One huge compound right when you enter the dunes. Think of driving down Gecko then at Pad one you just completely fenced in the whole thing and built like 8 - 1 Room w/ 1 Bathroom houses, 1 main "Man Cave" house thats like 1000 sq ft with all the amenities, another 1000 sq ft party tent (with glass sliding doors), a large outdoor fire / party area with movie screen, and then some quarters for the full time staff to cook meals, clean, etc. Our room was serviced just like a hotel today, staff is running around always making sure you have what you need.
These guys wake up and all of their cars have been prepped by a full time staff of mechanics. They go shred the dunes come back and the mechanics pull the cars into an onsite garage (there are about 10 high end sand cars here that include all kinds of funcos and buckshots including the first Monster Energy Buckshot X2R, lol) and the crew immediately goes to work pulling them in, cleaning, fixing, gassing up, etc so the cars are ready for the next ride.
In a nut shell, its everything we dream of! hahahah NO JOKE!