Reauthorization of the Recreational Trails Program


How BAD do you want your LAND? - UTVUnderground Ap
Please take a moment and check this article out. If you belong to a OHV club or an organzation have them take the time to sign the petition, thanks.....

As remarkably successful as RTP has been, right now there is a very real threat that this program could disappear by the end of 2009 unless we all band together and take action. The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC) has been working side by side with all the members of the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) to educate legislators on the importance of the program and to seek champions to sponsor RTP in Congress. We need your help in this effort to ensure the Recreational Trails Program is part of the next highway bill.

As a member of the CRT, BlueRibbon is asking every one of its member clubs and organizations to lend their shoulder to this task. Letters will be sent and calls will be made by the CRT on an ongoing basis to Congress members and key members of the administration. As of June, 186 organizations have signed on in support of the first letter sent to key Congressional members. CRT would like to have over 500 organizations signed on in support. BRC has enough member organizations to meet and even exceed that goal. Here is where your club can really make a difference. Please help by signing on using the form below.

Full article and signon sheet @ Recreational Trails Program (RTP) - BlueRibbon Coalition

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