What's it like to drive an SR1??


The First Lady of SXS - UTVUnderground Approved
Thought I'd try to give you guys kind of a run down of what it's like driving an SR1 - I know a ton of you guys are probably wondering what it's gonna be like!

Well, since I am learning how to drive it still, I thought I'd share a little of what you guys can expect!

It's crazy because your Rhino still FEELS like your Rhino. Still smells, looks and handles like your Rhino. But the big difference comes when you go to start it, and you forget you have a clutch pedal (haha).

CLUTCH IN.....first gear (anyone who has ever ridden a quad or dirt/streetbike will feel right at home with the first gear forward, rest of them backwards shift pattern), then.....clutch oooooout....helps to keep your heel on the floorboard with your clutch foot for more clutch finesse - mine is a surprisingly easy, short little clutch throw.

Shifter....we used the stock Rhino shifter, because I like it (it's cute), and it has a short throw and a light little rubber shift knob. Those things help you to be gentle when you shift - the more leverage, the harder you will tend to shift when you get panicky/things get tricky! :)

The first thing you will notice is that when you press on the gas pedal, it GOES!!! Rolling into the gas is something I had to learn how to do....with the Rhino motor, it's JAM the pedal to the floor until the end of the race - lol! With the SR1, if you jam the pedal to the floor, you will see your ass end pass your front end pretty quick! haha! Or you might just sit there for a second or two while your wheels spin.....all great problems to have, btw! Not complaining!

Another thing you will notice, is that the R1 motor has a suprisingly usable powerband! I thought it would be more "spazzy" - like a built Banshee....but it's actually got a lot of low and mid range power/pull - even though it likes the high end the most! At Lucas, I never even got into third gear (although not a bad idea on that front straight).

So, once you get used to the fact that when you push the gas, you have a ton of power, then you start to have fun! Gears one and two are quite tall, 3 is pretty tall, too - 4,5 and I would imagine 6 (haven't found enough pavement for 6th gear!) are not as tall, but they are still there if you find a place where you can use them! :)

Jumping is a little different - I have found I have to set up my Rhino before launching it, much like a truck, now. I have to brake/gas just before a jump sometimes to keep my nose from lifting, and you can use your gas/brake pedal in the air to adjust as well......I have also found that it is just fun to blip the throttle in the air - I am practicing that next time I head out! haha!

Cornering is my biggest challenge.....but I am learning how to pitch it sideways and use all that HP/wheel spin to keep from tipping/catching the ruts! In two wheel drive, it's SO easy to upset the rear wheels with just a brake tap.....then you have to be careful to give it just the right amount of throttle throughout the corner...if it's nice and loamy, you can really feel the power pulling you through - my back end hunches down and I can feel the outer rear tire really biting in - SO cool!! When it's wet, it's like dancing on your tip-toes.....and throttle control becomes much more important! When it's dry, it's a matter of feeling the feedback from the rear wheels all the way through the corner and adjusting for it on the fly......

The sound is awesome, even from the inside (loud - YES, but I wear earbuds anyway, so I LIKE it!)....I still can't get over how SMOOTH the power sounds....when you blip the gas, it's just such a buttery smooth power delivery - compared to that one cylinder working it's hardest.....I still find myself noticing that sometimes.

All around experience? It's made racing FUN again! It's made it more challenging, busier, faster, more exciting and sometimes I freak myself out and get that "Oh sh*t, I almost ate it bad!" adreniline rush again! Also - I don't worry about my belt anymore....I don't feel the clutch digging into my right thigh anymore. I don't feel like my motor is maxed out and cooking it's little heart out anymore.....and I can drive my Rhino into the trailer after a hard day at the track, and not touch it again until the next time I go out (except maybe to clean it....)

So....that's my impressions so far of the SR1. I'm having a blast running around, but can't wait until I can do it with a bunch more of you out there! :p
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My gears have been spinning on how I can build an SR1 for next season............I am going to try and make it happen!
I can only imagine what a wild ride that is. It's what we're all missing, a great ride but with some POWER to play. I visited your web site the other day (WellerRacing.com) and was very impressed. I've got a few goodies on my personal wish list I need to talk to you about.

Keep on haulin a$$!
Thanks Brian!!! The more the merrier - would love to see you in one!!! Feel free to call anytime!!!

HEY JOEY!!! THANKS for my new AVITAR!!! You saved me about 20 minutes trying to resize a darn picture!! lol!
Thanks for the preview Corry! Sounds like a blast, now go tell Jason to get my kit in the mail!! :)
I must admit I want one to. That car hauls ass! Once you learn to drive it & the tracks not wet. You will kill us!!!:(:(
Thanks Brian!!! The more the merrier - would love to see you in one!!! Feel free to call anytime!!!

HEY JOEY!!! THANKS for my new AVITAR!!! You saved me about 20 minutes trying to resize a darn picture!! lol!
cant wait to get an sr1 in my rhino wating to get it back from the fab shop then its going to jason for the in stall i got an 08 motor wating on the gsrage floor want to here it
Wow Corry, great description of the SR1! Been leaning towards dropping the Rotax in mine, but I might have to rethink my approach.
The Wellers were nice enough to let me get behind the wheel, and also ride along with Corry when she was practicing over the weekend.

All i have to say is WOW!!

It hauls ass.. very comfortable and smooth to drive. on the speedworld shortcourse track (loors race track) you only need 1st and 2nd gears!

Corry blasted me around the track for a few laps, and i was holding on for dear life! I have never been scared in a UTV before, and i will admit, i was a little nervous being on the outside of all those corners just powersliding through them. Props to Corry for pushing that sucker hard. She is really learning how to corner that sucker, and sending those grand stand jumps as far as the pro trucks were jumping was an amazing feeling!

I got to put a couple laps in myself just to see how the power was, and it was awesome. It felt like it had the perfect amount of power. Not too much, where you have to be super careful on the throttle, but there is tons there when you need it. It was very controlable power. You can easily drive it too fast, which has never really happened in a UTV before, espeically on a track as fast and open as that one. It was awesome being able to just play in 1st and 2nd gears. I was a little skeptical on how much time would be spent shifting, but it was nothing. Just being in 2nd gear around the faster parts of the track, my MX style helmet was getting pulled up on my head from the wind speed pulling up the visor. That has never happened to me in a UTV before!! I was stoked. and since you can spin that motor to 13000 rpms, it just keeps pulling!

I even shifted into 2nd about 15 feet before a jump, and it didn't even hesitate. Just pulled right up, and no chance of lawn darting it. I actually jumped that one nose high!

I think these cars have a ton of potential. Once you see it, and have a chance to feel the power, it will blow your mind. It reminded me alot of my funco sand car how the power felt. It would also be a freakin blast in the sand!

I think jason hit the nail on the head with this concept, and i look forward to seeing the racing classes start getting put together for these cars.

I don't know where else you can build an offroad race car with that level of performance for the low amount of dollars, and high reliability they provide. Its a win win combo!

Nice job!

DAM! just watched the Vid. on Corry's web site. Your car looks so light in the air "E ticket ride"
Greg - so glad you could come out and check it out and get some seat time in it!! Sorry about all those left-hand turns....they felt fine from my side - LOL!! :)

You did great out there - we have heard from several people that it's a lot easier to drive than they thought it would be - me included! Tha'ts probably one of the reasons why it's so much fun....well....that and the whole "power" thing! :D

I'm thinking you should be out there reppin' LSR in 2010 in one of those! :)
I will see if i can make that happen! If you guys can get LOORS to add it as a class, i think i might be able to pull it off!


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