Is Cory Sappington and the UTVRA relevant?

nobody has the balls to take a well delivered plan to casey and show how they can grow the utv class bigger and better then corey and the utvra. we are all being chair racers in that case. Some group of guys step up to the plate, matt parks, cognito, rusty, joey, bill, all it takes is time and money how much can you spare to run another company with a bunch of cry babies.
Who wouldn't want to make $2000 in a 10 hour shift?
you could charge more then that
nobody has the balls to take a well delivered plan to casey and show how they can grow the utv class bigger and better then corey and the utvra. we are all being chair racers in that case. Some group of guys step up to the plate, matt parks, cognito, rusty, joey, bill, all it takes is time and money how much can you spare to run another company with a bunch of cry babies.
you could charge more then that

True story............

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Who wouldn't want to make $2000 in a 10 hour shift?
It's $30 per car, and he had plenty of expenses that eat some of that up I am sure. He had a couple helpers plus some special tools, plus $5 of the $30 is some sort of payback.

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Tech on Friday and Photos on Saturday. Sign me up. Hahahaha

Side note. I do not care about his comments. I don't think it was bad. If he made these comments in an official press release, than I can see where people could be upset.

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His comments weren't "bad" at all. But his comments also don't support his argument of being a non-biased factory backed competitor.
No, not a BITD racer but support a bunch of them. The facebook post was completely unprofessional and shows clear bias. You just can't have that coming from a sports judge and jury. Saw that post and just said WOW...
nobody has the balls to take a well delivered plan to casey and show how they can grow the utv class bigger and better then corey and the utvra. we are all being chair racers in that case. Some group of guys step up to the plate, matt parks, cognito, rusty, joey, bill, all it takes is time and money how much can you spare to run another company with a bunch of cry babies.
you could charge more then that

EHHHH.. Actually myself along with other racers, factory reps and promotors sat down about 3 years ago and spent countless hours and OUR OWN MONEY to create an association that would have fully eliminated this BS. So you can back my name right on out of that comment. I did my part and no one supported us (a few did and WORCS helped themselves to our rules).
I think you missed the point Levi or you just don't see the conflict of interest having a competitor, factory backed, tell you what you and the rest of the class can and can't do. I don't question Cory's integrity, he's an amazing person, but your points above bring out a lot of the frustration many share and the inconsistencies that do surround our class and how the rules are created and enforced.

What is good, and we may lose if there was a stricter committee or BITD takes on tech, is the personal touch in how Cory does or doesn't allow one to race. I can't recall if he has ever not let someone race because of failing tech? I have seen guys race with opening doors, cardboard panels instead of sheet-metal, too small of tubing, etc etc. The cool part is he can see something and say "hey, fix it for next race" and thats great in a growing class with new racers but how is that fair to the guys like you who have followed the rules to a T??? Should the Murray's have been able to race a vehicle years ago that Cory built that showed up late to the start line and had cardboard filling a kick panel??? Should anyone be allowed to race with a bolt on cage and opening doors when the rules stated that was not ok?? These are things that need to be addressed and its not from my end a DIG at Cory, its just he is the guy at the center of all this so he is in the position to take the criticism.

The point I think many are trying to make is that the class is bigger and has evolved and isn't just a small little add on class to the series. Its the biggest class in the sport right now. Do you think Trophy Truck would allow Pistol Pete to make the rules, enforce the rules, dictate the class structure, etc for their class??? HELL NO! Its time we start acting like the biggest class in off-road. It doesn't mean Cory "HAS TO GO", it just means that the class as a whole needs to be a part of the decision making progress and the class as a whole needs to be the ones to make this decision.
This thread is SUCH BS!!! When I was racing my Polaris I had a couple light tubes as well as some that were a little too small according to the rules and it was never an issue. My numbers were not the correct size and I was just kinda warned about them. Now with a new CanAm build he got crazy strict on following the rules. E.G. in by back window I had two 1 1/4" bars instead of the the one 1 1/2" as required. he saw pictures of the build on my FB and called telling me to cut it out and change it to 1 1/2" or I would have to race sportsman even though my design was stronger then one rules are rules. Even Marc Burnett has two smaller bars on his car that is new this season but is allowed to compete in our class and he is Polaris Factory backed.
So now I run a CanAm and am graded to the extreme... seems to contradict your opinion that he is bias. I want to complain that he let Marc run a car not built exactly per the rules but enforced it on me.. .haha.
I am just so confused by Matt Parks super butt hurt attitude towards the "dictator" thing here. Unless you are trying to cheat what's the issue??!!!

