Pro Open
1000cc limit, factory forced induction vehicles, factory driveline, open to modification, basically same current rules as the production class.
Pro Lights
1000cc limit, same current rules as production 1000..
Run what you brung!! If you have build an exotic, it is most likely to not finish anyway as the past has proven it, and you are not a factory platform.
Motocross has made the rules of full on WORKS bike's not legal for pro use! This will separate factory level racers from the majority! Keeping the Pro classes open to modification of the FACTORY engines, electronics and driveline will continue the support of aftermarket manufactures that are the ones who are making these classes thrive!!! Cut out all the people who support the class, and the class will die.
Now, the OEM'S have 2 classes that their current cars they manufacture will fall into. Lets face the facts, who would buy a std XP1000, or a 1000 maverick to go build to race against the factory supported teams with their turbo powered cars?????????
Another thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we are calling these PRO classes, how can a 1st time racer show up and get a lucky draw and get the 1st staring spot against seasoned ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL racers!!!??? If you want to race PRO, you must qualify by at least "completing" 2-5 full races in the sportsman class! How would Jagged feel if they were passing that first time racer at mile 5, and they took a turn into them to block them and wrecked them like they are at the go cart track, destroying their car, their points, and their safety? If you want to race with the best, earn it!!!!!!