BITD Class Vote on turbos

Diggin that confidence Factory! It's racing isn't anything can happen! I don't care who is going to the Turbo car. To me the glory is in the overall, NOT someone beat us only because they are in a Turbo! Lite weight NA car that puts in the work can and will be good as well.
Johnny money bags has already raced in turbo..... 2 can am turbo's last BITD. Cat's out of bag. Too late for a vote. Turbo's are future. Too late now.
Im a bit suprised that I've been seeing a few brand new turbo builds for the pro class on social media in the last few days . Guys must be thinking turbos are here to stay in pro class I'm guessing to start doing all that work ?
Im a bit suprised that I've been seeing a few brand new turbo builds for the pro class on social media in the last few days . Guys must be thinking turbos are here to stay in pro class I'm guessing to start doing all that work ?

It's a no brainer not to get to work on them. If they are eventually mandated down the road, what are you going to do, start on one when the other teams are already months into R&D? Takes time to work the bugs out of these cars and find all the weak points to keep the failure rate at a minimum in order to finish races. Other aspect is, that this is a business for some of the top guys. Take LSR for example who just started one of their new cars, they've already built 25+ NA cars, so why not jump on the turbo cars so that when customers approach them for builds they aren't in the dark on what does and doesn't work. Once again, no brainer.
It seems just the extra strength if the drive train would be reason enough to want to build the turbo car. Even if you changed the engine to a N/A.

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That makes no sense George. These are the best. Sims, Johnny, S3, Murreys. Just a few of the guys that will be running turbos that have proven they can win at any race. Just because some people are running "under powered machines" doesn't take away anyone's well earned victory over the likes of those listed above. Not to mention that soon there will be even more turbos out there. Competition is still stiff so don't go saying anyone sandbagged a race because others haven't stepped up to the latest machine.

Yes, allowing the turbo opened a can of worms but its here. Time for everyone to deal with it. No one complained when manufactures stepped up the game to 800cc, then 900cc, then 1000cc. Maybe the rules should have had a cap of 660cc and never changed so we could all be racing on a level playing field with spec rhinos. :rolleyes:

Your right they are among the best right now but there are others that have the potential to be in that group if they can get it together and finish races that may not build a turbo......certainly fast enough. Like any other sport the "best" can change quickly. There is still a lot of potential threats in the class that may not be building turbos. That's what I meant. Could even be a top contender in a NA car who knows but it's somewhat like a heavyweight fighting a light heavy. Why I think NA needs it's own class. Let the "best " turbos race together and NA together and at some point the best will emerge.
Yes, allowing the turbo opened a can of worms but its here. Time for everyone to deal with it. No one complained when manufactures stepped up the game to 800cc, then 900cc, then 1000cc. Maybe the rules should have had a cap of 660cc and never changed so we could all be racing on a level playing field with spec rhinos. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ, we did complain and ask for an 800 class at the time. It also fell on deaf ears. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds.....
If they run together a NA car will be handicapped in the results. That's how people will view it. Yeah you won BUT a NA car was third or fourth not that far pretty awesome! It will muddy the water for the turbo cars. Like how it is when a 900 car does well.

Personally I'm waiting for the V4 with 6 speed 4 seater and outriggers of course!
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If they run together a NA car will be handicapped in the results. That's how people will view it. Yeah you won BUT a NA car was third or fourth not that far pretty awesome! It will muddy the water for the turbo cars. Like how it is when a 900 car does well.

Personally I'm waiting for the V4 with 6 speed 4 seater and outriggers of course!
"If they run" News Flash they already run. Turbo Maverick won MINT 400 2015.

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If you guys have questions or concerns about the turbos running in the Pro production class why don't you give Corey a call. I spoke with him yesterday for about a half an hour and he was able to answer pretty much all of my questions. as of 5 o'clock yesterday he said that he has only had two phone calls from people that do not want the turbos in the Pro production class. I for one am excited about the future of UTV racing and the new cars. Just think about it, Polaris and Can AM have turbos along with NA cars. Yamaha is coming out with a triple and a 5 speed. Arctic Cat is coming to the game with something of their own version. within the next year and a half we will have Honda in the game as well. all of these manufacturers are doing something a little different. it is better to have 5 manufactures fighting for supremacy in the same class as opposed to making a class for each car. With 5 manufactures all fighting to be the top dog it is a very exciting time to be a racer.
If you guys have questions or concerns about the turbos running in the Pro production class why don't you give Corey a call. I spoke with him yesterday for about a half an hour and he was able to answer pretty much all of my questions. as of 5 o'clock yesterday he said that he has only had two phone calls from people that do not want the turbos in the Pro production class. I for one am excited about the future of UTV racing and the new cars. Just think about it, Polaris and Can AM have turbos along with NA cars. Yamaha is coming out with a triple and a 5 speed. Arctic Cat is coming to the game with something of their own version. within the next year and a half we will have Honda in the game as well. all of these manufacturers are doing something a little different. it is better to have 5 manufactures fighting for supremacy in the same class as opposed to making a class for each car. With 5 manufactures all fighting to be the top dog it is a very exciting time to be a racer.

That's an interesting way to see it and it does sound exciting but it doesn't really provide any insight to the fate of the 65 or so NA cars already in place.

If the results of the survey were released which interesting they have not then I suspect there is a lot more than two who don't want turbos. My guess is the results will never be released because they don't reflect what Cory would like to see happen. The only way to know is to release them.

FYI it's not hugely important to me personally. I'm happy if we just improve over time. He'll I still race a carbureted bike. But I'm not sure that's what the class wants and this is a discussion forum.
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Ok you can look at it like this. It's a Pro Production class, and it's a production utv. Like I said before do you want to make a new class for all of the new cars?Then I guess you would have the NA class then the turbos, then the 5 speed, then the on and on and on. Just so it's fare for everyone and we can all get a trophy? Bottom line is the best thing for UTV racing is one large class. Besides if your racing in a class that does not have all of the top guys in it then what fun is it when you win.
I don't think anyone suggested multiple classes. The thinking is turbos belong in unlimited and grow those numbers. Factories will support both classes that's a win win. I believe most agree if it doesn't have a turbo it's 1000 cc NA regardless of transmission etc. Both classes would be very competitive. Like Supercross has a 250 class that riders move from right into the 450 class. I believe you would see the same thing in the NA class.
Pro production. That's where manufacturers want to be. That's where the money / backing is... manufacturers want their flagships raced on Sat and Sun and bought Monday.
Pro production. That's where manufacturers want to be. That's where the money / backing is... manufacturers want their flagships raced on Sat and Sun and bought Monday.

Here's a crazy thought....instead of speculating on what the mfg will or won't do has it occurred to anyone to just ask? Its unlikely Jagged and Cognito who both have a lot if skin in the game decided on their own the turbo belonged in unlimited. I'm just asking cuz it would throw cold water on this subject one way or another. My guess is Polaris would love to dominate in both classes instead of just one. Not rocket science if you think like a business person. Two leading products is better than competing against yourself for one.

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