CBS Evening NEWS - Katie Couric - RHINO story!!

Maybe I should send a response in about Code on how I pulled him from racing MX (at the age of 12) to race Rhinos because they're safer...that move would probably get CPS called on me lol

Joey, you need to get Trevor to send in a repsonse about Kyla.
Wasnt hard for them to find video footage of wrecks, just go to youtube...were our own worst enemy sometimes.
Anyone going to video this brodcast so we can play it here for those that miss it? I left my Vid camera at work...I may try with my crackberry storm......I am hopeing they atleast make mention to the fact that there is another take on the Rhino.
One Sided all the way....very dissapointing.....Not surprise however. Their split second clip of the 1 supporter is not going to help us. Neither is the use of their videos which clearly show driver error. The guy on the pavement tried to hammer the gas like a moron.

This is what we are up against so get your battle gear on!! We need to fight the system!
630 it will be on in a minute...
It's just too bad there has to be people who do not know how to take resposibility and use common sense with riding! Come on... my kids have been riding in side x sides since they were a year old... i care about my kids and take caution when off roading with them. All our family memories having to do with off roading are ones we will never forget...
They need to do a story on the positive side and let people know that not just any ding dong should run out and think he or she can drive these vehicles!!!
Katie Couric bugs me anyways... she probably doesn't now what real fun is....
Yep....I saw it too. I agree that we are our own worst enemies sometimes, with the Youtube stuff. What it didn't show you is that the kid who lost his hand was driving a 4-seater (I know many of you have them, but with the heavier cage and seat mounted high in the's far from a production machine!)....

Hey - at least they never said the word "recall"!
That was bad. I hate to see stuff like this. Leave it to pathetic people with no ability to ruin it for everyone. I would love to see these gerks ride a bike, or a skateboard. If they were to ride a skateboard and hit a small rock they would sue the skateboard manufactuer for making the wheels to small. I want to pull that guys hand off and smack him with it.
Curtesy of SideXSideTV.Com

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Cory you should talk to CBS, you are the perfect rhino spokesperson... have them do a "real truth about the rhino"
I am not sensational enough, and I don't even KNOW any lawyers....they wouldn't give me the time of day! Now....maybe if we stage a nude protest....haha!! :eek::D
Thank you for posting this Corry!

Breaking News

"Safety drives everything we do at Yamaha. We are proud of the safety record and safety features of the Yamaha Rhino, which has skyrocketed in popularity due to its exceptional reliability, safety and versatility.

Over 150,000 Rhino owners have used the vehicles safely, including the U.S. military, border patrol, and a growing number of law enforcement agencies, fire fighters and other first responders. In fact, more than 99 percent of Rhino owners have operated their vehicles safely and responsibly over millions of hours of use. The Rhino has won virtually every “first in class” award and top safety ratings in independent reviews since its introduction.

The popularity of the Rhino, and the fact that it represents a new category of off-road motorized vehicles, has made it a target for some plaintiffs’ lawyers who increasingly use the Internet, television advertisements and the news media to attract clients. As the first trial dates approach in personal injury litigation in various courts, some law firms have embarked on a misleading publicity campaign to influence potential jurors and/or the outcomes of these cases, and to solicit potential clients. Yamaha will properly deal with these cases in the courtroom based on all the relevant evidence and a fair opportunity to be heard.

Unfortunately, these law firms successfully convinced CBS News to help further their disingenuous publicity campaign, and the network aired a story on the Rhino that included inaccurate, incomplete and false information.

To begin with, CBS featured an incident involving Justin Miller, but failed to mention that Mr. Miller was driving a heavily modified Rhino. As the photo of that Rhino posted on CBS’s own website reveals and the investigating officer testified — the Rhino Miller was driving had an extended cage structure, and what looks to be a back seat bolted to the rear cargo bed. The vehicle’s owner signed a waiver for his purchase of a “Custom Rhino” stating that the vehicle has “additional third party parts and accessories not offered by the manufacturer” and releasing all claims against the dealer and “all other persons and entities” related to the purchase of the vehicle.

The CBS story also shows security camera footage of an incident involving Zach Murray, a former employee at a Yamaha dealership who is currently a plaintiff with his own pending lawsuit. In a post-incident letter to his employer, Mr. Murray wrote that he intentionally stepped out of the overturning vehicle. Although CBS was made aware of Mr. Murray’s letter, they neglected to include mention of it in their story.

In addition, Mr. Murray was not wearing a seatbelt or a helmet. He was operating the vehicle on pavement then made a sharp, high-acceleration turn, and did not stay inside the vehicle.

A more complete version of the security camera tape shows two other vehicles being driven recklessly on the same stretch of pavement where the accident occurred, suggesting that an atmosphere of horseplay existed just prior to Murray’s crash, and that the only reason for Murray to be making a sharp, high acceleration turn was to also engage in horseplay.

In a separate part of the story, CBS cites documents that discuss an early pre-prototype vehicle that had a different design than, and no relation to, the Rhino that is on the market today. Despite being told weeks ago that it would be false to imply that these documents relate to the Rhino in any way, CBS chose to include this misleading information in its report.

Yamaha was contacted for the CBS segment two months ago by Myron Levin, a freelance reporter with a long history of writing news stories that favor the plaintiffs’ bar. Yamaha provided a great deal of information to Mr. Levin, including responding to more than 40 written questions. Mr. Levin also conducted an hour-long interview with a Yamaha representative at Yamaha’s offices in California. Yamaha did not agree to an on-air interview with the reporter, Armen Keteyian, because we could not be assured that such an interview would not be selectively edited and used in misleading ways with statements taken out-of-context given the obvious plaintiffs’ slant with which the CBS producers were developing their story.

Like the CPSC, Yamaha takes very seriously any reported Rhino-related accident, and Yamaha has fully cooperated in the agency’s investigation of the Rhino and its request for modifications. Yamaha will continue to work to promote safe and responsible use of the vehicles, including the active, ongoing development of standards for all recreational off-road side-by-side vehicles, including the Rhino.

Yamaha stands firmly behind the Rhino and will continue to vigorously defend the product against baseless claims and distortions, whether they be from plaintiffs’ law firms or biased, inaccurate media reports parroting these lawyers’ claims. The Rhino is a safe and useful off-road vehicle when driven responsibly by licensed operators aged 16 or older and according to the instructions and warnings in our on-product labels, owner’s manuals, and other safety materials."

Breaking News | Truth About Rhino
I am not sensational enough, and I don't even KNOW any lawyers....they wouldn't give me the time of day! Now....maybe if we stage a nude protest....haha!! :eek::D

Hey Now! If thats the case I got about a 100 more issues for you to protest Corry! hahahahahah

Maybe if we bit*h enough we can get CBS to do a part 2 story or we should make contact with ABC and NBC to run another story / our story!
Good idea, Joey - tap into their competitive natures.....tell NBC that CBS is airing incorrect information....see if they want to air the REAL story! Hmmmmmm:rolleyes:

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