SR1 suggested rules are up!

I wonder what the "Pro's" will do when rhinos set faster lap times than the big boys do! hahahahahahahha

go get em peeps. :)
To use a phrase I heard curt leduec use, I'm sure ill run out of talant around turn 1 or 2. He of corse was speaking of someone else. All the hp in the world won't keep me in front, I just want to have fun.

Anyone know of an offroad driving school?
To use a phrase I heard curt leduec use, I'm sure ill run out of talant around turn 1 or 2. He of corse was speaking of someone else. All the hp in the world won't keep me in front, I just want to have fun.

Anyone know of an offroad driving school?

yeah the school of hard knocks, just get out and know your car. it all comes down to corners and setting up and recovering from making a turn. gotta keep as much traction as possible to brake late and get moving again.

i agree just having a good time is what i am looking for also. not too serious at racing, i dont have the budget to make the CA trips all the time.
Seat time is the best school you can have! :) Lots and lots of seat time!
To use a phrase I heard curt leduec use, I'm sure ill run out of talant around turn 1 or 2. He of corse was speaking of someone else. All the hp in the world won't keep me in front, I just want to have fun.

Anyone know of an offroad driving school?

I'll take you to school lit boy:p You show me the belly & I will show the fastest way to get around the track. :eek:
how much is the weller kit going for? Every racing series in the world have rules that racers don't like. Most will spent time working around the rules or should i say twisting them. There will always be rules, if you don't like them start your own series or class. Good for weller for trying to start one.
You can all have fun in that so called Spec class. It’s only a Spec class if the cars are totally the same. i.e. same weight same dimensions same everything. I have been helping a friend build a street bike UTV for an Unlimited class. And It sounds like the majority off UTV’s built and being built with bike motors fit into that Unlimited category. You won’t a spec class run a stock rhino that’s spec. just my two cents for what its worth.:eek:
Hi everybody
I posted

I have read this thead and to be quite honest what drove to attempt this was watching the "strange sounding UTVs" at the PP race from the road crossing at MM4. Of course it was a four cylinder motor....

Anyways in the series that I am trying to start the SR1 would be allowed along with any swap up to 1000cc. I am not going to sweat over if someone feels that races will be won by going backwards.

With this said if it looks like I consistently get 10 or more entries of stock SR1s (Wellers rules) I will create a separate class just for them.

I know that I cannot make everybody happy all of the time, but I will try. If not the SR1 guys will just have to deal with those that want to race backwards.

Thank you
You can all have fun in that so called Spec class. It’s only a Spec class if the cars are totally the same. i.e. same weight same dimensions same everything. I have been helping a friend build a street bike UTV for an Unlimited class. And It sounds like the majority off UTV’s built and being built with bike motors fit into that Unlimited category. You won’t a spec class run a stock rhino that’s spec. just my two cents for what its worth.:eek:

I have never said it was a spec class - I said it was as close to a spec class as we could get without every Rhino being built by the same person. The point is to limit it as much as possible to keep it more of a driver's class and much less a $$/HP class. There are lots of Unlimited classes out there for those who enjoy racing in open classes - this, however, is a very LIMITED class, and will attract those who like close competition. :)
Hi everybody
I posted

I have read this thead and to be quite honest what drove to attempt this was watching the "strange sounding UTVs" at the PP race from the road crossing at MM4. Of course it was a four cylinder motor....

Anyways in the series that I am trying to start the SR1 would be allowed along with any swap up to 1000cc. I am not going to sweat over if someone feels that races will be won by going backwards.

With this said if it looks like I consistently get 10 or more entries of stock SR1s (Wellers rules) I will create a separate class just for them.

I know that I cannot make everybody happy all of the time, but I will try. If not the SR1 guys will just have to deal with those that want to race backwards.

Thank you

Very cool Tony!! Thanks so much for keeping this class in mind for your series - 2010 is looking like it's going to be a great year!
Some thoughts:

-Limiting the class to one brand of chassis/engine will limit the field too much.

-Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki 1000 cc sportbike engines are all within an hp or two in stock form. What would be the disadvantage of allowing multiple brands?

-The disparity between brands in the current UTV classes (700cc single, 800cc twin, 750cc twin) would not exist because the Stock displacement and Configuration would be all the same(1000cc, inline 4).

-Give the Rhino/R1 guys a chance to beat the Teryx/ZX10 guys fair and square!

-If someone has a Rhino chassis and finds a smokin' deal on a CBR1000 motor, let 'em run it.

-R1 motors might get hard to find?

-There are probably plenty of Teryx drivers that are also tired of spending way to much on their motors, let them play in this class too.

-Keep the engines stock and I could see running a whole season with very little maintenance. NONE of the top UTV guys can say that!

Thanks for listening, please consider allowing other brands.
they would have to fab up kits for all different motors... they already have made the r1 so you can buy and bolt on... other wise you got to build your own or pay to have that done... by having r1 only allows more guys to have a car for the next season
Sorry for only reading the first couple pages before posting, I see that all my comments were pretty much covered.

I am 100% behind ANY expansion of the SxS business/racing.

The Wellers are doing a great thing here and I understand the goal.

The interest that this general spec of vehicle will hopefully attract should attract enough people that all of these comments/suggestions/issues will work themselves out.

Thanks again.
This is a great Idea to get rid of the grenades we where all driving to be competitive.

But after reading the rules this looks like a Money Grab class to me.

Open it up to all motor's under 1200cc.

Having rules is a must but limiting to what you built and nothing else seems short sighted...$$$$$$$$$$
But after reading the rules this looks like a Money Grab class to me.

I don't see it as that either.

The Wellers have stepped up in a big way. I'm sure they have hundreds of hours in R&D getting these kits and the class to this point. Have you seen how reasonably priced the kits are? They are not making a ton of money on them, especially if you compare what it costs to do other mods to a stock UTV.

I think this first season will be a huge milestone for UTV racing, even more-so than the exciting racing that all of the great driver's and teams have done and are currently doing. I say that because UTV's are a blast to drive and race but the SR1's will get the crowds blood pumping just as hard as the driver's when they hear a pack of R1 motors revving to 14k rpm. If you can excite the fans and the crowds then the sponsors start coming out of the wood-works and more people can afford to race.

I have a feeling that this will be just the beginning.....
As is under my rules the open class allows any M/C motor up to 1200cc.
IF I get enough interest (10 entries+) who are interested in having a separate class abiding by the suggested SR1 rules I will do it.
Keep in mind that I am not SCORE or some other large organization.
I can change the rules if I see the need or get enough requests.
So if you have any ideas that you's like to see implemented lets talk about them.
Just so it's not confusing to anyone, Tony is talking about rules to a series he is putting on in 2010, not the SR1 rules specifically. It's great that you are opening up your series to motor swap Rhinos, Tony!! Hopefully we can make it out there to some races!

As for the comments made by RRRhino, I'm not really sure what a money grab class is? If you read the rules, you will see that the ONLY thing that is required from Weller Racing is the engine mounting kit (this is about a $200 part.) We don't require anyone to run our rear drive set-up or anything - if you have one, or build your own, great! All we did was design one and put one into production that is affordable and works extremely well for what we designed it for - hard racing and running in the dunes. :)

Otherwise, ANY Rhino is legal, ANY R1 motor (stock, and within the rule guidelines) is legal, ANY chassis builder is legal, ANY suspension is legal (again, within the rule limits), is this a money grab class??

I feel like a broken record when I say this, but all we are trying to do is make as TIGHTLY COMPETITIVE class as possible for once - the opposite spectrum of an open class, and only for those who are looking for that type of thing.....if you aren't - great! There are all kinds of more open classes out there......but if this appeals to you, and you are looking for the same things out of a race class / experience that we are - then welcome!! 2010 should be a great year!! :) With the number of kits we are selling, this could be a nicely sized class!

PS - we will have 3 SR1s up and running by Thanksgiving - the kits are starting to go out, and people are starting to convert as soon as they get them.
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