the stripping shop
RACER - UTVUnderground Approved
this is an easy one for all the big bore and 1000 guys for this year. Bitd is having half off for the next two races come and race lets see how many show up. Its called the sportsman class and i beleive we have had only 1 different car show up every race. The street bike car was the only one to beat all the pro class. The big bore kawasaki at vegas to reno got second to jaggedx and they run a rzrs motor. i would like to see the class grow move the cc to 1000 and no weight limit. Don't forget we are the red headed step child to BITD and what that means if UTVRA doesn't do it it wont be done. I am pretty sure cory is one man he can't do tech/cc all the motors and weigh all the vehicles at the end and beging of all races.So the rules have to be simple or they are going to get only minor changes. Ex. move class to 850cc and no weight limit.This is an ex of what the easiest decision cory would have.You don't piss off the rhino guys and give on the kawasaki guys.I want the 1000cc and no weight limits.It will help the sport grow and for the guys that want different classes come to the last 2 races of the year from beging to end. You will see why we dont have that option right now especially when we are at henderson.