2010 Sand Sport Super Show!!!!!


UTVUnderground's NEW Sand Sport Super Show Banner by Synergy Graffix​

UTVUnderground.com will be back and in action at this years 2010 Sand Sport Super Show. This year we will be lined up in a 30' long span with UTVGuide.Net and UTVWeekly.Com representing for the UTV community. (The "Span" Booths 217-219) We will have vehicles on display including the new 2010 Can Am Commander, Jon Crowley's Muzzys Monster Energy Kawasaki Teryx and Mike Lashers Monster Energy Kawasaki Teryx!!!!

Make sure to come by the booth and enter to win:
DWT Racing DWT Racing Official Site
1 FREE Set of 12" DIablo Beadlocks for any UTV (GC)
1 FREE Set of 12" Tires (GC)

HiPer Technology HiPer Racing Wheels - Home Page
Buy 3 Wheels Get 1 Wheel FREE (GC)
1 Free Set (4) of HiPer Bead Lock Rings for any HiPer Wheel (GC)

Muzzys Performance Muzzys Performance Motorcycle Exhaust Systems & Parts
$300 Muzzys Bucks (GC)

Pit Bull Tires PIT BULL LT 4x4 TIRES :: Rock, Mud, Trail, Sand and Snow Super Extreme Off Road Tire Company
1 FREE Set of Pit Bull Tires
Hats, Stickers, Coozies!

Factory UTV Factory UTV Parts Accessories UTV News
1 FREE Set of A-Arm Guards

Magnum Offroad Welcome to MAGNUM OFFROAD
$200 Magnum Bucks (GC)

Pro Armor ATV Accessories - Quad Accessories - ATV Parts and more from Pro Armor
1 FREE Bumper any UTV (GC)

GBC Motorsports GBC Motorsports - ATV and Powersports Market Performance Tires
1 FREE Set of GBC Tires Style TBD (Tires Will Be At Show)

4130 Clothing 4130 Clothing | Home
FREE 4130 Clothing Gift Pack (Product Will Be At Show)

Speed Strap www.KoronisParts.com
2 FREE Speed Straps (Product Will Be At Show)

UTVUnderground Member Mike "BigMike" Coffen UTVUnderground.Com - The #1 Resource for SXS Enthusiasts
1 FREE RT40 Warn Winch (Product Will Be At Show)
1 FREE Rhino Bumper (Product Will Be At Show)
1 FREE Set of HCR Half Doors for Kawasaki Teryx (Product Will Be At Show)

Rugged Race Products Racing Radios - Race Communications - Racing Electronics - rugged. radios
$150.00 Rugged Bucks (GC)

Xtreme Machine & Fab (XMF) XtremeMF
$300 towords an XMF Long Travel Kit
A Bunch of Billet Goodies!!!

Wally World Designs Side x Side Outfitterz
$200.00 Wally World Bucks to use towords any Wally World Paint Job!!!

Many more prizes are being donated as we get closer to the show so make sure to come by and check out what else may be up for grabs!!!!!

UTVUnderground will have our all new XMF Sponsored UTVUnderground/4130 Clothing T-Shirt on hand as well as many other 4130 items!!!!!

Ice COLD Monster Energy!!!

Check out pics and vids from last years show here: http://www.utvunderground.com/f46/ssss-pics-vids-2155.html

If your on Facebook join the UTVUnderground.com on Facebook and page and RSVP for th eevent here: Welcome to Facebook

Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa, CA
September 17 at 10:00am - September 19 at 4:00pm
Show Hours:
Friday—10am to 10pm
Saturday—9am to 7pm
Sunday—9am to 4pm.


Sand Sports Super Show




We will also be taking donations to support FAST-Aid - Home


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Can't wait Joey. It will be awesome to team up with you.

We'll be in "The Span" which is outside but covered in spots 217 & 219.
We will see you guys there!!! Is there any after show activities going on? Last year we all hit downtown huntington beach...Had some good food @ Freds and good times @ the black bull:D
I'll be stopping by for sure Joey. Should have my rhino on display in my buddies booth "Dune Whore". So I should be down there for most of the weekend.
We are getting closer.......You know we will have free Monster's to pass out, I am sure some cold beer will be in order as well! UTVUnderground/4130 Clothing will be in the house and for sale!!!! Our booth partner UTVGuide.Net has some free Pit Bull Tires to give away! I am sure we will have some other cool stuff to give out also!!!!

Cars on display in our booths will be Can-Am Commander 1000, Muzzys Monster Energy Kawasaki Teryx (Jon Crowley's), and wither the FatRod or the Monster Energy Kawasaki Teryx (Mike Lasher's).

Looks like Magnum is going to have a booth also so we may put the FatRod over there!!! The show is going to be off the hook!!!!!!

Make sure you come hang out with the best UTV community on the web!!!!

www.UTVUnderground.com www.UTVGuide.Net www.UTVWeekly.com
Hey Joey....Put my name on those pitt bulls!!!!! LOL!! You know where to find us!!! Right at the main entrance...we will have at least 2 trucks in the booth and probabally at least 3 sxs's:D......I should be picking 2Times up from the sheet metal shop tomorrow:eek:
Maybe we should try to setup a time to meet up and get to meet the other forum members.
I'll be there too, making the trip down from NOR-CAL. Last year was my first and I spent a boatload of cash and left with lots of goodies! You won't be disapointed.
Not only will UTVGuide.net be giving away a set of Pit Bull Tires but UTVUnderground and Pro Armor will be giving away a BRAND NEW Pro Armor Bumper for your Rhino, Teryx, or RZR!!!! Looks like we will have some other cool stuff too amongst Freee Monster Energy Drinks, stickers, and UTVUnderground SWAG!!!! Our booth will be the SPOT!
Can't wait, first trip without the kids, been going for 10 years now, the last 6 with kids, love them to death, but can't look at a damn thing when they are there, plus the old lady nagging that the kids are buggin', you know, the usual! Can't wait. Coming up Friday afternoon and staying the night for the show on Saturday.
Rugged will be there in full force with some new products that are off the hook. We will be there doing what we do best and you know what that is....Having a blast. Cant wait to see you all out there. We have had great times in the past and cant wait for more to come.
Rugged will be there in full force with some new products that are off the hook. We will be there doing what we do best and you know what that is....Having a blast. Cant wait to see you all out there. We have had great times in the past and cant wait for more to come.

gonna see you guys, I need the radio power connector ( half of it still) and an adpator cable from radio to the 600 i/c.
So I was at the OCFair a few weeks ago and on the back of my parking ticket stub it has a promtional offer for $2.00 off every ticket to this years Super Sport Sand Show. You have to purchase them on line but you will get the discount.
every little bit helps. enjoy.
Follow the link to buy tickets. Tickets - Sand Sports Super Show

Use code # SSSSPT10

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