I think you missed the point Levi or you just don't see the conflict of interest having a competitor, factory backed, tell you what you and the rest of the class can and can't do. I don't question Cory's integrity, he's an amazing person, but your points above bring out a lot of the frustration many share and the inconsistencies that do surround our class and how the rules are created and enforced.
What is good, and we may lose if there was a stricter committee or BITD takes on tech, is the personal touch in how Cory does or doesn't allow one to race. I can't recall if he has ever not let someone race because of failing tech? I have seen guys race with opening doors, cardboard panels instead of sheet-metal, too small of tubing, etc etc. The cool part is he can see something and say "hey, fix it for next race" and thats great in a growing class with new racers but how is that fair to the guys like you who have followed the rules to a T??? Should the Murray's have been able to race a vehicle years ago that Cory built that showed up late to the start line and had cardboard filling a kick panel??? Should anyone be allowed to race with a bolt on cage and opening doors when the rules stated that was not ok?? These are things that need to be addressed and its not from my end a DIG at Cory, its just he is the guy at the center of all this so he is in the position to take the criticism.
The point I think many are trying to make is that the class is bigger and has evolved and isn't just a small little add on class to the series. Its the biggest class in the sport right now. Do you think Trophy Truck would allow Pistol Pete to make the rules, enforce the rules, dictate the class structure, etc for their class??? HELL NO! Its time we start acting like the biggest class in off-road. It doesn't mean Cory "HAS TO GO", it just means that the class as a whole needs to be a part of the decision making progress and the class as a whole needs to be the ones to make this decision.