Is Cory Sappington and the UTVRA relevant?

I love how you all feel the need to bash Cory. The class is growing at a rapid rate and he needs help. The team has repeatedly asked for teams to come help tech, to come aid Cory in helping this class grow with the demand. NOT ONE of you has done all want to sit pretty with your teams in tech and talk shit and bust Cory's balls. He works his ass off making sure cars are safe and people are following rules that Casey himself helped write. Again not ONE of you is ever in tech helping! He loves this sport, he loves the teams, and you all know that if you walked into a Desert Toyz pit and needed something they would help if they could. OH and about the Can Am remark...Hello ignorant fools Can Am backs him. Of course he will stand by his all stand by yours don't you? Stop sitting around after every race bitching and moaning and actually offer your help, arrange a meeting for UTV teams, be productive for a change.

He isn't doing it for free. We all pay $30 per car at tech. I assume most of that is an expense, the rest is like a wage. Right? I am gonna say that there was some $5 fund, minus expenses, and there is probly $10 left out of that $30, per car. Its not a bad wage either, 50 cars went thru tech friday. I am not trying to kick him out, but the things that came out of his mouth Sunday morning, are not good. There needs to be some checks and balances put in place.

I am a factory racer and more interested in the class as a whole, rather than our own next build. What came out of his mouth is pure stupidity and disregard for over half of the class that helped him grow it, he thinks he grew it all on his own. All of the racers that came out with very little sponsors, because they love UTV's and the sport, are what grew this class, Cory told me that if they don't like racing against the turbo that they can go somewhere else and he has a box of tissue for them to take with them. I told him that was pathetic and i turned around and walked away.
The man has got us all so damn busy paying taxes while trying to make ends meet that I am sure it is as hard for everyone else as it is me to find more time to dedicate to heading this up. But i can afford a little.

Is there anyone out there that can put some time into this for a small wage? BajaXp? Nikal?

I think you guys are right, we would have to band together and turn SNORE into a big deal overnight. Sounds like SNORE would be pumped. If we all jam over to SNORE, I am sure the OEMS will follow.

I can do some, but i cant ignore my business and taking care of the kid. Taxes are a mfer.

Anyone else in? Post up or PM me.
The man has got us all so damn busy paying taxes while trying to make ends meet that I am sure it is as hard for everyone else as it is me to find more time to dedicate to heading this up. But i can afford a little.

Is there anyone out there that can put some time into this for a small wage? BajaXp? Nikal?

I think you guys are right, we would have to band together and turn SNORE into a big deal overnight. Sounds like SNORE would be pumped. If we all jam over to SNORE, I am sure the OEMS will follow.

I can do some, but i cant ignore my business and taking care of the kid. Taxes are a mfer.

Anyone else in? Post up or PM me.
This seems to be the only real
Solution but everyone needs to get on board to make it work for sure !
The man has got us all so damn busy paying taxes while trying to make ends meet that I am sure it is as hard for everyone else as it is me to find more time to dedicate to heading this up. But i can afford a little.

Is there anyone out there that can put some time into this for a small wage? BajaXp? Nikal?

I think you guys are right, we would have to band together and turn SNORE into a big deal overnight. Sounds like SNORE would be pumped. If we all jam over to SNORE, I am sure the OEMS will follow.

I can do some, but i cant ignore my business and taking care of the kid. Taxes are a mfer.

Anyone else in? Post up or PM me.

This is how you get there attention!! I'm still finishing my build and on the sidelines watching this thinking did I just piss away thirty grand getting my car ready to race? A glimmer of hope came along when I read the proposed rules by SNORE, I want to race in the big show but sometimes the big dogs are too arrogant to listen to us little people. What to change their minds real quick - get everyone to race one SNORE race and see who's calling who Monday mourning.
I have no problem with SNORE, raced with them several times and was fun!
I am torn between racing the rage at the river and Henderson. I was hoping to finish out with BITD as I am already a member and love racing Henderson, I won the race last time I raced it on my dirt bike ! With my 900 I am okay with racing against 1000's. But against the turbo's i'm not even close to the 90+ mph hit at past races so it takes the wind out of my sails for prepping and racing with multiple turbo cars. With one or two in the field it wasn't a big deal but now there will be quite a few at Henderson . I am now leaning towards Rage after reading this thread. That's my.02 cents.
I know that SNORE is coming to Kingman,az. soon! I have no idea of their track layout but, AZOP raced here not to long ago ( this year) and had a good little turn out. Good action all day long...good times for sure!
I have put together a list of the 2015 BITD Racers, It is a huge list, but we can add our email and phone numbers so we can keep this class heading in the direction it needs to be going.

