Are UTV Racers Cheating at BITD??


One engine builder on Facebook thinks so.

If there are guys cheating they are doing a good job of not letting me or any of my team know. Then again, if you are cheating I don't want to know! lol

So lets do this, call the cheaters out, but only with facts. Lets clean the class up now before any problem gets too big to handle. I for one am sure there is some rule bending and maybe even some breaking taking place, but I am also in belief that the class as a whole plays fair.

So whats the deal? What do you think? If someone is cheating WILL YOU call them out publicly, or just whine and cry about it AFTER they win?
I told the engine builder I would gladly pay for his flight today to come to my shop and Verify that I run a 100% stock Polaris Motor that until yesterday had never been out of the car !! I also was told I was cheating because my suspension was set up so good !! lol

although nobody wants to admit it Im just a big old hairy american racing machine .. and if you look at my track history even my first ever I was behind the seasoned professionals in my brand new Polaris RZR XP 1000 within 80 miles of the start of the race before I started experiencing belt issues due to my clutch set up ..
2nd race Baja 500 with a 45 minute pit stop and having to drive to town to get fuel for the race car I finished 4th

and if someone is cheating as far as a built big bore bad ass motor lol they suck and dont matter to me cause I never saw them pass me and I run only the best proven engine a Stock 2015 XP 4 1000 built by Polaris Industries with a Stock Polaris Exhaust ..

I got this shit if I dont break or wreck Im gona win !! Im getting used to being up front and alone so the rest of you can just stay home and send me your entry fees ........

so I would guess nobody is cheating if they cant catch a stock Polaris Motor

somebody is so scared of me they tried getting me DQ ya not Dairy Queen from the race and I had a 18th Place Finish ...

Either you can drive or you cant .. motor wont change the outcome thats why I picked Branden Sims as my Baja Racing Team Partner not because he had a big motor ... because hes got big balls !!!!!!!
He should call them out!
I assume he is either talking about Sparks engines or Queen engines
Post up the facebook rant and lets get to the bottom of it! I'm pretty sure all the Pro production class cars were checked at Parker for at least cylinder size. I don't think Cory's new thinga ma jig checks stroke though? Looks to me like all the top cars are fairly equal so that would indicate that everything is on the up and up. I do know of a few shady things but its in an area nobody seems to want to visit even the racers that have been around a while so I'm not going to rock the boat.

Jim Osier

Yesterday at 11:43am ·
So I want to make this available to share.
I as an Engine Builder for some race teams WILL NOT RACE AGAINST my other race teams as it is a conflict of interest and BAD BUSINESS!!

I am not calling out any one racer.. Just stating that if you are not cheating You should be on the same page as this.

Also, I like Cory and appreciate what he has done for this sport, however, it is time for a change.
The Quote from his site was this...
" What really pisses me off is racers that are willing to cheat to win! If you cheat you really didn't win!!!"

Is this for real?
You are the tech inspectors for UTVRA (BITD).
You are also racers in the same series!!
I have heard rumblings of cheaters in many fields of utv racing over the last 2 years. I feel that until this conflict of interest in the BITD is handled the series will be hindered.
Also where is the Tech for engine displacement happening now? You check the first race and never call out those that were cheating make it seem that no one is cheating then post this crap!
Check every car in the top 5 every race!!
Oh wait you can't do that because you are still racing your own car in the same series. And are not quite finished with your race.
I am sorry if this offends anyone, but I myself (as well as the many other racers who feel the same way) say it is time to make the UTV'S a real class not the side show anymore. TECH BY BITD not Desert toys
Make the UTV classes just like the rest in BITD. Unlimited, limited, sportsman!
TRUELY unlimit the unlimited class and let this sport go where it can.
Let's make the change to run in BITD. Not the UTVRA! !
FWIW, Jim is a good guy. I don't know what sparked his post but something did..

His 2nd sentence makes me think he is leaning towards Queen if I read into it. Queen is the only engine builder I know who actually races too.
Queen raced 12 miles this season and hasnt been back since.... So you cant really read that into him being a racer thats building motors.
Supposedly we are cheating, someone told Cory at Parker that we were next to Wal-Mart swapping out our cheater motor because we heard they were checking displacement at tech
This comment was made by an engine builder.... I'd love to hear which engine builder it was.
Addict racing engines!!
I made the post about this. It is less about people cheating and more about the fact that there is no way of checking properly for it.
Really tech needs to be after the race and make sure that there is no opportunity to change something. I personally feel like there are fast guys and slower guys. The slower guys are always bitching about the fact that johnny is cheating or that Justin changed out his engine.
Really?!?! If you are not cheating,
Push for the same thing the top 5 to be teched immediately after the race. By someone not racing!! That's the point not that guys are cheating but that people are bitching about it. Stop the bitching by making this class legit and doing an after reaching tech like every other forms of racing do.

As for calling out a cheating team I think it is pretty obvious who I know has not followed the rules by the post I made later with the utv-15 rule about turbos.
If there was a real tech and not an inspector that is probably cheating himself with said ecu reflash RJ Anderson probably would have won the mint 400 this year. Too late now that car is back in louisana. Ecu flash and all.
What makes you think the S3 Powersports Turbo has an ECU flash? What spawned you to think this? How do you know they didn't follow the rules in regards to this?

I am just trying to bring out the facts because accusations are not fair to anyone and neither are assumptions.

This is all for the sake of good discussion and to improve our class.
On a turbo car, is an ecu flash legal or not? I heard that a turbo canam at the mint could reach 90mph, and I don't think a stock maverick will.
On a turbo car, is an ecu flash legal or not? I heard that a turbo canam at the mint could reach 90mph, and I don't think a stock maverick will.

Couldn't they take a pic of their top speed on their GPS and send it? Is there a way to fake it?
It's interesting debate. Especially when you can reflash turbo and go from 121hp to 170hp.... even if your Johnny that's significant power difference.

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