STOCK Polaris Xp Class @ The Lucas Oil Regional Series??? Need your input

If my worcs car would be legal by welding my cage to my chassis and not having to run a fuel cell i would be in and i bet alot more of us would be too
You would race in the unlimited class

that is the problem! I can't compete with unlimited cars like sr1's or built motors, my XP has stock motor, stock suspension/ shocks no ecu upgrades but isn't production legal because I have built chassis and relocated radiator and custom fuel cell! I can't keep up with the rule changes and I havn't even raced my XP yet. I can't seem to sell it and I havn't put 50 miles on it since i brought it home from the DEALER! I was finally getting excited to race Glen Helen now i have to race fully modified cars with race motors:eek: not worth my money to ride around the back of the field again!
Rappy, if your cage meets the thickness and diameter specs you will be good to go. Nobody has to WELD the cage to the chassis.
We will have to add an X in the door area and tie it into the OEM hip bar mount down in the rocker area.
Hopefully some of you can come out to Glen Helen and check out these cars that Brain built.
Tyler dont be fooled by big motors. There are guys on the track with minimal mods like exhaust and they are doing great. I think we all forgot how good these are in stock trim. I wouldnt do any motor mods if i could go back.

Todd i have the x in the door but ill need to see the size required of the x. And what about the comment of the relocated radiators >??
Tyler dont be fooled by big motors. There are guys on the track with minimal mods like exhaust and they are doing great. I think we all forgot how good these are in stock trim. I wouldnt do any motor mods if i could go back.

Todd i have the x in the door but ill need to see the size required of the x. And what about the comment of the relocated radiators >??

thanks Casey! I get, it the the sport is progressing very fast! It has just been a jagged pill to swallow. I like the Idea of the more of a stock platform for sxs racing It just sucks when i'v already made my bed with an overly modified XP! How many unlimited utv's are planning on attending this race?
thanks Casey! I get, it the the sport is progressing very fast! It has just been a jagged pill to swallow. I like the Idea of the more of a stock platform for sxs racing It just sucks when i'v already made my bed with an overly modified XP! How many unlimited utv's are planning on attending this race?

Tyler,you should come out to AZ and race in the unlimited class out here.I guarantee you would have a blast and be very competitive.Right now a modified Rhino is leading the points although he hasnt won a race.I have tried to get some local guys with XPs that are legal to show but they never do and I cant figure out why.At 125 to race it is way cheaper than LOORS and you still run the LOORS tracks.
If this did happen could you explain "Stock Xp" Would there be exhaust/intake mods? Different shocks? Fuel programers?

Plus,define" BONE STOCK XP"........A year ago there were some of these running away from the pack :rolleyes:
if you wanted a true stock class get polaris or a dealer involed. Why because have to get all the cheaters out there and beat them. to fix that have mandatory stock ecu on hand everyone gets one at end of race you pull them out and make them push car back ensures no cheating. make everybody leave a deposit and if you register early you get it half off plus you get all money back or little fee then you get idea how many are showing up. that knocks out all your motor cheaters. then if you want to run exhaust/intake/what ever it will help or hurt you. then maybe the aftermarket guys will make sure there product works before sending you out to race it. The cage and doors are going to be a little hurdle. but if you got with a company ex dragonfire/black rhino/jagged/strippingshop. you could have them draw something up ex locking clamps for bolt on cages/reinfocement plates/doors/ect. that cage is mandatory and anybody can build it too no variances/ no race. make the rules black and white.
if you wanted a true stock class get polaris or a dealer involed. Why because have to get all the cheaters out there and beat them. to fix that have mandatory stock ecu on hand everyone gets one at end of race you pull them out and make them push car back ensures no cheating. make everybody leave a deposit and if you register early you get it half off plus you get all money back or little fee then you get idea how many are showing up. that knocks out all your motor cheaters. then if you want to run exhaust/intake/what ever it will help or hurt you. then maybe the aftermarket guys will make sure there product works before sending you out to race it. The cage and doors are going to be a little hurdle. but if you got with a company ex dragonfire/black rhino/jagged/strippingshop. you could have them draw something up ex locking clamps for bolt on cages/reinfocement plates/doors/ect. that cage is mandatory and anybody can build it too no variances/ no race. make the rules black and white.

Sounds really good online but I'm not sure some of your ideas will work in real life.......

Have the racer push his car back to his/her pit and pull his ecu box?.......

-Sounds like a fight waiting to happen lol.....

Make all UTV racers leave a deposit?......

The regionals are about low cost racing. Asking for any more money would be too much to ask of the UTV racers......

As far as cheaters go you'll see them at all forms of racing. Good thing we have a great tech. But you can't expect to have a NASCAR style tech for a $125 entry fee. I feel our program exceeds the safety, organization ,tech, fun, convenience and track prep of any other race/series for the $125 entry fee......

It's all about fun and hope everyone can come check it out before picking apart or beating the program up behind your keyboard. Thanks Dirty

And Thank You " The Stripping Shop" for your ideas.

