Still want to debate the HELMET LAW????

I am sure my opinion is flawed in someway and pisses some people off. I too am very passive, I tend to take what i am dealt and make the most of it. In this case, this just wasn't the battle I am willing to complain about. I just take it and move on and do what i can to help fight against future regulation. Guns and Taxes, piss me off. JOHNSON VALLEY pisses me off!! Helmets, f- Ain't nobody got time fo dat! lol
I am sure my opinion is flawed in someway and pisses some people off. I too am very passive, I tend to take what i am dealt and make the most of it. In this case, this just wasn't the battle I am willing to complain about. I just take it and move on and do what i can to help fight against future regulation. Guns and Taxes, piss me off. JOHNSON VALLEY pisses me off!! Helmets, f- Ain't nobody got time fo dat! lol

I aint mad atcha... :cool:
A helmet would have definetly helped... but the first time i seen the artic kitty i have a good idea that the a pillars would fold down with the right hit on the roof. Theres always danger in wheeling... wether it be somthing like this or a freak accident its just part of the risk. A good cage and a helmet would both be great ideas when you know your goin to be cutting up.

Everytime i see a picture like that or hear about someone or even dying it makes me take a moment and thank the big guy upstairs that theres no reason the same shouldnt have happened to me many times before...

Ive always said anything fun is dangerous in some way.
And here lies the problem. You don't mind the law because it doesn't effect you.
This law and many laws effect very few people but sheeple flock to the poles and vote with their hearts instead of their brains. Liberals have no issues punishing the masses for the benefit if very few.
Oh ya Facebook, sorry, don't belong and never will. And I don't agree with our good friend Reid posting it either. Maybe you are cool with wearing a helmet, I respect you for wearing it, But I want the choice to pick and choose where I do use it. I think arctic cats cages are crap, and the proof is in that picture.

My dad is a retired kern fireman, seen more death and destruction than most ever will. He and my mom don't ride like a lot of us in the technical shit or fast sand. They ride with a large group of older folks and they ride for the scenery. Helmets are of no use for these folks and it is just added strain on the necks. My parents are old enough and set in their ways and refuse to go along with the bullshit coming down the pike. So needless to say I won't be getting to enjoy their company on a Cali ride because of spineless pushovers.
When I am in Baja prerunning I always wear a helmet,when I am driving the car to tech or contigency I dont.The reality of it is I probably took a much bigger risk going 80 on the highway to get there but nobody is calling for people to wear helmets when driving on the highway.Its feel good legislation and nothing more.
Oh ya Facebook, sorry, don't belong and never will. And I don't agree with our good friend Reid posting it either. Maybe you are cool with wearing a helmet, I respect you for wearing it, But I want the choice to pick and choose where I do use it. I think arctic cats cages are crap, and the proof is in that picture.

My dad is a retired kern fireman, seen more death and destruction than most ever will. He and my mom don't ride like a lot of us in the technical shit or fast sand. They ride with a large group of older folks and they ride for the scenery. Helmets are of no use for these folks and it is just added strain on the necks. My parents are old enough and set in their ways and refuse to go along with the bullshit coming down the pike. So needless to say I won't be getting to enjoy their company on a Cali ride because of spineless pushovers.

So in one sentence you say you respect me for my decision to wear a helmet then you essentially call me a spineless pushover? lol If thats respect then go ahead and keep it, I don't want it or need it.

it's all good either way, I'm a big boy. What I don't get is its a helmet? it protects you! Im not gonna call the waaambulance over it, I'm gonna ride with one on instead. Believe it or not, I actually sent cook an email in regards to the helmet issue as well last year when it was a hot topic. I was always down for the cause.

I'm not sure how old your parents are but there are helmets that weigh almost as much as a baseball cap? I have been trailering my machines to AZ to ride with my parents since 2006. I don't mind it, nice change of pace. My dad comes to Glamis once in a blue moon to ride with me an while he may not like it he would rather wear a helmet and ride with me then not.

