Still want to debate the HELMET LAW????



Please tell me more about why wearing a helmet is stupid... lol
A helmet would have helped no doubt . But is there a story to go with the pix . That cage didn't fold at a slow trail ride . IMHO .
Lawyers are why we have the stupid helmet law, IMHO you get what you pay for... It sounds harsh, but why should artic cat pay for this guys mistake???? If any of us think he was just going 5mph and it rolled over to cause this would be mistaken.... A lot of people also stated they feared this happening when they first saw the cat..... No support!!!! ALL of the SxS would do that with stock cages in an end over end roll... I feel bad for the guy yes, but if he was my friend I would have been preaching an aftermarket cage when he got the cat.... And to wear a helmet if you are riding fast.....
The only debate that should be had is the one he had with himself before he went riding! That's the way it should be, you make your own decisions on how you want to handle YOUR own situations and deal with the consequences of your actions. It's not my place to force my ideas on anyone, nor is it anyone else's place to do so.
Here is the point I was trying to make in posting this:

Not wearing a helmet can F-You UP BAD!


Even a slow roll over can cause injury to your dome if not protected.. FACT (slow tip over, sharp pointy rock in window opening, SPLAT)

When you see a photo like this, it has to make you think!!

Everyone thinks they are invincible and so utterly responsible when driving off-road until someone ELSE causes them to evade and crash!! Think of what YOU CANNOT CONTROL!


Chicks dig scars, but not brain damage!!!

If I can save one friend by making him wear a helmet on a ride I am leading, then its all worth it!!

Some parents are idiots, put kids in cars and drive like morons. Kids can't make their own decisions but if the law makes you put a helmet on them then maybe the kids who can't protect themselves can be saved!!

Just some thoughts I have on this subject as I am 50/50 on support of the law. I hate having to wear a helmet when cruising around camps and what not, but its stupid to go "riding" and not have one on.
i with joey on this. i rolled my car last year at glamis. it was a slow roll side ways down a very large dune and every time it hit on my side my head would tag the b pillar. i rolled 7 times even with the aftermarket cage that more than did its job(no real damage to me or the car what so ever) i would have had some serious head damage if not for the helmet i had on. this was just one of the those freak things you cant predict. point is this is the law and weather your doing a slow trail ride or riding in the dunes there is a potential to roll. i rather wear the helmet and be safe than wish i had worn a helmet and be in the hospital.
I have been involved in several types of racing and offroad endeavors and I have found out even the most mundane type crashes can mash your noggin. I fell off a bicycle once doing 2 mph and got a concussion without a helmet. Speed dont mean crap, it's all in the circumstances. Fine and dandy if you hard heads want to ride without a helmet but for God's sake protect your kids. Their melons cant take the abuse your bowling ball noodle can!
The debate here isn't whether you should or should not wear a helmet. We probably all agree that a helmet is a good idea. The problem I have is when someone makes a law that requires me (a sane law abiding adult) to do something that doesn't affect anyone's safety but my own. I'm a grown man and if I chose to ride a motorcycle down the highway in nothing but my tightie whities who are you to tell me I can't? How can any of us claim we live in a free society when it's virtually impossible to do anything legally?

Want to own a gun? Fine, where I live but I better not cross some imaginary line that was established 200 years ago or it's a felony.

Want to sell a soda? Fine, but in NY it better not be too big or it's a crime.

The list goes on and on and on....

At what point do we say enough? in 2012 more than 20,000 laws went into effect. Each time we pass a law we lose a freedom.
Ya, my parents don't ride in cali anymore because of this STUPID law. Keep posting up pics like that and they will keep taking stuff from your website to use against the folks who don't want shit shoved down their throat.......
Here is the point I was trying to make in posting this:

Not wearing a helmet can F-You UP BAD!


Even a slow roll over can cause injury to your dome if not protected.. FACT (slow tip over, sharp pointy rock in window opening, SPLAT)

When you see a photo like this, it has to make you think!!

Everyone thinks they are invincible and so utterly responsible when driving off-road until someone ELSE causes them to evade and crash!! Think of what YOU CANNOT CONTROL!


Chicks dig scars, but not brain damage!!!

If I can save one friend by making him wear a helmet on a ride I am leading, then its all worth it!!

Some parents are idiots, put kids in cars and drive like morons. Kids can't make their own decisions but if the law makes you put a helmet on them then maybe the kids who can't protect themselves can be saved!!

Just some thoughts I have on this subject as I am 50/50 on support of the law. I hate having to wear a helmet when cruising around camps and what not, but its stupid to go "riding" and not have one on.

A real roll cage with a B pillar connected to a door bar could have also saved that cats Wig. Get off the helmet kick JD1 busted wig, and 1000 not busted with properly built cars;)
Ya, my parents don't ride in cali anymore because of this STUPID law. Keep posting up pics like that and they will keep taking stuff from your website to use against the folks who don't want shit shoved down their throat.......

Yes you are right, its all my fault... FWIW I pulled it off of our buddy Reid's (aka Team Green) facebook page. The image which he shared it from has almost 1000 likes in less than 6 hours and almost 2000 shares in as much time... but yeah, if we share it then certainly we are ruining it for everyone else... :rolleyes: Facebook is just SLIGHTLY bigger than UTVUnderground.. BARELY.. lol


A real roll cage with a B pillar connected to a door bar could have also saved that cats Wig. Get off the helmet kick JD1 busted wig, and 1000 not busted with properly built cars;)

I DGAF, I will be the bad guy. I still sleep good.

