Baja 1000 UTV's

Kevin just passed the access road to Mike's Sky Rancho, he's running 35 to 40mph... He might just make it if he keeps a good pace like this..
Don't worry, I didn't think you were Matt, all good here. I hope at least one or two make it across the line just for credibility. I don't know how many times Kane has run the Baja, but Kevin has experience with it and that means a lot down there.

Glad to see Kevin moving again, hadn't been logged on for a while so I wasn't sure...

Kane has never even seen the desert, no less Baja before this trip. He is literally a Canadian paraplegic driving with hand controls. He has raised a lot of money for his charity by racing this event. I agree with you, that I hope someone finishes so we can petition Sal for a SCORE UTV Pro class. :)
Kane has never even seen the desert, no less Baja before this trip. He is literally a Canadian paraplegic driving with hand controls. He has raised a lot of money for his charity by racing this event. I agree with you, that I hope someone finishes so we can petition Sal for a SCORE UTV Pro class. :)

Wow, now that is a a win in itself. Kane should get one hell of a pat on the back.

On another note, Weatherman has just issued a call for rescue of Nicola Dutto (1805) at RM183, IRC has been in contact with them thru the night and I guess they need someone to come get them..

about 185 miles left for Kevin with 7.5 hours to do it in..
RDC and Weatherman just reported the 1802 just passed RM 460, smiling and is that great or what...
‎1807 just arrived at Borrego CP and they are sending them home, CP closing. So far, the only cars still on the course beyond pit and CP closings are Kevin Fuller 1806 and Kane Fraser 1802. And they both are far enough, that barring problems, they both might finish...
‎1807 just arrived at Borrego CP and they are sending them home, CP closing. So far, the only cars still on the course beyond pit and CP closings are Kevin Fuller 1806 and Kane Fraser 1802. And they both are far enough, that barring problems, they both might finish...

What about 1808. There were going up until 5 min ago. Now showing 0 mph as RM 405
What about 1808. There were going up until 5 min ago. Now showing 0 mph as RM 405

They got shut down at San Felipe, which closed 30 minutes ago.
They arrived about 7 or 8 minutes after the CP closed it looks like from tracking records.
But they made it through CP#3 which is at RM 319. They are at RM 405 (San Felipe). I agree they are going 0 mph, but I don't believe it is due to CP times. After they cleared CP 3 they did Huatimote wash and Chiante wash...which you wouldn't want to do if you weren't planning on finishing. Weird!:confused:
Just logged back online, had to leave for a bit.
San Felipe CP closed at 3:30. 1808 arrived at that CP at 3:38. So I'm not sure what the deal is, they should've been shut down. They did clear CP3 at RM350, but I doubt they make Borrego Pits if San Felipe did let them go on thru..

Anybody hear a recent status report from Weatherman?

Edit: I did just see they cleared RM420 which is half way between San Felipe and Borrego. I guess we'll see if they clear RM450..
According to RDC 1802 made a major wrong turn and went nearly 100 miles out of their way. There is a bunch of people now rooting for the 'wrong way Canadians' to finish/win. Weatherman even gave them a shout out. They have to be droopy tired and they have a long way to go.

I noticed that last night. The zigged when they should have zagged lol.
Less than a 100 miles left for 1806 Kevin Fuller in the Arctic Cat Prowler, he is at RM595...with 3 hours and 20 minutes to make it.... GO KEV!!!!!

1802 is at RM549...Get it Kane...
The story of 1802 is so awesome!!! I am so hoping they finish!

Ditto... when Matt told me, they became instant heroes to me and many others.. I got Charlene to post the link to Kane's website on Pirate4X4. Even Weatherman is throwing kudos their way...and that's rare for him.
Pirate 4X4 is talking up Kane pretty good now. Charlene is getting Lance to see who he is...
Checkpoint 5 just notified Weatherman,
"1802 just passed Check 5".... YAAAHHHOOOO!!!
Kane's making the cutoff's so far. Let's hope his overall time is under the 32 hours. Now they are running along the coast, headed north to Ensenada. Only 135 miles left for him...
Check 5 is also closing in 7 minutes, so no other teams will make it.
Kevin-1806 is at RM609 and moving good...
Uh oh...1806 has been sitting still for a little while now at RM620... lets hope its a fueling stop or something like that..

1802 is running up the coast now. As Charlene says, it's gotta be cold running along the coast at night ...

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