Purchasing 4 seater - HELP! XP1 .. Can Am?

yeah.. Anyone talk some sense into me, seems like the $2500 difference will be eaten up very quickly to setup the RZR on par w/the can-am

aftermarket cage (been eye'ing cage-wrx, but not a fan of how high they sit)

The CA cage was superior, I don't feel like the Rzr cage is a very quality piece after seeing photos online of them snapped in half. CA comes w/14" bead-locks, it's larger and more comfortable.

The cons I can see w/CA - zero aftermarket stuff for it right now, which is fine - I'm really just wanting doors, and CA brand fronts are almost $800 - NO THANKS. No harness bar front, or rear I believe, so that's $300 extra I'll need to spend just to have sufficient seatbelts. Other than that, it's likely good to go just about anywhere.... My head is spinning :confused:

I just recently took delivery of my turbo maverick and its a awesome machine .. I have owned two different Polaris models and from my experience the can ams do hold up better without a doubt .. The Polaris suspension may be better for the biggest of jumps and whoops but don't think the can am can't be right there with them .. I put 4k miles on my old maverick and it still had all original ball joints in it .. Either way you'll be satisfied, they are great machines
I appreciate the info... that's pretty much what I came to the conclusion of too, I'll usually have wife/family with me, so all out performance isn't my main goal. I'm looking for comfort, fun and reliability which all seems to be CA strong point.

My dealer does have two older Jagged-X Score/BITD machines, talk about tempting....
Well crap... we're having a VRV toy-hauler built for us to haul our UTV and also spec miata next year to race track, just found out the rear door is 79" high, C-A specs for the DS-Max is 78" high, and that's with 28" tires, we were going to swap some 30" Mongrels on it, now I'm afraid it would be a pain in the ass to load/unload.

That being said, the RZR w/stock ugly/tall cage is under 74" and that's w/29" tires... w/a radius aftermarket cage and 30's I'd think it would still be around 70-72" tall....

Think I can air-down the tires to get that CA through the door - or maybe reconsider and go w/the polaris?
Worst case I just use a heavy duty ratchet strap and compress my car down if needed. Or I have the kids sit in it when I pull it in to clear the bottom bunk on my Toy Hauler which is 73 1/2 inches and the cage pushes it up a fuzzy one. LOL. I just measured my friends Max and its highest point in the rear was 74 1/2 and that was with a straight edge on top of the car.
The more reading and thinking I'm doing, the more I'm leaning towards picking up the XP1k. It's $2500 cheaper, will fit inside toy hauler stock, but better yet w/aftermarket cage we can keep out Happijac queen bed, aftermarket parts are plentiful, and reading some reviews the can-am seems to be very dune oriented, but offroad it's a handful which I noticed as well.... I think the novelty of HOLY S**T speed would wear off rather quickly when it's a handful to drive offroad (which is where it'll see most of it's use), whereas the RZR seems to be right at home ...
As soon as you Load it up the power won't be just a novelty thing IMO. My JX is heavy compared to stock both boxes full of tools and supplies carry a spare and high lift with a big bumper and winch. I can tell it's not as spunky that's for sure.
Well...... I called and made the switch today, they're getting me a Havasu Red XP 4, I'll be picking it up by the end of the week.

I think I'll order UTV-Inc expedition cage, and throw some polaris billet bead-locks (dealer is going to trade me for my OEM stuff likely) or methods w/some 30" mongrols, should be a good starting point.

Fingers crossed I made the right decision
Well...... I called and made the switch today, they're getting me a Havasu Red XP 4, I'll be picking it up by the end of the week.

I think I'll order UTV-Inc expedition cage, and throw some polaris billet bead-locks (dealer is going to trade me for my OEM stuff likely) or methods w/some 30" mongrols, should be a good starting point.

Fingers crossed I made the right decision

You should have looked at the Joyner.:rolleyes: Joynerforums.net se what they offer up.
Well...... I called and made the switch today, they're getting me a Havasu Red XP 4, I'll be picking it up by the end of the week.

I think I'll order UTV-Inc expedition cage, and throw some polaris billet bead-locks (dealer is going to trade me for my OEM stuff likely) or methods w/some 30" mongrols, should be a good starting point.

Fingers crossed I made the right decision

You're going to love it!
I think either way you would have been happy. The aftermarket support is a lot better for popo too, that was part of the reason I got the jagged x over a maverick.
Well...... I called and made the switch today, they're getting me a Havasu Red XP 4, I'll be picking it up by the end of the week.

I think I'll order UTV-Inc expedition cage, and throw some polaris billet bead-locks (dealer is going to trade me for my OEM stuff likely) or methods w/some 30" mongrols, should be a good starting point.

Fingers crossed I made the right decision


I road in my friends xp4 and it rides like a caddy.

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