CBS Evening NEWS - Katie Couric - RHINO story!!


The First Lady of SXS - UTVUnderground Approved
Hey guys....I pulled this info off of Rhinoforums.....apparently there is going to be a story on CBS Evening News this week titled "Unsafe Vehicles" and featuring the Rhino!! From what I hear from people who have watched the clip, it's going to be pretty biased against the Rhino .... :mad:

Here is a link to their "comments" Section - click on the drop down menu and add your comment if you want to ask them to cover the POSITIVE side of UTV's!!! If we bombard them with requests for fair reporting, perhaps they will actually take a look at the other side of these stories!!! Many people are also including a link to with their comments...I'm sure this will help!! Feedback

I also wouldn't be surprised if Yamaha comes up with a response to this story..........I'm sure they are aware of it already......

Send your comments and good experiences, people!! Post this link anywhere you can - let's at least give CBS something to think about!!!
Hey guys....I pulled this info off of Rhinoforums.....apparently there is going to be a story on CBS Evening News this week titled "Unsafe Vehicles" and featuring the Rhino!! From what I hear from people who have watched the clip, it's going to be pretty biased against the Rhino .... :mad:

Here is a link to their "comments" Section - click on the drop down menu and add your comment if you want to ask them to cover the POSITIVE side of UTV's!!! If we bombard them with requests for fair reporting, perhaps they will actually take a look at the other side of these stories!!! Many people are also including a link to with their comments...I'm sure this will help!! Feedback

I also wouldn't be surprised if Yamaha comes up with a response to this story..........I'm sure they are aware of it already......

Send your comments and good experiences, people!! Post this link anywhere you can - let's at least give CBS something to think about!!!

Thanks Corry!!! I sent in my coments, hopefully they will listen to us!!!
They got my feedback!!

I think its the person behind the wheel that is making the RHINO LOOK SO BAD ???
It's absolutely the people behind the wheel - they are the ones in control - the machine can't drive itself!!! I don't understand why this concept is so difficult to get past the judges in the courts!!!

I am posting this on the forums that I can.....and e-mailing the link to fellow UTV'rs.....the more comments to them re: good experiences with UTV's the better! Thanks guys!!! :)
I sent my comment:D....the drivers are a fault...not the vehicle or makers:mad:
I sent my comment:D....the drivers are a fault...not the vehicle or makers:mad:

IT was the same way with three wheelers, stand by, because some peeps can't drive a car or SUV, not to mention an Offroad toy, the rhino will get bigger, and no more power. Maybe we will have to Polaris's :eek: to get away from the bad rap.
Here's an update.....more from the site from today! Show will be on Tuesday night, plus there is an e-mail address now!! Write them!

"Here's a look at one of the stories we are working on for Tuesday night’s broadcast of The CBS Evening News. It's one of the country's most popular off road vehicles, linked to a disturbing number of injuries and EVEN deaths. So why are there NO government safety standards to regulate it? An EXCLUSIVE CBS News investigation TOMORROW NIGHT, ONLY on The CBS Evening News.

If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us:"
Dear CBS,

I am a long time Yamaha Rhino owner and off road ethusiast. I purchased the Yamaha Rhino for its durability, reliability, and quality. Like a 2 wheel motorcycle or a 4 wheel ATV the vehicle is only as safe as its driver. Yamaha has taken quite the beating in regards to Rhino rollover injuries. It is unfortuante that these injuries and deaths have occured. I am sure some were purely accidental due to circumstances while there are others that are soley the fault of the operator. Either way I am blown away that a manufacturer is being blamed and being accused of knowingly building a dangerous vehicle when it clearly is a safe and operable utility vehicle.

I have read many of the articles written about deaths while riding in or operating the Yamaha Rhino. The attorneys and lawyers of this country have fueled a fire the likes of Mesothelioma or Fender Bender car accidents. What seems to be ignored in these injury/death stories is the fact that majority of the victims tend to be underage or inexperienced drivers taking the vehicle beyonds is physical limits with little to no knowledge of an ATV or motor powered vehicle. Then there are those who were purley driving the machine beyond its limits and taking a tumble that could have easily been prevented by applying a little common sense.

I have NEVER fully rolled my Yamaha Rhino, but if I had and I was to be injured I could never look to financially benefit from my stupidity at the expense of a manufacturer who has given me and my family such a fun toy. I would love to blame the manufacturer of these stainless steel forks I eat off of at home. I have gained a few extra pounds this summer and god forbid I blame it on my will power....


Joseph "Joey D" DiGiovanni
Comment sent.... Also nice write up joey ! By the way I feel your pain about those damn forks haha
Right on Joey! Here's mine.

Dear CBS,
I do hope that your station will have the good sense to cover both sides of this story. This is a sad commentary, not on an unsafe vehicle, but on the state of our legal system to do such harm for purely financial benefit.

Have you taken the time, for example, to gather statistics on how many injuries or worse have occurred while the vehicle is driven by an under aged driver? Have you gathered statistics on how often the injured parties were not wearing helmets, or were not even using their seatbelts? And here’s another one that would be very interesting to know: how many of those with devastating injuries went back to using their Rhinos, but gladly jumped on the law suit bandwagon crying the ‘unsafe vehicle’ story when they found out they could make some money?

As I said, this story is more about the power of PI attorneys to wage war for financial gain. When numerous PI firms run prime time television commercials, and pay top dollar bids for search engine results, it should be a good indication of the kind of money that is being sought. It’s a very sad story. Have you investigated the percentage of Rhino owners, operators, and enthusiasts that have not been injured and are up in arms over this scandal?

I would love to see someone do an objective investigation into this and report on both sides of this story. But then, it wouldn’t be nearly as sensational that way, would it?

Hoping you take the high road,
Brian L. Hart
You guys have written some awesome comments!! Very well said - way to represent our industry!! ;)

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