Anyone Interested in racing SNORE?

We already cant race BITD because you guys dont want us there.Let us race and see what happens.
I am happy they are letting us run.Do you know anything about this race and course? Like the terrain and how long the race is,etc.
It's in Laughlin so the terrain is similar to Parker. It's a short track. We do two laps each day. Check out the website for more information. Hope to see you there!
Just rechecked the website. The track is aprox 14 miles long and we will race 3 laps each day. We start first and early! line up is 545AM...:eek:
I saw they posted the 2011 schedule for SNORE. It looks like there is one weekend that falls right on TOP of the BITD schedule. The May SNORE 250 race is the same weekend as the Blue Water Grand Prix... That's a bummer kind of hard to be in two places at once!
Yeah your right! I guess i was just planning ahead thinking they would like our program and keep us for the rest of the season!
I'm with Mike, I'm planning ahead. The SNORE May race, if they go back to Calient, is the one of the funnest races from a drivers stand point. On the other hand BITD will have a better turn out.
I'm with Mike and Matt. I am planning on SNORE loving us! Mike, I beileve that with SNORE you can actually miss a race and still be in competition for a championship. Not sure though, I will have to investigate for us.

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