Complaining is not going to solve anything, it is what it is, we all can learn from this and move forward.


The more I think about it, the less I fault Cory. Ya, he could be more transparent listening to concerns of racers, not make mid season rule changes. I'm sure he would handle it different if he got the chance to do it over. The result might not change and the turbos still run but everyone not up in arms. Cognito hasn't said exactly what Cory told him but our team owner called Cory and he said that he feels very good about everything Cory has decided and the direction Cory is moving forward. How many other people have actually had a one on one conversation with him? This is not to say that it would be bad to have more representation from the rest of the class, tech by BITD, and a rule that says no rule changes mid season. It has been his baby though and I don't blame him for feeling like a business owner that is facing a shareholder takeover. Maybe some emotions need to settle down, still band together and ask him to consider some changes to everything. Put forth a list of issues and have him respond to each item. He might be more sensible if it wasn't coming across as mutiny.

One funny thing about this class is that it is the premier utv class. You don't have to get a racing licence or qualify for the main event like many other forms of racing. You are free to run a disadvantaged car as long as it passes safety. No one is making you build a new car. There are always going to be those willing to pay the price to WIN. It doesn't matter if turbos, or bigger tires or whatever are in the picture. Sure a little guy building a car in his spare time on a maxed out credit card can win a race. That is part of the appeal. But regardless of how competitive he can build a car due to rules, he will still be out matched by teams that can put together skilled pit crews, huge spare part inventories, practice and test sessions with the best in the business. It is simply a fact that you have to pay to play at the top. So I guess if you can't handle the WHOLE package, a few rules won't make much difference anyway. Still it is fun to mix it up with the big dogs even if your have a small chance. I think Cory is trying to help it be the premier class that it is labeled as. That does mean keeping up with industry changes like turbos and tire sizes. Good things are coming for this class. Its just a bump in the road right now. So instead of being a back seat driver and just bitch about how he handled an obstacle, we should maybe take a que from the co-drivers out there and give Cory some input about various paths and the potential problems with each.

Johnny, you haven't met me yet but you did look at me funny once at the UTVWC. Probably jealous of my beard. Redlands Racing 1960. Part time co driver, builder and instigator of mischief.
I will start the list for the new guy in town. This again is all about the Turbo issue. I feel like everything else is part of racing. Tires, Safety, Wheelbase, Width and all the other rules will shift slightly over time. This motor/turbo issue is what will really hurt the grass root not backed racers. Having to buy a new turbo car or new factory turbo motor package every time the manufacturers make an improvement is the problem. This is what I care about as a Team Owner moving from another class to PRO UTV Top Level Whatever it is going to be called. I want to Race against the best factory guys and win with my grassroots team. Might be impossible, but I want to have a nearly fair chance when the year starts. I want my build to be based upon rules that are set for the season. Do well and then talk to manufacturers about becoming a factory team. That is my goal for my team, my racers and these are my questions...

1. If you have an NA Car, can you add a turbo? If so what are the rules, after market, factory sealed, OEM ECU, BITD ECU?

2. Does the vehicle have to be a ground up build based upon a turbo car to race with a Turbo?

3. If you have a factory Turbo Car, what is the plan for ECU and control to keep a level playing field. Factory ECU or BITD ECU Program?

4. If NA Cars cannot add a turbo, can we have a 1200cc Limit to allow for big bore and hardening?

So whomever has the chops to present, I appreciate your leadership and gathering and presenting these to Cory. I know my opinion will not pull any weight so I am asking for some representation when you go to Cory.
That needs to be sent to bill scheuler. I'm sure he will chime in here any time and give the correct email address. If not I know Justin and a few other have it.
I will start the list for the new guy in town. This again is all about the Turbo issue. I feel like everything else is part of racing. Tires, Safety, Wheelbase, Width and all the other rules will shift slightly over time. This motor/turbo issue is what will really hurt the grass root not backed racers. Having to buy a new turbo car or new factory turbo motor package every time the manufacturers make an improvement is the problem. This is what I care about as a Team Owner moving from another class to PRO UTV Top Level Whatever it is going to be called. I want to Race against the best factory guys and win with my grassroots team. Might be impossible, but I want to have a nearly fair chance when the year starts. I want my build to be based upon rules that are set for the season. Do well and then talk to manufacturers about becoming a factory team. That is my goal for my team, my racers and these are my questions...

