SCORE UTV Championship decided by unearned finish points!!!

I wrote Marc's championship story yesterday. The only thing I could find from that race online had him in 4th place.. I COULD NOT FIND OFFICIAL RESULTS ANYWHERE! I looked on SCORE's page and did a ton of Google searching.

Can anyone show me the OFFICIAL RESULTS from that race?? Why does SCORE not have them on their site?? Am I blind? lol
I wrote Marc's championship story yesterday. The only thing I could find from that race online had him in 4th place.. I COULD NOT FIND OFFICIAL RESULTS ANYWHERE! I looked on SCORE's page and did a ton of Google searching.

Can anyone show me the OFFICIAL RESULTS from that race?? Why does SCORE not have them on their site?? Am I blind? lol

No. They're not available online.
1932 Matt Parks 8 1:16:08.603 8 1:13:03.234 16 2:29:11.837
1920 John Angal 8 1:16:12.161 8 1:13:13.049 16 2:29:25.210
1904 Cory Sapington 8 1:29:06.306 8 1:17:35.550 16 2:46:41.856
1917 Derek Murray 8 1:32:23.764 8 1:17:47.875 16 2:50:11.639
1905 Marc Burnett 8 1:28:02.512 8 2:10:21.000 16 3:38:23.512

1941 Greg Wick 8 1:28:20.077 8 1:28:20.077

Chase Warren in a sportsman turned the fastest race in a UTV in race 2!

19su Chase Warren 8 1:17:48.846 8 1:12:52.061 16 2:30:40.907
1932 Matt Parks 8 1:16:08.603 8 1:13:03.234 16 2:29:11.837
1920 John Angal 8 1:16:12.161 8 1:13:13.049 16 2:29:25.210
1904 Cory Sapington 8 1:29:06.306 8 1:17:35.550 16 2:46:41.856
1917 Derek Murray 8 1:32:23.764 8 1:17:47.875 16 2:50:11.639
1905 Marc Burnett 8 1:28:02.512 8 2:10:21.000 16 3:38:23.512

1941 Greg Wick 8 1:28:20.077 8 1:28:20.077

Well there you go. Marc did all the laps. let's see lap times.
Just for the record, our teams opinion is that SCORE made a poor judgement call by pulling Burnett off the course before the official race time had expired. Whether the 1905 would have completed the entire race or not is at this point speculation. I do not agree with the way the results were posted showing an 8 lap finish time that appeared to be estimated.
To give score the benefit of doubt the course officials were probably not thinking about season point ramifications when they made the call but rather they were focused on course safety and were being pressured to get their charity event underway.

A poor judgement call that may have made the difference in the outcome of the season championship.

Hopefully the organization realizes these issues and works to correct them in the future.
Just for the record, our teams opinion is that SCORE made a poor judgement call by pulling Burnett off the course before the official race time had expired. Whether the 1905 would have completed the entire race or not is at this point speculation. I do not agree with the way the results were posted showing an 8 lap finish time that appeared to be estimated.
To give score the benefit of doubt the course officials were probably not thinking about season point ramifications when they made the call but rather they were focused on course safety and were being pressured to get their charity event underway.

A poor judgement call that may have made the difference in the outcome of the season championship.

Hopefully the organization realizes these issues and works to correct them in the future.


Class act.
Just for the record, our teams opinion is that SCORE made a poor judgement call by pulling Burnett off the course before the official race time had expired. Whether the 1905 would have completed the entire race or not is at this point speculation. I do not agree with the way the results were posted showing an 8 lap finish time that appeared to be estimated.
To give score the benefit of doubt the course officials were probably not thinking about season point ramifications when they made the call but rather they were focused on course safety and were being pressured to get their charity event underway.

A poor judgement call that may have made the difference in the outcome of the season championship.

Hopefully the organization realizes these issues and works to correct them in the future.

I don't have a dog in this fight... but I think this is very fair statement based on info. I've been able to read.

Like I said to OP ... take it up with SCORE.
His lap times would not have allowed him to complete the laps in the time allotted. It has nothing to do with if he would have finished the laps.
It's beat up on Marc hour, and look who chimes in. Dude, you're blowing smoke. Your post is false, and it is malicious. I kept very accurate track of our lap times, and based on the first 6 laps, Marc would have finished all 8 laps within the allotted time, with 5-8 minutes to spare. Since each of his laps were separated by far less time than 5-8 minutes (most were actually seconds. How far off can an 8 mile lap be in a utv that tops out at 36 mph, and is in low gear, pedal to the metal the entire time) 2nd grade math says that he would have finished the race in time. The car was consistent, and performance was not declining as the race progressed. It was a cracked spark plug wire that caused the problem, whereas if it were vapor lock or a clogged filter of some sorts, then performance would have been likely to deteriorate as the race went on. The only deterioration taking place is your argument. If you have a personal issue with Marc, why don't you just solve it once and for all, and face him man to man. You're on the fast track there now with your asinine allegations.


If you can see the future, why didn't you see the boot was cracked?