Anyway, there is more important stuff to work on then bickering about what's done. I guess I would just rather be a spineless pushover enjoying my sport an hobby with no head trauma then be sitting around a fire crying in my beer about a piece of plastic.
Did any one find out any info on the driver , first time driver , drinking did it happen before the law are after and maybe the most important did the guy live ?

The deal is done we have no choice on this one any more just shows we need to come tougher and not be divided just dont think about ones self because when these laws start and trail close and new law start at one side of our country you can bet it will move to the other side .

Were not just racers , duners , farmers or trail rider we are UTV users and we need to remember that .

As Dan would say I'm stepping of my soap box now thank you . :D
:eek:Holy chit. Yeah helmet law sucks but when I see something like this it makes me want to wear mine.. Better to be hot in a helmet,Than to have brain Ventilation
its all good. i respect freedom of choice.lots of times i ride without the helmet.comfy and easy to chat with ur passenger.but after racing , it seems once you get use to it (as long as u have intercom) its not so bad.i never wore a helmet til i started racing.the pic brings reality very close to home.glad he is ok. but i still state the cage as a major offroad vehicle sold bone stock to do 70 to 80 mph should be equipped with the safety to withstand an impact to protect the occupants .i will still enjoy helmet less rides here in az ,but also use commen sense on when to wear one.still exremely hard to believe that it isnt mandatory that these ohv come with 4 or 5 point harnesses.that there alone tells me that the manufactures still arent too concerned (as they claim to be) with safety.those nets and belts are a freakin joke for an out of the box factory ride.
I understand your side, trust me, I feel pretty confident in my abilities as well, and have driven my machines well beyond their limits with no helmets and no injuries (thank God). BUT, you can't say that a properly built cage is the end all. Again, I point out, a properly built cage with improperly buckled in passeger/driver is just as dangerous. A built cage with a loose cannon driver flying off the road and sending the car into a barrel roll does no good to his head as he is flopping around.

I know your point is that its YOUR RIGHT as an American to make choices for yourself. I 100% agree, and again, I sincerely agree with you. BUT, the law will prevent injuries, and if some people leave the state of CA or quit off-roading because of it then so be it, that too is their choice.

This is it right here. The helmet will jot save your life no matter what. Plus there hasn't even been a study done to prove how much safer anyone is with it on, especially kids. The kid side of this is completely a different beast, if you are going to run around with them in your vehicle like a race car driver helmet or no helmet you should be tested for mental stability. There is a lot of variables that can cause injury in a crash. But I see it this way none of these vehicles are truly built to withstand a crash. Look at the cage of this vehicle as a prime example. It just hard to swallow people being so quick to thank the government for "making us safer". Everyone could have worn a helmet before this law I just don't see showing a picture like this and saying that a helmet law is the right thing. I see this picture and as a human think through some of the stuff I have done without a helmet. It may infact make me comfortable putting it on next time but it doesn't make it right for a politician to tell me it's better.
its all good. i respect freedom of choice.lots of times i ride without the helmet.comfy and easy to chat with ur passenger.but after racing , it seems once you get use to it (as long as u have intercom) its not so bad.i never wore a helmet til i started racing.the pic brings reality very close to home.glad he is ok. but i still state the cage as a major offroad vehicle sold bone stock to do 70 to 80 mph should be equipped with the safety to withstand an impact to protect the occupants .i will still enjoy helmet less rides here in az ,but also use commen sense on when to wear one.still exremely hard to believe that it isnt mandatory that these ohv come with 4 or 5 point harnesses.that there alone tells me that the manufactures still arent too concerned (as they claim to be) with safety.those nets and belts are a freakin joke for an out of the box factory ride.

Could not agree with you more about how these vehicles are built.
I did not post the photo to in some way imply that the govt taking away your right to choose was the right thing. I posted it so that some who complain about wearing one may see that MAYBE, just MAYBE, it could be a good thing for them.

