Anyone Interested in racing SNORE?

Good debate, but I disagree. First off you can easily take a Terex up to nearly 800cc and stay within the rules. Secondly a Terex is an OHC four valve motor that even at 750cc can make big power. Look at the Lucas races as an example...all under 800cc. If power was the issue then the 1000cc Cats should have cleaned house; and yet they haven't, didn't and likely won't.

Did you like my idea of a 800cc and below class and a 1000cc sportsman?

If we can get BITD, SCORE and SNORE (plus others) we can continue to grow UTV racing.

I agree with Bajaxp the rzr's can not keep up with the teryx's in Lucas oil offroad and they are both under 800cc. Lucas oil is allowing the RZR'S to be 50 pounds lighter than the teryx to help them compete. I think the teryx motor is a much better platform to build up. Stock vs stock i agree the RZR has a definite advantage but after modifying i think the teryx is pretty good at 800cc even if it weighs a little more.
I also think that the weight limits should be agreed upon and checked without driver and co driver to make things more fair especially in races where there are driver and co driver changes because you could weigh in with your heaviest people. I would like to see the cars from every manufacturer be able to compete in the same class with weight regulations to keep the class competitive depending on cc's you wanna run.
Eric and I attended the SNORE General Membership meeting last night. We were very warmly received. They appear to be a great organization and they are very excited to have us on board. I presented them with the current rules as they stand now and they are going to take the proposal to their board meeting on October 5th for a vote. If they vote us in, they would like to have us attend the Rage on the River December 10th-12th. This comes the weekend following the BITD race in Henderson. I know this could pose a problem for some of you, but if we get invited to SNORE, I would like to see a big show of UTV"s. Let's show them what we have! As I hear more from them I will post and then I would like for you to RSVP to me so I can give them a for sure number to attend. I have 5 here in Havasu, including myself that will be there. As for the rules and the issues we are having, After we get in, we can get together and make some decisions. SNORE is not opposed to making changes as long as it gets a vote. Thank you for all your input!
Hey Everyone!

Just want to bring this topic back to the top. I was speaking with my good friend, UTVUnderground member, and SNORE board member Pat Dailey tonight and from he said its looking good for UTV's in SNORE.

One thing he brought up was how we all feel about running the shorter loop/lap races like MINT and Caliente. Those tracks will produce lots of lap traffic which means lots of fast big vehicles ripping by UTV's. So what do you guys think? I explained that UTV racers are getting smarter and are aware.....Do you all agree?

I would love to see UTV's lining up at The MINT!!!!!
Hey guys. I'm Pat Dailey and I'm also a board member with SNORE as the California rep. I'm with Lucas on this and would love to get you guys over at SNORE. Our board meeting is scheduled for Oct. 5th. I will be getting in the ear of all the rest of the board at the SNORE 250 this weekend in Pahrump. I think you guys would be a welcome addition to SNORE. Joey, please keep in contact with Lucas and myself and make sure we have all the info we need so we can go to bat for you guys at the board meeting. Thanks.
Wow what has the underground come too? PDaily has joined us... LOL Welcome!!!

Can you give us an idea of the SNORE format for the smaller races. How long are the laps and how many laps do each class do? Are there multiple heats throughout the day or just one?

From my expierence racing BITD in the lap races or even when we start with the MC/Quads early in the morning it's usually not too big of an issue when the faster guys pass us. We rely on radio communication from our pits and keep a close eye on the mirrors. We have had no issues when being passed by the upper classes (Trophy Truck & Class 1) sometimes when you get into the lower classes they think they are Robby Gordon and have no respect or patience....

One of the most popular quotes from a UTV race team on race day...

Where's Andy at?
Thanks for taking the time to post Pat! You know we will keep you updated. I really hope to see UTV's at SNORE!
Wow what has the underground come too? PDaily has joined us... LOL Welcome!!!

Can you give us an idea of the SNORE format for the smaller races. How long are the laps and how many laps do each class do? Are there multiple heats throughout the day or just one?

