"Build Threads".. you've got to be kidding

Some of you guys are getting defensive and I don't think you need to be. To clarify...

Here's sample of what I'm really talking about. You got 6 page "build thread" (so far) and hasn't even taking delivery of the rzr yet... most of the replies are "awesome build, can't wait" comments and I just don't understand it. lol No offense to anyone or even OP, I've never met him or any of those guys.... it's sample, but it's pretty worthless "build" thread IMO. Pictures of "build" items are cup holders, steering wheels and billet shifters.

*Warning.. if you click below your about to waste time you'll never get back.

Some of you guys are getting defensive and I don't think you need to be. To clarify...

Here's sample of what I'm really talking about. You got 6 page "build thread" (so far) and hasn't even taking delivery of the rzr yet... most of the replies are "awesome build, can't wait" comments and I just don't understand it. lol No offense to anyone or even OP, I've never met him or any of those guys.... it's sample, but it's pretty worthless "build" thread IMO. Pictures of "build" items are cup holders, steering wheels and billet shifters.

*Warning.. if you click below your about to waste time you'll never get back.


LOL, I was just havin some fun with this thread,(and mabe a few beers).
Basically we don't want to see nothing that doesn't make you go fast! Lol or maybe that's just me.

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Get off the high horse, to each his own. They may not know what a true build is yet but will eventually learn and then progress, if not they will still happily buy from the aftermarket manufacturers.

You seem to forget that a lot of the race teams depend on the income from these part sales to go racing. UTV Inc is a successful team and they probably sell the most billet bolt on bling stuff than anyone I know. These threads are crowd source advertising. Without the support of the enthusiasts the racing and high levels of the sport typically won't thrive.

My two cents..
I feel the same way about some of the UTV race car builds. They have someone build a bumper to bumper cage and then they start bolting on an aftermarket long travel kit.

I expect the average UTV owner who is blinging out their UTV to know little more then how to mount their chrome speedo bezal or shifter handle and call it a custom build.

I spoke to one team and they had no idea what degree their shocks were at. Never cycled the suspension, said they had 18" of travel, because thats what the kit said they would get. They had no idea how much more bump steer they got by adding the longer arms. They did not even know what bump steer really was or how to check it. They said I called, ordered the kit and bolted it on. Now it's a race car.

I get not everyone is Reid "Badassmav" and knows how to fab. But if your just buying your "race car" parts and bolting them on, then is your build anymore impressive or more of a build then the Chrome Speedo Bezel guy?

Post some examples of them stating their "builds" are better.. Why is there an expectation of knowledge about suspension that goes along with owning a toy and putting some accessories on it.

Why not stop being a tool and teach the guy about his suspension if he doesn't know and/or understand; it might help grow the sport rather than scare away a new driver. Here in Texas we are struggling to get a decent turn out at a race, fortunately most of the guys who do turn out genuinely care and want to promote the sport, and are not dick heads.
You guys are funny. Without the so called "build threads", the forums wouldn't nearly be as fun to read. A very small percentage of us actually start from scratch or do motor swaps or ....... I'm on my second Teryx. Didn't start from scratch on either. But both have been down to frame doing suspension and everything else that goes along with the modifications. I do design and build parts and pieces from scratch. Not the whole car tho. And no... I'm not going to rename my build threads as "mod" threads. It's as close as 99.9% of us will ever get to a "build". Sorry... You don't have to read them if you don't like them. I'm going to go play with my build now...

Good point. Build to one guy means something different then what it may mean to another guy.

I do support all mods and respect everyone's creative freedom and right to opinion.
I'm sorta 50/50 on this one. I've got a Mig and a lot of hand-tools. I don't have expensive mandrel-benders, CNCs , tubing-notchers and such. I make do with what I have and get a lot of satisfaction with the little things I fab-up. Do my welds look like stacked-dimes?? No, but have one of them ever broken or failed? No. My Metal-Break is 2x6s screwed together. Can you tell??? NO. Now anodized blue cup-holders............LOL. I get mine from West-Marine. 1.99.....
I'm not one of those people that know the specs on everything we use to race but I know it helps. I'm not a mechanical genius, or a welding guru. We lack in money so we work with what we've got. We try to fix a problem before it happens. We're sending our shocks off to Double E because we won't our stuff done right. We're going to probably get a clutch kit because we don't want to break belts constantly. We're getting that stuff because we know it works. We couldn't tell you the specific details of what we just put on does. We just hopes it works.
I thought this site was for "SXS Enthusiasts". I would think that someone who probably sits in a cubicle all week producing spreadsheets wouldn't have much mechanical appitude so bolting on a cage or adding long travel would be a huge challenge for them. But I also think he is very enthusiastic and wants to show it off in a thread because he's proud of what he's done. How many mechanics do their own taxes...lol. Experience can only be gained by trying, I always attempt my own wrench bending but also know my limits, for that I have youtube to teach me the right way:D
Ok ok you guys may be swaying me somewhere back to the middle. lol I do agree and support anyone's modifications... I think its great when people take something and "make it their own"... I guess I should be more tolerate... at this point my only issue left to pick about is the word "build" ... but then again, one person's "build" is another "bolt on" is another person "custom fabrication" ... and everything in between... really just a word play and symatics I guess at end of the day.
It would be nice to see some inside shots of actual "Builds", Like Racer TEch, Holz, Cognito, (I've seen a few from these guys) or the backyard fabricator. Its great to see some of the cool ideas and awesome skills up close. A lot of the "Cover cars" here on UTV Underground are "bolt on builds". The "Benchmark" build for Tyler Parks thread a couple of years ago is what I'm talking about. Great Build thread. Also check out Race Proven Motors on Facebook, some cool stuff rolling out of that facility.
Feature Vehicles on our homepage are different then BUILD threads..

We never claim that every FEATURE vehicle will be a custom fabricated, built-not-bought build.

BUT... we have done our fair share of featuring highly BUILT, custom fabricated vehicles on our homepage also.

What this thread stems from is a moderator on another forum constantly posting "build threads" when in fact all he is doing is bolting on every accessory known to man. lol

I am torn on how I know want to do a build thread.. My first build thread, the FatRod, I was very hands on. I did all of the finish assembly of the car by myself (Magnum Offroad did all the fabrication). But since that thread - http://www.utvunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=151- I have got pretty busy with the day to days of running this site. Now almost all of my builds are done entirely by someone else, of course with my direction and design influence. I remain very hands on there. StormTrooper build I had a lot of hands on with, as well as my T4. So I am not totally disconnected with all of my builds but it is certainly a time issue for me now.

So it begs another question to be asked.. do I get to take credit for 'building" a new car even if I didn't turn so much as one wrench on it? Does designing, creating and directing a build count?? I am not a welder by any means however I have thrown a shitty bead down on a couple of cars... lol ... Rusty has pics to prove it and the Govacho if he looked closely at some of the welds on the dzues tabs on StormTrooper he would see some not so skillful blobs of metal... lol

Anyway.. I like this thread. I personally do think I can rightfully claim my builds as mine, AS LONG AS the guys doing the work get their props and due credit. They too can claim the build as theirs!
Those guys make nice seats and I am a sucker for red and black.... But, I won't go full pimp daddy with the ostrich skin lol
How about some nice padded ostrich skin door skins that are comfortable to lean against?

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Without discussing the merit of whether it is a "build" thread or not, the reality is, he has the equilavent of two thirds of the total number of members on this forum viewing it, and he doesn't even have the RZR yet.

Great advertising for Polaris. His last thread where he did a 2014 XP 1000, had over 100,000 views which is like 8 times the total membership here.

Say what you want, he gets people to look.

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