The problem with an 8year old racing was not the driver it was the equipementhe was in was not up to rules.Funny thing is when we won a race, then stripped of win we didn't get a chance to fix anything. We were told zero tolerance. It'sYourLegacy says that a person under 16 shouldn't drive utv warning and safety stickers say so right. Then why in hell were Polaris allowed to race with a no ride recall then. The reason its BITD/UTVRA race rules dont apply when its there race. BITD puts on the show and UTVRA enforces the rules to a point. BITD and UTVRA have said pretty clearly if you don't like it take your shit and race somewere else.
UTVRA needs to go. It's not an association in the first place.
Cory is a great guy when he isn't texting me telling me that using the phrase "virtual tie" to describe the 17 second difference between he and Lambert on day 1 of BWDC was "disrespectful" and finished it off by telling me I "suck". According to Cory, he WON day 1 which to me is mind boggling since I didn't realize they gave trophies away on day 1... lol So whatever, Cory thinks I'm a waste for this sport. A backstabber apparently? Cool story bro.
Anyway, Cory might mean well and I do believe he has good intentions and is honest. But let's be clear, the UTVRA is a sham, a way for him to make money on his competitors to help cover his own racing expenses. To pay a FACTORY BACKED COMPETITOR on top of your already paid for entry fees so that he can tell you if your machine is fit for competition is a total crock. This is a dead horse that needs more beating.
As I have had weeks to now digest the Max Gordon scenario I now realize that regardless of who and circumstance, letting him race was a terrible decision. I hadn't even weighed the thought of him being in a non-compliant vehicle. The story is great, I have a heart, what happened to the family certainly called for some goodwill from the community, but this is outright dangerous for not just him but for our whole community. I can't imagine in a million years that AC was good with that decision but I have been wrong before.
Ultimately I'm not sure the full weight of this poor decision rests solely on The UTVRAs shoulders. BITD has to bare some responsibility here. You can't just pick and choose when and where not to enforce rules. I get the occasional missed item on cage design or the added 1/4" of track width due to a wrong wheel selection, but 8 years old? Opening doors? What's next, forgot your fire suit but you have a motor jersey so ok?? Then again, the same guy running tech is the same guy who built a Can-AM years back that was allowed to race with a card board kick panel. Sorry Cory, it's not personal it's just context.
IYL does have some interesting points for as angry as he seems to be. One point I won't deny is the fact that I have said numerous times, this fight is on the shoulders of the competitors. How many times will you bend over before you finally stand up for this class and it's future? I get it, for most, you just want to show up and have fun and not deal with drama. That's why I have bowed out of these conversations for so long I don't want to deal with the drama either. But at some point this class is going to have to grow a pair and help Casey better solve his issue with policing what is now one of his most if not the most profitable classes in his company.
I'll now step back out and get back to sucking at what I do. Oh BTW Cory, I didn't suck enough that you couldn't send the podium photo I took of you to Can-Am to use for their press release huh? Funny, I told them that was my photo and they said you gave them permission to use it. This is me SMH, I'm not mad, just disappointed.... lol