Sure a properly built roll cage will help save people.. NO ARGUMENT from me on that. BUT, a properly built roll cage, with an improperly harnessed in person can still smash a head or face.

I get it, you guys don't like to be told what to do. Putting a helmet on is such a MASSIVE inconvenience in your riding lives. For that I say it sucks for you guys, and I am being sincere, it does suck. With that said, the law doesn't bother me all that much PERSONALLY because I wear a helmet 90% of the time anyway. Guess what, I went to Baja this weekend where I don't have to wear a helmet and so when I went for a cruise down the beach I didn't. BUT, when I went out on race day I thought, hmmm lots of dumb-asses that think their racers are gonna be driving around. I think I will do myself, my family and friends a favor and put my helmet on. Luckily I didn't need it, but you know who could of used one? The Couple that was hit HEAD ON by an idiot driving an access road like he was in a race car! The couple was in a Rhino and the cage had to be torn a part with the jaws of life. The helmet wouldn't of saved their legs that were broken but could have kept their heads and faces from being cut up and cracked. Point is, this makes me think. In baja we had the choice, wear one or not. I chose to wear one, they chose not too, but had they been MANDATED to wear one by law then they could of possibly sustained far less injuries. You know what, I hate the f'n seatbelt law in a car, but I understand it, and because its the law I follow it majority of the time. If there wasn't a law I would wear it far less of the time. Its all relevant. The law is there to protect us, its not like they are robbing us of our guns or placing another stupid tax on us. They see that there are a lot of dip shits getting their wigs split, best way to reduce that is to mandate a helmet law that affects us all. IT SUCKS, but is it really that massive of a deal?

At any rate. Its the law. If you guys want to shit down my throat for accepting it and dealing with it then so be it. Like I said, I still sleep fine at night.
I DGAF, I will be the bad guy. I still sleep good.

Sure a properly built roll cage will help save people.. NO ARGUMENT from me on that. BUT, a properly built roll cage, with an improperly harnessed in person can still smash a head or face.

I get it, you guys don't like to be told what to do. Putting a helmet on is such a MASSIVE inconvenience in your riding lives. For that I say it sucks for you guys, and I am being sincere, it does suck. With that said, the law doesn't bother me all that much PERSONALLY because I wear a helmet 90% of the time anyway. Guess what, I went to Baja this weekend where I don't have to wear a helmet and so when I went for a cruise down the beach I didn't. BUT, when I went out on race day I thought, hmmm lots of dumb-asses that think their racers are gonna be driving around. I think I will do myself, my family and friends a favor and put my helmet on. Luckily I didn't need it, but you know who could of used one? The Couple that was hit HEAD ON by an idiot driving an access road like he was in a race car! The couple was in a Rhino and the cage had to be torn a part with the jaws of life. The helmet wouldn't of saved their legs that were broken but could have kept their heads and faces from being cut up and cracked. Point is, this makes me think. In baja we had the choice, wear one or not. I chose to wear one, they chose not too, but had they been MANDATED to wear one by law then they could of possibly sustained far less injuries. You know what, I hate the f'n seatbelt law in a car, but I understand it, and because its the law I follow it majority of the time. If there wasn't a law I would wear it far less of the time. Its all relevant. The law is there to protect us, its not like they are robbing us of our guns or placing another stupid tax on us. They see that there are a lot of dip shits getting their wigs split, best way to reduce that is to mandate a helmet law that affects us all. IT SUCKS, but is it really that massive of a deal?

At any rate. Its the law. If you guys want to shit down my throat for accepting it and dealing with it then so be it. Like I said, I still sleep fine at night.

Joey, they are coming for our guns and they are raising our taxes!! But thats not the topic at hand. You know as well as I do a solid built car would not have hurt this man. Can some freak shit happen??? absolutely!! you know how many times I thought about crashing my car at pismo near the fenceline and being impeled by a fence stake??? ALOT more times than I thought holy shit...I might bust my skull on my roll cage. As a matter a fact in my R1 car I was NEVER concerned about hitting my head. Dip shits will be Dip shits, you cant fix that, but for the guy that has been offroading ALL his life and never had more than a cut or bruise the helmet law is a slap in the chops.

For me...enough is enough...they win...I quit. And that is sad as die hard a duner that I was. F*ck em...they can have those dunes.
Joey, they are coming for our guns and they are raising our taxes!! But thats not the topic at hand. You know as well as I do a solid built car would not have hurt this man. Can some freak shit happen??? absolutely!! you know how many times I thought about crashing my car at pismo near the fenceline and being impeled by a fence stake??? ALOT more times than I thought holy shit...I might bust my skull on my roll cage. As a matter a fact in my R1 car I was NEVER concerned about hitting my head. Dip shits will be Dip shits, you cant fix that, but for the guy that has been offroading ALL his life and never had more than a cut or bruise the helmet law is a slap in the chops.

For me...enough is enough...they win...I quit. And that is sad as die hard a duner that I was. F*ck em...they can have those dunes.

I understand your side, trust me, I feel pretty confident in my abilities as well, and have driven my machines well beyond their limits with no helmets and no injuries (thank God). BUT, you can't say that a properly built cage is the end all. Again, I point out, a properly built cage with improperly buckled in passeger/driver is just as dangerous. A built cage with a loose cannon driver flying off the road and sending the car into a barrel roll does no good to his head as he is flopping around.

I know your point is that its YOUR RIGHT as an American to make choices for yourself. I 100% agree, and again, I sincerely agree with you. BUT, the law will prevent injuries, and if some people leave the state of CA or quit off-roading because of it then so be it, that too is their choice.

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