Enjoy your Championship! It should have an asterisk next to it.
No, your screen name should have an asterisk next to it that reads, "Witch hunter"
Reid, You basing your finish on your average speed up to that point is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.
Even dumber than the bank robber who wrote his stick up note on the back side of one of his personal checks, that just happened to be with the branch that he was trying to rob?Anything and everything can happen in off road racing. Case and point.....Cory Sappington breaking within eyesight of the finish.
Cory was racing, and anything can happen when racing. Marc was on an 8 lap, 30 mph sightseeing tour that, based on the first 7 laps, or 85% of the race, he could have slowed down another 30% and still finished in time.
Honestly Buddy, if you were a betting man, would you bet that a professional race car driver in a stock UTV with less than a 1,000 miles on it and a new drive belt that was installed just 56 miles earlier, would not have been able to go just 8 more miles, at the same 30 mph avg. pace, across the exact same terrain that he just navigated 7 times without breaking the car or crashing out?
Clearly nobody here cares about Professionalism in racing as long as the "bending of rules" helps them or their manufacture.
Honestly now Buddy, do you think if it were any other team than us at that moment, in those exact same conditions, that SCORE would have sent them out on another lap of racing when spectators were occupying the race course? Nobody "bent" any rules. The race director made a unilateral decision to call the race due to the fact that:
-the previous 7 laps were consistent to the point that the 8th lap would have been completed within the allotted time.
-we were the only car left on the course, and there were no finishing positions to be lost or gained by stopping the event at that point, AND
-there was recreational activity on the course, and spectator safety became an issue.
-As a race director, he reserves the right to stop the race at any time he deems necessary for any reasons that he deems valid.
I didn't expect anything to change, just wanted to bring awareness to the situation.
You already brought awareness to the situation in previous threads. Now, you start your own libelous thread only to continue on with the same details and false accusations you already made prior.
I'm done with this subject! Looking forward to watching next season play out.
Make sure to keep that fine toothed comb handy. And a Costco sized drum of Hater-ade.
You're smoking too much Bud.