The First Lady of SXS - UTVUnderground Approved
I'm running the 12" ones right now in the rear - the smaller ones up front.....better flotation in the dunes. We were originally thinking that limiting the tire width to 10" would promote a little more wheelspin, putting less pressure on the drive components and bike tranny. The kit was holding up so well, however, that we thought we'd try these out before next season to see if there ARE any adverse effects to the wider tire. If they don't seem to hurt anything, we will probably change to a limit of 12" wide......I still have some more testing to do on them, but so far so good. This is another reason we are happy to have more and more SR1's running around....it's good to get racer feedback with slightly different setups, and to see if anyone has an advantage over anyone else that may need to be addressed before the start of the season.