If Polaris wants to tech all the CanAm's out there next to Cory I'll be the first in line to let you tear into my motor or check my ecu settings. There's no problem because I'm not trying to cheat.

Matt... What has Cory done to get the "dictator" title that you feel is unfair to Polaris over CanAm?? Has he ever failed a JX Car from racing in the pro class? Did he make rules that favor CanAm?

I think you guys are just pissed that it's harder to cheat now and don't have someone you can pay off to let things slip in. Big statements but just don't see the issue here unless he is taking you out of our class for something you feel should be legal or if your trying to slip something through the cracks.
I believe you are missing the point

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This thread is SUCH BS!!! When I was racing my Polaris I had a couple light tubes as well as some that were a little too small according to the rules and it was never an issue. My numbers were not the correct size and I was just kinda warned about them. Now with a new CanAm build he got crazy strict on following the rules. E.G. in by back window I had two 1 1/4" bars instead of the the one 1 1/2" as required. he saw pictures of the build on my FB and called telling me to cut it out and change it to 1 1/2" or I would have to race sportsman even though my design was stronger then one rules are rules. Even Marc Burnett has two smaller bars on his car that is new this season but is allowed to compete in our class and he is Polaris Factory backed.
So now I run a CanAm and am graded to the extreme... seems to contradict your opinion that he is bias. I want to complain that he let Marc run a car not built exactly per the rules but enforced it on me.. .haha.
I am just so confused by Matt Parks super butt hurt attitude towards the "dictator" thing here. Unless you are trying to cheat what's the issue??!!!

If Polaris wants to tech all the CanAm's out there next to Cory I'll be the first in line to let you tear into my motor or check my ecu settings. There's no problem because I'm not trying to cheat.

Matt... What has Cory done to get the "dictator" title that you feel is unfair to Polaris over CanAm?? Has he ever failed a JX Car from racing in the pro class? Did he make rules that favor CanAm?

I think you guys are just pissed that it's harder to cheat now and don't have someone you can pay off to let things slip in. Big statements but just don't see the issue here unless he is taking you out of our class for something you feel should be legal or if your trying to slip something through the cracks.

You clearly missed the point it, but you found your way and expressed the very issues everyone is having with how the rules change and exceptions are made and I have never been involved in a class where rules hanged through out the season! And the tech guy has a huge conflict of interest not to mention doesn't enact to listen to the racers concerns about what makes this class what it is today. Other threads and face book posts clearly show this crap has the class in danger of losing entries. Others are already taking about going to SNORE or MORE to race. How professional
Of you to accuse honest racers of cheating and buying there way out of it.
It is sad that the powers being can't see how this is effecting this class and make this right. Once again these issues have put a hold on my build because I don't know the true direction this class is going. Should I build a turbo car only to be moved to unlimited class with less car counts or a N/A car while turbos are still allowed with no changes allowed to my car except a very expensive motor swap if my year car will mate to new motor? I feel for the individuals that have builds in the works or just completed a build.

I do agree that decisions for this class should be made by a committee. I don't know Cory personally but have read he has done great things for the growth of the UTV class. That being said I feel the growth of this class has grown beyond a 1 person decides all.

As far as the "dictator" comment I assume Cory has received praise in the past for his work within this class, but with praise one shall be able to hear the criticism or disagreement from another. If he can't take the opposition and wants to fly his way only, then yes I would call it a dictatorship. I question once again how many builds are on hold because of the turmoil with the rules? I bet quite a few...This class needs to keep the counts up and should not divide.

The Turbo rules were decided and what is done is done! I understand a person spending money building a turbo car to run in the Pro Production class as well as a person spending money building a N/A car to run in the Pro Production before turbos were allowed. All have time and money invested. Should the Turbo guys move to unlimited class with smaller car counts? How is that fair? Should N/A cars continue to be racing against turbo cars with no changes allowed to them? How is that fair? Again to me it is simple, allow the N/A cars to upgrade with aftermarket turbos, this should level the playing field without a huge cost to the teams. The 1000cc engine rule still applies. Please explain why this would not be good for the class? The car counts would remain and most likely increase.