From my expierence racing BITD in the lap races or even when we start with the MC/Quads early in the morning it's usually not too big of an issue when the faster guys pass us. We rely on radio communication from our pits and keep a close eye on the mirrors. We have had no issues when being passed by the upper classes (Trophy Truck & Class 1) sometimes when you get into the lower classes they think they are Robby Gordon and have no respect or patience....

One of the most popular quotes from a UTV race team on race day...

Where's Andy at?

I can give you the example of Caliente 250. Laps are usually 60 miles. Faster classes (1600's and up) will do 4 laps and limited classes (everyone else) would do 3. We don't have heats in a race like that. You guys would probably be last off the line unless you prove yourselves faster than other classes. The biggest thing would be good co-dawgs who watch the mirrors and Joey has assured me that you guys know what you're doing.

Races like Battle at Primm and SNORE Laughlin are two day races with multiple heats. You would be put in the heat with classes that are similar in speeds to you guys.

Mint 400 is a total of 4 100 mile loops. You guys would be last off the line and would have to deal with lapped traffic but every other class has to deal with the unlimited guys lapping cars as well. I raced 5/1600 the last couple of years with SNORE and never had too much of a problem. It's all about having a good co-dog who is constantly watching the mirrors. I'm sure we would give you the same rules as we give to Class 11 and absolutely no nerfing you guys.
That sounds pretty similar to the BITD formats... I think we would work well with SNORE. I'm excited with the oportunity to race with SNORE.

I do like the no Nerfing rule!
That sounds pretty similar to the BITD formats... I think we would work well with SNORE. I'm excited with the oportunity to race with SNORE.

I do like the no Nerfing rule!

We will keep you guys posted. SNORE is a great little org and they put on great races. All the races have their own little flair to them.
That sounds pretty similar to the BITD formats... I think we would work well with SNORE. I'm excited with the oportunity to race with SNORE.

I do like the no Nerfing rule!

That helps!!!
Look at Vegas To Reno all the UTV's still running got caught and passed by the big cars and trucks. No big deal just use your head. I've won Caliente before and this is a good example. But it has a few tight tech areas that are just what us UTV drivers love. Also, people don't realize the speeds we are reaching and how well the cars work in the rough. I think starting in the back the biggest problem is getting around the jeepspeeds and stock trucks.
Just giving you all an update. The SNORE board meeting was last night. The board has agreed to let you guys race the Laughlin Rage at the River this year and 2011 Battle at Primm next February as a trial period to see how it goes. These are short, two day races. My advice would be to show up in force and mingle with the car and truck guys, mingle with the board and then we can bring this up to the board again and get you guys full time on the schedule. This was the best we could do. Both of these races are a blast. Let's hear some feedback.
Great news Pat. Lets hope everyone comes out and races. See you at the Expo.

These two races IMO are two of the most fun races on the SNORE schedule and probably on the US side. Balls to the wall full out sprint race. Laps are usually 12-13 miles long and all vehicles are broken up into heats all day. Racing all day Saturday and Sunday. it's a rush.
WOOHOO!! I just got the email from Robert. I am so excited. I do hope that you all will come and show them what a great class we are. I will be in touch with SNORE regarding tech and such. Can't wait! Thank you for posting Patrick! feedback would be to keep the rules the same as BITD and to do everything possible to keep entry fees reasonable for UTV's.

Question: does SNORE run Iri-trackers? Why no Mint for UTV?

Comment: I thank SNORE for allowing UTV's to race. I just hope this increases interest in UTV racing and doesn't dilute the entries in BITD races. feedback would be to keep the rules the same as BITD and to do everything possible to keep entry fees reasonable for UTV's.

Question: does SNORE run Iri-trackers? Why no Mint for UTV?

Comment: I thank SNORE for allowing UTV's to race. I just hope this increases interest in UTV racing and doesn't dilute the entries in BITD races.

Yes. You guys need to work together on a rules package. SNORE does not require IRC and your entry fees will be in the $430 range I believe. They want to see how everything goes on this smaller race before letting you guys run the Mint.

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