You can only speculate how the race would have played out. That's why everyone races under the same rules.
Anybody who had a dog in this fight and had a problem with it should have taken it up with SCORE at the time of, or directly after the incident. Bringing it up now is lame.
So if they let the race keep going and wait for Marc to finish there would be pissed off because everyone is waiting for a damn golf cart to finish his race. Either way people are pissed. People bitch so much now days it's incredable. If you want to blame someone blame yourself for not speaking up up or protesting when you were supposed to.
Alright shitslinger, I know you must enjoy this, so put your face out there one more time for me so I can slap it with the facts. Facts that you could not possibly know, and obviously don't. I'll use a blue font to respond to your allegations, because combined with the background color of the screen, it is what your cheeks must look like after I again debunk your claims.

During the SCORE Desert Challenge. Marc Burnett did not complete all of the laps as required to receive finish points.

FACT: Marc's car was limping around the track.
Correct. But at a consistent average speed.
FACT: SCORE allowed Marc to stop his race early, so we will never know if he would have had more problems or not.
No, SCORE forced Marc to stop early. They tried to do the same thing on his 6th lap, but he went out anyway. Marc was pissed, and arguing with the course worker because he wouldn't let Marc go back out. There was no collaboration here. No plea on Marc's part to stop the race. Marc wanted to go out for his 8th lap in the worst of ways. The car was still running the same as it was when he started the race. No better, no worse. He had a cushion of at least 5 minutes over and above his prior lap times to finish the race. At that time (7 laps completed), all of his laps were within approx. 3% of each other on time elapsed per lap. On his last lap (if he were allowed to take it) he could have driven approximately 30% slower than the prior laps and still finished within the allotted time. For the numerically challenged, that would be a ten fold level of deterioration in just one lap, with a car that was performing mechanically the same it was at the start of the race.
In conclusion, at that moment when the official stopped the race, the odds of him finishing the race in time had he been allowed to take the final lap were far greater than the odds of him receiving a DNF for not finishing the scheduled distance within the alotted time.

FACT: Roger Norman and Marc Burnett are "Good Friends"
Marc's association with Roger is one based on the professional services Marc provides for SCORE, which is the Freestyle mx shows Marc performs at some of the races. I don't think Marc even knows where Roger lives. They don't hang out together or go out on family outings. They don't "do lunch", and they definitely don't talk under the table about special favors. If you didn't notice, Marc got penalized more time than all but one UTV at the 1000, and at the Imperial Valley 250, the 1st place finisher in our class completely bypassed the infield part of the course going out for his second lap, yet did not receive a penalty for it. A penalty that would have given us our 3rd win in as many races in the 2014 SCORE schedule. What up with that, friend? I know the next straw you will grasp for, so let me snatch that one from your reach also. Marc helps SCORE mark the race courses. Sometimes, but not always. After a comoplaint about it from other racers in our class, Marc publicly offered to any team that was interested, to join them in the marking of the next race course. Roger will allow any competitor to help mark the course. It costs time and money for him to do it alone, and he is open to whomever would like to help him do it, at their own expense. To the best of my knowledge, none of our competitors since that offer has requested or offered their help to SCORE in marking a course.
Your " Good friends" accusation is a weak effort to again compile bad, unfounded hearsay atop an already shaky foundation

Here is the part where that leads me to think some cheating went on.

SCORE shortened the Trophy Truck & Trophy Truck spec races. But all racers were treated the same. And it was noted correctly in the official results.
When the TT's raced under an inverted starting order, I hardly consider it fair to the faster trucks who started at the rear, that they only had 4 laps to pass the slower front starters, when they raced to that point with the strategy that they would have 8 laps to do so. Do yourself a favor and just stick to the UTV race.

Any and all other classes and racers were noted their actual laps completed and time on course in the official results.

But in those same official results SCORE posted for Burnett, they published a phoney time. (Well after the time Marc left the track) And they posted that Marc completed all of the laps. If there was not a cover up, why post lies in the official results?

OK so SCORE decided to allow Marc to shorten his race . No other racers in the entire event got this luxury. But others did fail to complete one or more laps and were scored as DNF.
At the time SCORE made the decision to pull Marc off of the course, his car was the only car still running on the course. No points, or finishing positions were affected by SCORES decision. Does Marc or I agree with their decision? Hell no. We are racing for points, and our car was capable of receiving both starting and finishing points. I made the call to send Marc to the starting line based on 2 test passes that Marc made in the vicinity of our pit area just 10 minutes prior to the start of the race. In those passes, the car was consistent in achieving a top speed of 36 mph in roughly the same distance. The math told me that if we could average just under 30 mph for the entire 8 laps, that our time would have sufficed the allotted time given for the race. Consequently, I told Marc to keep it in low gear, as to facilitate quicker accelerations, therefore maintaining a higher average speed.
Yup I should be wearing a tinfoil hat. But this is competition. There is a lot on the line, some folks make their living racing. Favoritism has no place in professional racing.
No, you need to be sporting the "Dunce" cap.
Don't even waist your time Ried! What's done is done Marc has been awarded the championship and that's it and there's more to come. People who dwell in the past effin suck. There a miserable bunch.
Which day did Marc tow Sappington across the finish line AFTER Marc had crossed the finish line?

SCORE rules state the last mile of any event the car MUST be PUSHED across the last mile.

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