the majority of the race, and said Guthrie was hammering his car hard. Make of it what you will but marc kept Guthrie in his sights while conserving his car. I believe that the 3 mph slower average speed on Sunday compared to Saturdays race reinforces that fact.
For what it's worth, Marc's goal going into Sundays race was to keep the leader in his sight, and take care of the car, as he went into the day carrying a 50+ second advantage from the prior day. Because his cv's were knocking early on, he stepped it back even further. Marc claims to have had Guthrie in his sights the majority of the race, and said Guthrie was hammering his car hard. Make of it what you will but marc kept Guthrie in his sights while conserving his car. I believe that the 3 mph slower average speed on Sunday compared to Saturdays race reinforces that fact.
Yeah cause the slower pace on a track that was completely beat to shit had nothing to do with that! LoL!
Yeah cause the slower pace on a track that was completely beat to shit had nothing to do with that! LoL!
Either you don't comprehend what you read, or you have a short term memory issue. I haven't quite figured it out yet.
I'll just respond to your implication by shooting a major hole right through the center of it. Since Marc was first off the line on Sunday, your "pace of the field" comment carries no weight as he was the field, as far as traffic is concerned.
Since Marc never drove the car above 75-80% on Saturday, there was plenty of car left to deal with a rougher course (which by day two, the familiarity the racers had with the track would cater to higher average speeds anyway) on Sunday.
Go ahead Sheakley, pack the barrel and fire another clumsy shot across my bow.
Either you don't comprehend what you read, or you have a short term memory issue. I haven't quite figured it out yet.
I'll just respond to your implication by shooting a major hole right through the center of it. Since Marc was first off the line on Sunday, your "pace of the field" comment carries no weight as he was the field, as far as traffic is concerned.
Since Marc never drove the car above 75-80% on Saturday, there was plenty of car left to deal with a rougher course (which by day two, the familiarity the racers had with the track would cater to higher average speeds anyway) on Sunday.
Go ahead Sheakley, pack the barrel and fire another clumsy shot across my bow.
Why would you ever think Sundays pace would have any chance of being faster than Saturday?
Again, your ability to listen to what you are reading is impaired. In Marc's case, the ability for him to lay down similar or higher average speeds on Sunday comes from the fact that HE ONLY DROVE THE CAR AT 75 % on Saturday. That alone would suffice the argument (because that's what you are starting here). Add in STARTING FIRST OF THE LINE on Sunday, where he started 4 rows back on Saturday, and being 4 TIMES MORE FAMILIAR WITH THE COURSE ON SUNDAY THAN HE WAS ON SATURDAY. Now, let that simmer for a bit and see if the recipe nets the desired result.
Since day 1, you've been negating my posts every chance you get, and it is getting old. Im over it dude. I dont know you, or even what you look like. I only know you as factery FMF. The jerk who is constantly trying to discredit my posts. Why don't you just take it up with Marc face to face. After all, that IS where your beef lies, no? I am sure that he would be happy to oblige you, but as far as riding me goes, please, give it a break. Our spats here serve no purpose to this forum other than you bullying me with the keyboard, and me smacking you back with the facts. So, I'll ask you for a second time since I returned to posting here, do you want to bury the Hatchett or not?
I was doing the splits on Sunday. And Marc was consistently behind Guthrie 14/15 seconds every lap. He also said over the radio, he was just cruzin.
After the race he said the axle started making noise into the 2nd turn off the start.
Again, your ability to listen to what you are reading is impaired. In Marc's case, the ability for him to lay down similar or higher average speeds on Sunday comes from the fact that HE ONLY DROVE THE CAR AT 75 % on Saturday. That alone would suffice the argument (because that's what you are starting here). Add in STARTING FIRST OF THE LINE on Sunday, where he started 4 rows back on Saturday, and being 4 TIMES MORE FAMILIAR WITH THE COURSE ON SUNDAY THAN HE WAS ON SATURDAY. Now, let that simmer for a bit and see if the recipe nets the desired result.
Since day 1, you've been negating my posts every chance you get, and it is getting old. Im over it dude. I dont know you, or even what you look like. I only know you as factery FMF. The jerk who is constantly trying to discredit my posts. Why don't you just take it up with Marc face to face. After all, that IS where your beef lies, no? I am sure that he would be happy to oblige you, but as far as riding me goes, please, give it a break. Our spats here serve no purpose to this forum other than you bullying me with the keyboard, and me smacking you back with the facts. So, I'll ask you for a second time since I returned to posting here, do you want to bury the Hatchett or not?
You can keep saying Marc drove 75% but that car wouldn't have gone another 15 miles either day.
Dude, you're so asinine! Now you're going to try and convince me and the attendees to this circus that you know Marc's UTE better than him. Just stop it already. There is no way to substantiate the claim you just made, so why make it? You'd make a horrible lawyer! So, are you going to start arguing with Thad now. After all, he is pretty much saying what I said. Thanks by the way Thad, for chiming in with information you know to be accurate. Look Justin, I only repeat what I hear from the horses mouth. I don't lie, manipulate, or distort the facts. Perhaps I do speculate more than you would like, but this is a public forum full of opinions. Get over it. Haven't you somewhere to be? It's 1:20 on a Tuesday afternoon.
I have to admit I enjoy watching Sheakley in the hot seat! My take is if Marc had Guthrie in his sights but was taking it easy and Guthrie was thrashing his car then Marc had the better car at least that day. The 500 is coming up........interesting to see if he can carry the momentum.
Pretty sure everyone thrashed their car this race to some degree or another. No one was cruising. Considering our UTV times placed us in front of some 6100 trucks I would say no front runner in the UTV class can claim they were going easy. Everyone knew it was a drag race and it was a game of who had the least failures.

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I'll just say that if someone was able to lay down faster laps on day 2 they they were not driving very hard day 1. Saturday was a rally race with a few rough sections, Sunday was a desert race! I do not think they graded it between days like they said they were going to. Maybe the infield.

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