All I hear is a lot of talk.. but will the class actually do something or just complain? You either get together now or just take your direction and pipe down!
Exactly! Step up or Shut up! My bet is they all shut up.
Joey, how do you expect us (racers) as individuals , to make something happen. All that can be done, is call Cory, or maybe Cassey (which I truely think that he does not give a crap), and voice our opinion. Cory has already said that nothing is going to change.
It's easy! First off you all get in contact with each other. Should not be hard, start PM'img each other for phone #'s, and then start sharing phone #'s with others who might not be on here. Then when you get 20 - 25 regulars who race every race
you all ban together and you go directly to Casey Folks, and tell him you want a change.
(You better have a plan though as Casey is not going to have one off the top of his head.)
You can even get everyone to sign a letter, so for those who cant go in person they can still show support and have a voice, and show Casey there is more then a few demanding change. This letter could be posted on the forums, and sent to people like Mad Media as they promote the Mint 400 which is run by BITD. Send it to everyone.
You tell Casey you want BITD to start tech inspecting UTV's like they do with all other classes. You tell Casey you feel having someone
not just Cory that is a racer with or without manufacture sponsorship, that they should not be tech'ing and in charge of making & enforcing rules as it is a huge "Conflict or Interest". And ethics can and have been thrown into question in the past. Then ask Casey if any other class has tech and rule enforcement run by someone who races in the same class? So why does the UTV class? Tell Casey you appreciate what Corey has done for the class and sport, but as this class has grown into one if not the largest classes in BITD that you feel its time this class is run by the series and not a single person. You also tell Casey that the Racers want a UTV committee that is outside of BITD & Score and that this committee will be a panal that is voted in by the racers and its this committee that will speak and work with BITD & Score to evaluate the rules and health of the UTV class.
Now when Casey say's this is not going to happen guys! You better be prepared to have an ultimatum and you better tell him and stick with it to show him you will not let your class be run by one person and jeopardize your investment in the sport. Your threat could be to Boycott the next race, it could be that you will enter in the Sportsmen Buggy class where Cory has no Jurisdiction.
Also I think anyone with some form of sponsorship either with a manufacture or with a reputable parts supplier (Like Lone Star) you have them call or e-mail Casey and tell him that they support their racers and if he does not consider their demands, that they will no longer support teams running in his series. That they will request that their sponsored teams either race Score or even some SNORE races.
This is how the individual teams do it! You network behind the scenes and you Ban together!
Or you can come on here and bitch for a week after a race and then go radio silence until the next race like you all have for the past year.