Excerpts from the JoeyD Build Thread........

Re: JoeyD Rhino Build

No problem Blake - I just wanted to make sure no one got the idea that our kits run hot......in case anyone was reading this who might have taken what you said out of context.....
Re: JoeyD Rhino Build

ok im done with you, dont speak my name anymore... your off my radar! always startin shit!! ill make sure to think of ya while riding in OW today!!! and as for the pro shop, of course i rep my sponsors, i dont look for new ones every month......

im not starting poop I just like to point of the bullpoop no matter who it is. I dont have any sponsors- I have friends.

go smoke a bowl- let your head(ego) come back to normal and be on a equal level with everyone else and you might be a decent guy blake- you do have your moment but they are rare. you dont always have to be the best of the coolest dude- you get what I am saying?

again have fun in OW thinking of me- I will have fun working making $$
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Re: JoeyD Rhino Build

they run hot unless its got extra cooling and oil cooler. is it a 727 or 734? how big you going? they are fast but IMO not the best dune setup. pure race power though!!!! that was a hidden dig at mike from our summer run after he beat mark, he beat him but then had top let it cool down after 1 run, hes got it dialed now though.

here is my orig post kyle. it even says mikes name, it even explains that it was a joke at mike. and then i say it makes pure race power!! thats a compliment!! if your too stupid to see that then damn.... maybe you shouldnt comment on something YOU were NOT even there for.... it was a joke for the people that were there, mind your own biz for once. NEVER did i back pedal!!!! i stand by what i said, MOST race motors whether pro shop, benchmark, fundy, weller, alba etc are for the most part a lil to aggressive for the sand in the long run, thats all i said....and im still saying it!!!!
Re: JoeyD Rhino Build

im not starting shit I just like to point of the bullshit no matter who it is. I dont have any sponsors- I have friends.

go smoke a bowl- let your head(ego) come back to normal and be on a equal level with everyone else and you might be a decent guy blake- you do have your moment but they are rare. you dont always have to be the best of the coolest dude- you get what I am saying?

nope!! cuz all i was doing was joking with my FRIENDS and then you stuck your foot in your mouth. that statement is pure bs.. i never say anything even remotely close to what you are claiming.. im far from the best or the coolest, your arrogance/ignorance is astounding!!!!
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Re: JoeyD Rhino Build

OK Boys!!!!! You both got it out of your systems!!!! Blake go load up...LOL
Re: JoeyD Rhino Build

No problem Blake - I just wanted to make sure no one got the idea that our kits run hot......in case anyone was reading this who might have taken what you said out of context.....

of course not corry, i was trying to razz mike a lil, thats all!
Re: JoeyD Rhino Build

here is my orig post kyle. it even says mikes name, it even explains that it was a joke at mike. and then i say it makes pure race power!! thats a compliment!! if your too stupid to see that then damn.... maybe you shouldnt comment on something YOU were NOT even there for.... it was a joke for the people that were there, mind your own biz for once. NEVER did i back pedal!!!! i stand by what i said, MOST race motors whether pro shop, benchmark, fundy, weller, alba etc are for the most part a lil to aggressive for the sand in the long run, thats all i said....and im still saying it!!!!

i thought this was- but whatever Blake- most guys know how you are- and yes most guys know that im an asshole; but I would rather be an asshole any day then to be arrogant selfish self centered conceited stuck up tyrant. grow up dude !

yeah ive seen that motor at olds. well sitting and cooling off.LOL
No need to continue - Blake you know you’re my boy but your cockiness brings you down a bit.
to tell you the truth I really don’t have to much room to talk because I was like you. it took my brother and some close friends to show me- me and my brother got in a fight and didnt talk to him for a long time until I finally realized everything of what he and everyone else was saying was true.

yes im an asshole still but I dont take stabs at people that dont deserve it or think that Im on a higher level then anyone- My biggest reality check was that we are all equals in this world. some just have better rhinos then others. lol
No need to continue - Blake you know you’re my boy but your cockiness brings you down a bit.
to tell you the truth I really don’t have to much room to talk because I was like you. it took my brother and some close friends to show me- me and my brother got in a fight and didnt talk to him for a long time until I finally realized everything of what he and everyone else was saying was true.

