Lake Elsinore GP

Blue Quisquis 2nd and Kayla Smith 3rd. In the stock Shannon pulled out a 4th in his very 1st race. Mike V broke a gear in his FNR box. Contrats to all the racers. I will post pics when get home.
big thanks to todd at HRT motorsports for my LT. it was like i was on rails:D. thanks rog to for your help. :D

also big thanks to chris at benchmark performance the car ran sweet:D thanks guys for the second plance finish

big thanks to todd at HRT motorsports for my LT. it was like i was on rails:D. thanks rog to for your help. :D

also big thanks to chris at benchmark performance the car ran sweet:D thanks guys for the second plance finish


Congrats to Brent, Blue, and the other racers.

Did you race your 4 seater Vince?

I also heard the former HRT short course Teryx was ripping until it lost a rear wheel. Sean, where's your race report? ;)

Did Tommy Lahood race the Rockstar Rhino?
1.5 laps and I lost a rear tire to end my race. I ran 85-90% for the first lap, Motor bogged off the line and was 4th for 3 minutes. has the carb issue handled before the next race. It's nice having the motor builder call you after a race to follow up on his handy work. We had 2nd place back under our belt before the water crossing 1/4 of a lap into it. That 840 motor was the fastest motor out there today by a long shot. I was pulling everybody in the straights.

For the first 9 minutes of the race I was sucking dust and couldn't see, couldn't really pick my lines trying to stay with the leader. By lap 1.5 I took a small swap off of some whoops on a tight part of the trail, and stuffed the drivers side rear wheel sidways into 3 foot wall. It wasn't that big of a hit and was suprized I lost the tire?...

I parked it and hear a kid running up to me, "You're tire hit my house and my dad is bringing it back up here."

"Thanks little guy, how's the house."

"It's OK."

What a good time. $150 to run down a city street at 60+MPH wide open, passing a 25mph speed limit sign in a residential area was well worth the entry fee. My anti-social lawless side was grinning ear to ear.

I had 2 practice sessions in the car before the start of the race today. The first one was when I pulled it into the trailer last night, and the second practice session was pulling it out of the trailer to the starting line today. Todd had the Flying Banana dialed in from the CORR Races in '08, and had it back together for me by today. Chris build a ridiculous motor this week, and I got to break it in... Thanks for getting the Banana done for the Lake Elsinore GP guys, I had a blast.

I'm sorry to report she will have a different paint scheme before next race, but she will still bleed Banana Yellow.

Pics in typical LORENZstudio fashion and a little on board video later this week.

"Did you race your 4 seater Vince? "

No maybe next year. Did not want to dent my new alum.

I raced my bike . That was the best course and most fun I have had in a local race cant wait till next year!

Did the UTV's go up the cement wall out of the river? How was that on four wheels? That big dent in the fence at the top was from a bike in the 4TH race he was stuck with the bike in the fence for two laps. EMT's were on the scene.

Will run my Rhino next year after it has a few scratches on it.
Sounds like fun! Great race report, Sean! How many UTV's entered the GP?
Right on Sean!!! Bummed to hear Mike V's R1 went down. Stoked Brent got a W!!!!! Great work to all!
great job to brent on the win.

Congrats to Blue for second in the upgraded teryx, HRT style.:) more to come on that.

Sorry about the wheel Sean, but glad you had fun and good to hear about the power of the Benchmark 840, remember I said watch out for the unexpected:eek: Suit, gloves fit OK?

thansk for the coverage Rusty

good job brent the old ride ran sweet:D Stoked kayla smith finished with a bent rim Great work thanks rog i already talked to chris we are going to work on some thing good:D:D
I think upwards of 20 or so UTVs entered? We lined up 3 wide and the field was fairly deep. 2/3rds the length of the stadium parking lot? I was to busy trying to stay calm on the line that I didn't get a real good look.

I didn't think I would get spun up and nervous at the line... So much for that, I had to make an effort to settle down. I thought I had enough "track experience" that the nerves would be shut off?... Yeh, didn't happen. I was excited! U4's wizzing by 20ft from my lens for the year didn't do the trick.

Cory do you still get excited at the green flag?

Biggs, the Dunes it is.

Rog, thanks for the suit, it fit great. We'll have the gloves back to you early this week...
I took some pictures but my computer is not working. I had to take them through a crack in a chain link fence. I think the GP really really show that the average rider would race if they had the opportunity. When is next GP and who is racing it?
You get down like that rusty "through a crack in a chain link fence". The next one is soboba gp in feb the hrt team will be there me todd and brandon I think is going to be $5,000 for first place
Cory do you still get excited at the green flag?

Yeah...I do.....I don't think that ever goes away - sometimes it's just worse than others. I still get that way racing MX too - on the starting gate - more so with MX, still, though.

Sounds like a nice turnout! Can't wait to see the pics!
That was really fun, never raced a UTV before. The rules were far from clear, They said suspension mods were OK for superstock as long as pivot points were stock. Other than safety stuff, my teryx is bone stock except for a funco bolt on susp kit and a muzzy pipe so I entered superstock. Won my class by quite a bit and I think second overall. Winning Mod had fastest lap of 8:59 and mine was 9:17 so probably had no chance of winning mod even if I started on their wave.

Anyone know if the event photographer has a website?

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