ON a side note congrats to Cognito on their win! Non turbo car... go figure!! old saying "You must first finish to finish first"
hey how about all the none turbo guys move to the unlimited class since the Pro Class is Production Fastest latest greatest cars ?
Crickets....................................Johnny, you old codger. What a paradigm shift that was! Now, there's smoke billowing out of my ears.

You SOB, you did make the race, and came out smelling like a rose. You always find a way to deliver. You are the man (albeit, an old one).
So apparently I need to try and be more clear about what I am trying to say..... There's obviously some kinda haters club out there and I'm not any part of that. Cory has dedicated years of hard work, volunteering, and money out of pocket to help create this class into what it is today. Like the post was trying to say earlier there is no "dictatorship" here and the class and rules are created from the class. When I race another sanction group they don't check much and I could probably run 35's through tech without someone batting an eye. We have a separate utv tech with bitd that actually takes the time and effort. Personally I cant thank Cory enough for convincing Casey to get him race that Rhino ten years ago and all the time he has spent with the ever changing class to try and keep it a good fair fight on the track.
I love how you all feel the need to bash Cory. The class is growing at a rapid rate and he needs help. The team has repeatedly asked for teams to come help tech, to come aid Cory in helping this class grow with the demand. NOT ONE of you has done all want to sit pretty with your teams in tech and talk shit and bust Cory's balls. He works his ass off making sure cars are safe and people are following rules that Casey himself helped write. Again not ONE of you is ever in tech helping! He loves this sport, he loves the teams, and you all know that if you walked into a Desert Toyz pit and needed something they would help if they could. OH and about the Can Am remark...Hello ignorant fools Can Am backs him. Of course he will stand by his all stand by yours don't you? Stop sitting around after every race bitching and moaning and actually offer your help, arrange a meeting for UTV teams, be productive for a change.
I love how you all feel the need to bash Cory. The class is growing at a rapid rate and he needs help. The team has repeatedly asked for teams to come help tech, to come aid Cory in helping this class grow with the demand. NOT ONE of you has done all want to sit pretty with your teams in tech and talk shit and bust Cory's balls. He works his ass off making sure cars are safe and people are following rules that Casey himself helped write. Again not ONE of you is ever in tech helping! He loves this sport, he loves the teams, and you all know that if you walked into a Desert Toyz pit and needed something they would help if they could. OH and about the Can Am remark...Hello ignorant fools Can Am backs him. Of course he will stand by his all stand by yours don't you? Stop sitting around after every race bitching and moaning and actually offer your help, arrange a meeting for UTV teams, be productive for a change.

I agree the class is growing rapidly that is why there need to be consistent rules, not changing mid way through the season. I am on the outside trying to figure what route I should go. If turbos are to stay in pro production then I will build a turbo machine. I don't want to build something and be obsolete before I get to first race. I also don't want to be in a class and then be sent to another class with less entries or because cars that don't have turbos are sent to another class. AGAIN car counts should be kept up if at all possible. I did give my opinion on what I think should happen, maybe review and advise.

I do believe there was a meeting of the teams to discuss the future of this class and rules. What came of this meeting and what was decided? I have been through Tech to many times to count, I do know it is a thankless job, so let me be the first to thank Cory for his help in TECH, but do feel the class has grown to a point that needs more representation. I have no problems getting involved once I build my car, just need to know the direction this class is going. I choose this class for the car count and manufacture backing, no other class has this at this time unless you want to go TT but very limited manufacture backing and spending 500K for vehicle and another 1 million+ to run just to be competitive is something I choose not to do at this time.
I don't think the issue is that Cory's contribution isn't recognized or appreciated.... on the contrary I think agreement is unanimous. There is really only one issue and one issue only......Cory won't accept a committe to make rules and manage the class he wants to fly solo and most of the class isn't having it. If he did that I'm sure the tech issues and others would fade.
There is really only one issue and one issue only......Cory won't accept a committe to make rules and manage the class he wants to fly solo and most of the class isn't having it. If he did that I'm sure the tech issues and others would fade.

This is spot on! When the UTVRA was originally started there were 3 people that founded it so there would be a committee. Due to the difference of opinions and unwillingness to work for the common good 2 of the founding members left to let Cory have his way.

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