Yamaha i need more umf...


New Member
here's the deal. i have a stock 08 700 rhino that is a four seater with full cage,seats,cooler and dont forget my fat a$$.

im looking to get a little bit more power out of this but not sure what i could do some what cheap and get the best gains.

i was thinking just a slip on hmf pipe and a msd cdi but dont know any other options. so who's got the low down on some cost efective power?

Intake, Exhaust, and CDI/fuel controller....Contact Black Rhino or Rhino Parts and Performance. Both offer members discounts!!
Unfortunatley I havent even driven a 700 so I couldnt tell you either way which is the best brand to go??
I think that the MSD is a cdi and fuel controller in one also 1BDDELX has a sheave and a diff primary spring with the diff tip and it RUNS for a 700. I don't know all the details but I know that will give you some get up and go

You should hit him up super cool guy and I'm sure he will let u in on his secrets
Don't give him to much credit it goes to his head !!! Lol J/K Jeff you know your rides bad. I know he doesn't have the MSD but I know the new MSD set-up is one unit instead of 2 like what Jeff has. His rhino hooks up off the line like I wish mine did, I have seen in vid his front wheels off the ground my just spools up off the line. Def hit him up
:confused: You are saying that there is a cheap way to do things with a rhino...... I thought they added more of a mark up cause its a SXS !

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