Sounding board before i pull the trigger


New Member
So sold my old Rhino, and looking to get something way sportier. Looking at doing some dez racing (stock NA class, either the DP4 or Ave Series).

Narrowed it down to either the XP1000 or Wildcat XX. Looks like either vehicle I will need 5 pt harness, windows nets, roof, race radio, fire suppression, lights (rear light bar and better lights for night races) and a GPS.

On the Wildcat XX I will also need to add a second latching system to the door..

On the XP1000 looks like I will need to replace the cage and doors.

XP1000 I can get a 19' for 18k OTD, Wildcat XX 21k OTD.

XP1000 has more aftermarket support, Wildcat has next to none, though from what Ive read online doesnt really need much as its supposed to rip out of the box. I will also go do some fun rides with the wife out in the dez and trails.

Other option is wait till April when the Talon comes out.

Any thoughts or advice? Right now I am torn, but leaning slightly towards the Wildcat XX....
I am not a desert racer but I'll chime in since no one else has. I would probably go with the RZR or an X3. Probably the X3 because of the wheelbase. Being new to them the support they have would be very helpful. Everyone knows what it takes to make them competitive and you should not have any issues getting the shocks dialed. I don't even know who I would go to for shock tuning on the Wildcat (assuming you can't do it yourself).
There was actually a couple videos (main reason I started looking into the Textrons) that Shock Therapy did, talking about the Wildcat, then they took it and pre-ran the 500 in it, with a group of build SxS, and flogged on it. Spring change and re-valve is what they are recommending on the suspension.

The X3 looks nice with the wheel base, but its s turbo car, which takes me out of the NA class and would put me against cars like the X3 RS and the Rzr S...
My bad. I was not thinking about the turbo. A guy that races against me has the wildcat. It is impressive to look at. Having less support for it scares me a little though.
The Wildcat XX is a really nice car. It will need a lot less to be ready to race versus the XP1000. Problem is all the bugs on the Wildcat XX in race trim have not been figured out. The XP1000 all the known issues have a solution.

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