Plus,define" BONE STOCK XP"........A year ago there were some of these running away from the pack :rolleyes:

Maybe the Title should of read "Stockish" Xp class. Never meant to say Bone Stock? Sorry

And many apologies if I came across too direct. Keep all the comments and ideas going.
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My daughter races in the Stock UTV class in Az Regional, with a 09 Teryx. Stock motor with bolt on performance. intake, exhuast, clutch, and MSD Box. The internals of the motor and throttle bodies factory stock. Cagedw/roof, bolt on doors that open, bumpers, bed delete kit, PRP Seats with 5 pt harnesses, and window net on driver side 750cc 1300+ lbs the car produces 47 hp on the dyno. The only thing I had to do to the car to be able to race the Az Regional, was the window net and fire extinguisher. The major cost for her to race was her personel saftey equipment. Helmet, neck restraint, fire suit, shoes, and gloves. what I am saying is the car already had most of everything it needed on it in play car trim. The cost of protection equipment for the driver was my bigest expense, and I by no means have alot of money. So it is affordable to do.

Now, where does that put my daughter's Trex? It is already considered stock against 900 xps, Can Am 1000s, and the Wildcat 1000s? The power to weight ratio of the XPs put them at a major advantage, and the CA 1000 and AC 1000 well they have the displacement for the same weight as the Trex. So where does that put the Trex people with play cars that want to race the regional series. So in order to be competive in the stock class against 900s and 1000s anyone below these displacements is going to have to dig into there wallet and pull out more $ to be able to be on the track with these other cars. Or be tossed into the Modified Class. Still the same spending $ to be on the track and competive.

So maybe the classes should go something like this:
660cc-800cc stock. includes Rhinos, Trexes, and 800XPs with very and I mean very limited mods. Maybe need to add weight to the car to reduce it down to the Rhino and Trex.

801cc-1000cc stock 900 XPs and the 1000 cars.

someone would need to do the power to weight ratio for the 801cc-1000cc class that if the 1000s with bolt on performance would be the same for the XP900.

I am all for more cars out on the track racing at the regional level, and more so at the entry level class. Just hope that if it does happen that the playing field is level for all racing in a stock format.
thanks dirty just trying to throw ideas out there, but i will tell you this i can add about 10hp that you would never find if you dont lock the ecu's. so when there is a racer out there pulling everyboby you will see. Just make a phone call to benchmark,muzzy,queen, or holtz they will tell you. Plus you could bring other manufactures in by slowing one manufacture down and speeding another up. i was joking on the pushing thing, but was just thinking outside of the box.
Great input DuneCruzr and The Stripping Shop

My Thoughts-

If the manufactures want this UTV thing to grow they need to standardize the motors and chassis. 500 - 750 - 1000 CC or something like this?? Just as the Motocross bikes are 50cc- 65cc- 85cc- 250cc - 450cc.

Keep the wheel base and wheel widths the same and work towards a standard.

I know its tough as Can Am is always trying to 1 up Polaris and Polaris is one upping someone else and Kawasaki is looking at grabbing a large piece of the pie. Etc Etc im sure you get where im coming from.
Great ideas coming in. Let's get the safety rules ironed out. Get a great car count. Then worry bout the cheaters when we have a 20 car field.
Many of us just want a chance to race on one of these awesome short course tracks. I'm sure Lee and the Lucas crew will come up with a great rule package for our motors.
if you dont look ahead you will have same problem as sr1. ex were are they now,yes they were cheaper to build,cheaper to race, but they have nobody to race with. If lucas oil would of made them run certain sprocket, stock ecu, tire,you would of then been able to slow them down so the kawis/polaris/canam could of all been competive. instead you seen everyone blowing up trying to keep up costing alot of money and nobody showed up. cut the head off now so you can have alot of people competive instead of a hand full. you could ask benchmark/queen/k&t/muzzy/black rhino to re flash everyone computer during tech for 1 time fee ex you have 10 guys show up flash for 100-150. they flash the stock class to clean up fuel setting and everyone does it because it makes your car run better anyways. safety rules make them black and white standard cage ex "A" pillar must run chrommolly tube clamp instead of stock 2 bolt set up. cage has to be out of 1-3/4 no 1-1/2 or 1-1/4 any were since its a bolt on cage. "b" pilar plate has to be made of 5/16" and bolted with 3 bolts 3/8 bolts. top of "B" pilar must tie into rear bumper can be bolt on if you use chrommoly tube clamps. rear bumper must be out 1-3/4 tubing. "A" pilar and "B" pilar must be tied together with one 1-3/4 tube for door bar can be removable if you use chromolly clamps. bottom of door must have 2 spots that tie to steel bars with 3/8 bolts and 5/16 plate. 5 point harness/helmet/window net/ fire suit. if you use stock fuel tank to external pump and must have fire blanket/aluminum/something to cover it.

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