Look, my step brother was killed over 10 years ago in a motorcycle accident in Arizona. He died of head trauma. Guess what, he had no helmet. That was HIS choice, but it was not the choice of my families for him to go out and DIE of HEAD TRAUMA. Maybe the helmet wouldn't of saved his life, but I don't need some stupid govt study to tell me that it is or isn't safer to wear one. Common sense tells me that helmets prevent injuries and in many cases DEATH.

I invite you all to watch this video of Zach Bell at the Dallas SX race this year. This is extreme, but it proves my point perfectly at how helmets do save lives and prevent injuries. Zach Bell was able to walk away and live to race another day!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Again, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that we should all have a right to wear one or not, but that wasn't my point in this thread. The point is, SHIT happens that sometimes you can't control and a helmet, just like a proper roll cage and a pair of harnesses work together to help protect you. If you don't agree then you are either in denial, or maybe you already hit your head too hard... lol
Do helmets save lives and is it safer to wear one. Yup. Is it the end all be all safety device. Nope. Since we are now posting videos to motorcycle riders crashing I will bring up Moto GP rider Marco Simoncelli. Out of respect for him and his family I will not link the video of his crash but his helmet did not save his life.

It's not big brothers place to tell me I must wear a helmet every time I'm behind the wheel of my SxS. It's up to me to make the decision and live with it. I do not need a helmet to cruise down a fire road. I do not need to wear a helmet to cruise over to the pooper in camp grounds. I do not need to wear a helmet to unload my car off the trailer.

I choose to wear a helmet when I know I'm going to do somthing stupid in my car. It's my choice to wear it when and where I see fit. I do not need someone to govern my common sense. I am all for safety, but its up to the person to determine how safe they want to be. When I raced at Irwindale Speedway I wore Nomex underwear, a top level fire suit, a Hans device, etc. which were all optional. 90% of the field wore none of this.

Instead of making legislation to force people to wear helmets why don't legislators focus on making the manufactuers of these vehicles provide a safe cage and seat harnesses from the factory.

Not one manufacturer offers a sufficiantly safe cage or seat belt/harness on any SxS currently made. I did one ride with my stock cage and then had XMF build a proper cage for me and added 5 point harnesses and doors. It has saved my life in two seperate high speed, end over end crashes. First one was 35-40mph end over end, side over side down a razorback. Second one was at 55-60mph straight onto the roof end over end. Niether time I was wearing a helmet. Niether time was their any structural damage to the cage nor was I or my passenger hurt. Was I fortunate, absolutely. Do I wear a helmet every time now. Nope. I still decide before each ride.
My personal opinion: Helmet laws are stupid but wearing a helmet is smart.

Regardless of what state, what type of riding or what laws are in the books, there always has been and will be a helmets mandatory rule in my UTV.

Then again, you know what they say about opinions....
Lets not debate what is right or wrong instead take an extra moment to look at our sport and acknowledge the inherent danger in what we love. Use this example as a decision making tool. I challenge all to remember this all too typical scenario when we decide to spend our money. Perhaps we should invest in harnesses before an exhaust. Buy a roll cage before a stereo an cool wheels. Maybe good helmets before a graphics kit.

The manufacturers will change only when we demand safety over horse power and wheel travel. In the end our pocket books have all the power; the government and industry will follow what our wallets demand. To think otherwise, while sometimes ignorant or even noble, is the reason we are in the situation we are in.

Just my humble opinion.
Lets not debate what is right or wrong instead take an extra moment to look at our sport and acknowledge the inherent danger in what we love. Use this example as a decision making tool. I challenge all to remember this all too typical scenario when we decide to spend our money. Perhaps we should invest in harnesses before an exhaust. Buy a roll cage before a stereo an cool wheels. Maybe good helmets before a graphics kit.

The manufacturers will change only when we demand safety over horse power and wheel travel. In the end our pocket books have all the power; the government and industry will follow what our wallets demand. To think otherwise, while sometimes ignorant or even noble, is the reason we are in the situation we are in.

Just my humble opinion.

Completely agree. Fist modifications to any SxS are: Cage, Belts, Seats, and Doors.

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