yes im an asshole still but I dont take stabs at people that dont deserve it or think that Im on a higher level then anyone- My biggest reality check was that we are all equals in this world. some just have better rhinos then others. lol

i dont think that way period, funny grow up, i think im 7 years older than you,,LOL iwas 25 once too, remember? you were like me? funny!! ive noticed negative comments youve made about me going back atleast a year. the one about the dune tour really pissed me off. but i dont get online and argue everytime somebody says something i dont like, you do!!! i let that shit go waaay too long, im over it, you and all your bs comments all the time. dont quote me EVER again!!!! i wont respond to ANY thread you are in also, thats why i dont post that much anymore, the BS you suck everybody into is lame and im done.. comment back to this if youd like but i will NEVER respond to one of your posts again, please have enough respect to do the same!!! if i was your boy you wouldnt have said shit many times before as well.. that bridge burned long ago!!!
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to tell you the truth I really don’t have to much room to talk because I was like you. it took my brother and some close friends to show me- me and my brother got in a fight and didnt talk to him for a long time until I finally realized everything of what he and everyone else was saying was true.

yes im an asshole still but I dont take stabs at people that dont deserve it or think that Im on a higher level then anyone- My biggest reality check was that we are all equals in this world. some just have better rhinos then others. lol

mad respect for this post.

we all get on each others nerves from time to time, but we've all got each others back when it matters. were kinda like family.:eek:
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Poop on this thread!! Its full of Horsepucky!! You two Maggots need to go finish this in the dunes!!! sheesh!
i dont think that way period, funny grow up, i think im 7 years older than you,,LOL iwas 25 once too, remember? you were like me? funny!! ive noticed negative comments youve made about me going back atleast a year. the one about the dune tour really pissed me off. but i dont get online and argue everytime somebody says something i dont like, you do!!! i let that shit go waaay too long, im over it, you and all your bs comments all the time. dont quote me EVER again!!!! i wont respond to ANY thread you are in also, thats why i dont post that much anymore, the BS you suck everybody into is lame and im done.. comment back to this if youd like but i will NEVER respond to one of your posts again, please have enough respect to do the same!!! if i was your boy you wouldnt have said shit many times before as well.. that bridge burned long ago!!!

cool- blake
age is just a number blake- remember that. give respect to receive respect.

just know that the vibe you though off is completey FAKE!

maybe you should stop and think- why do I get negative comments? and then try grow from it. also open your eyes- it not just me that has a comment every now and then- they might just not want to post it.

Have fun in OW. Be safe- dirt hurts more then sand so no cart rolling
mad respect for this post.

we all get on each others nerves from time to time, but we've all got each others back when it matters. were kinda like family.:eek:

for sure- I think I talk to you guys more then my own family- so yeah we all can get on each other nerves - some more then others.
cool- blake
age is just a number blake- remember that. give respect to receive respect.

just know that the vibe you though off is completey FAKE!
What? in English please..... oh you mean throw. i dont even know what vibe that is? reggae vibe?

maybe you should stop and think- why do I get negative comments? and then try grow from it. also open your eyes- it not just me that has a comment every now and then- they might just not want to post it.
thats probably true, some are more tactful..

Have fun in OW. Be safe- dirt hurts more then sand so no cart rolling
Thanks i will, i think the first time i went there with my first 50cc you werent even a gleam in pops eye yet....:D

couldn't help it, i know i said last post, but that was just too damn easy for me..... im out!!!!!
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Thanks i will, i think the first time i went there with my first 50cc you werent even a gleam in pops eye yet....:D

couldn't help it, i know i said last post, but that was just too damn easy for me..... im out!!!!!
Ok I will spell it out for you - you are F A K E - most guys that know you can see this.
And there you go again with some stupid shit on age-oh you were riding before I was born! Your so COOL Blake!! How do you do it?? It’s got to suck that this 24 year old punk ass little boy is doing better then you huh? Bring some stupid shit into I will too. Looks like you’re going far in life Blake, so keep it up. I’m sure you will make it one day once you change your view on life. What’s too damn easy-for others to pick you apart to see who you really are?? I have no problem admitting that I'm an ass- I just am waiting to here you say that you are better then everyone else. Come on Blake I know you think it and your remarks tend to reflect it; so come out and say it. I’m the best, my free car is the best, everyone else sucks, everyone should thank me for whatever, and always help me even if I don’t help or say thank you, I'm so fast, I'm older then you- blah blah blah. All shit! Get that head of yours a little bigger. Sooner or later you realize were all your old friends went and why is it that they all can’t stand the way you are sometimes. How’s that for being tactful??
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