1. If you have an NA Car, can you add a turbo? If so what are the rules, after market, factory sealed, OEM ECU, BITD ECU?

2. Does the vehicle have to be a ground up build based upon a turbo car to race with a Turbo?

3. If you have a factory Turbo Car, what is the plan for ECU and control to keep a level playing field. Factory ECU or BITD ECU Program?

4. If NA Cars cannot add a turbo, can we have a 1200cc Limit to allow for big bore and hardening?

So whomever has the chops to present, I appreciate your leadership and gathering and presenting these to Cory. I know my opinion will not pull any weight so I am asking for some representation when you go to Cory.

1. no you cant just add a turbo to an na car. you have to have the same engine also. the XPturbo engine is different than the xp1000 engine. I cant speak for the canam but i assume there is some different stuff internally.

2. as per the rules, as of jan 1st 2016, we could take our current na race car, remove the engine. trans, wire harness, ecu, plumbing, etc.... and replace it with stuff to turn it into an OE turbo car. The cost on all those parts is going to be $12-15k

3. This one seems to be questionable. i have heard 2 different answers from Cory so far.

4. the limit is 1000cc right now, i doubt they change it. It was said earlier by a Sappington that they want to keep people from have to put huge money into an na motor to compete. My arguement is it cost more to convert it to an OE turbo, and it costs even more to start over on a new build.

I urge you to call Cory and ask him these questions. He welcomes phone calls. you can get Corys email and business phone number. You can also pm me for Cory's cell number.
I say raise the Turbo cars minimum dry weight 200lbs and limit them to 30" tires. Increase the NA cars tire size to 32".

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^^^ Most forms of racing use either weight or a restrictor plate to level the field if there is a disparity. IMHO using tire size is not a great idea for other reasons.

It would seem from the outside that SNORE allowing a tire rule that does not conform to any other organization sounds odd. Why not keep all the rules/orgs standardized? Special interests?
Right now if i was 1 of 5 guys running a turbo car against 40 other NA cars, and i won a race with a turbo car, I wouldn't feel like i beat everyone fair and square. How could i be proud of that?
1. no you cant just add a turbo to an na car. you have to have the same engine also. the XPturbo engine is different than the xp1000 engine. I cant speak for the canam but i assume there is some different stuff internally.

2. as per the rules, as of jan 1st 2016, we could take our current na race car, remove the engine. trans, wire harness, ecu, plumbing, etc.... and replace it with stuff to turn it into an OE turbo car. The cost on all those parts is going to be $12-15k

3. This one seems to be questionable. i have heard 2 different answers from Cory so far.

4. the limit is 1000cc right now, i doubt they change it. It was said earlier by a Sappington that they want to keep people from have to put huge money into an na motor to compete. My arguement is it cost more to convert it to an OE turbo, and it costs even more to start over on a new build.

I urge you to call Cory and ask him these questions. He welcomes phone calls.
Ok thanks for the info. Looks like option 2 for us. I talked to Brian our builder and he can make it work. Going to buy turbo car and cut it up. We are going to call Cory, confirm and get it going. Thanks again. Will let everyone know how it goes... We are going to take a 2015 xp4 1000 and put 2016 rzr turbo drive train in it. Should be fun puzzle for Brian...

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Ok thanks for the info. Looks like option 2 for us. I talked to Brian our builder and he can make it work. Going to buy turbo car and cut it up. We are going to call Cory, confirm and get it going. Thanks again. Will let everyone know how it goes... We are going to take a 2015 xp4 1000 and put 2016 rzr turbo drive train in it. Should be fun puzzle for Brian...

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You should think about waiting till the xpturbo 4 seat comes out, I assume they are going to release one. Otherwise you would have to race in unlimited.

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You should think about waiting till the xpturbo 4 seat comes out, I assume they are going to release one. Otherwise you would have to race in unlimited.

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Wait what? I can't race 2016 Pro UTV with xp4 with new power from 2 seat turbo? I need it to be based upon a 4 seat car?

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