if any one wants to bring even a offroad truck will be sweet "shoot" we will turn this in to a once a year event i also am going to ask valley view casino to sponsor some water ect.
I have to say you westerns sound like you know how to have a good time!! We mid-westerns like to have your kinda fun too!! I wish I could load the group up on a C-5 and haul everything out cause I know we all would get along really well!! I hope you all have a good ride/party...Be safe!!
I will come out anytime and bum or rent a ride...I have the ability to travel anywhere, however my really crazy buds are fun to experience. I am looking forward to getting them all on here to share their experiences!! You can't believe all of them...good people...I think one of my buddies has the very first Rhino produced. We call it the sampler, cause if it has been made or produce or even thought about it has been on it!! I call it the ugliest 30K Rhino in the world. Anyway, I will come and party with ya sometime!!
shit i might be in, just let me run this by the wifey and make sure things will fall into place and i am good!!! the rhino is still together so shouldnt be a problem!
3rez motorsports
5 hellbound natives
6 JoeyD
7 milk truck maybe????
8 ??????

Thanks everybody for coming along. Last year It was just me and 1 rzr. This year should be fun. I am trying to change the entry from junior Quisquis and Hellbound Natives to include the underground.
We will meet at fernandez dad's house early in the am. then ride down to the staging area. Remember no play riding or horsing around they made this very clear. Hit me up for any info 760-877-1496
this is going to be a blast. Even if you cant come ride you guys should come out for the parade, the BBQ, and the Horseshoe tourny at FernandezRacing's pops house!!!! We will talk this week Junior!!
Horseshoe's oya. $10 buy in $20 per team 1 game out winner takes all or we could have a second place split.
Marco will have us dialed in.......he hosts Horseshoe Tourny's all the time! Just make sure you bring your A-Game! There is always a few ringers in the house!

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