Project SDR1

Thats my problem, only 10.5 inches of travel. Not a problem on the short course, but not good in the dezert. I'd be losing nearly 5 inches.
930's are good to 24 degrees ....
you could use high angle drive lines the are good to i think 40... look them up on line
Well, Motor showed up yesterday, along with the harness/ECU/Throttle bodies etc (had to buy it separately, couldnt find a deal on a complete motor at the time. Still got a good price though.

The motor looks to be in good condition, its an 05 with approx 8000 miles. Ive got everything needed except for the Gauge sub harness. So I ordered one from ebay last night.

The next step is to either modify the harness, or send it out to be done. I marked all the plugs so I would know what they all are, and went over the wiring diagram a few times. Doesnt look to bad. I think I might do it my self.

I need to:
-Get a EXUP solenoid eliminator (dont have the solenoid, so would rather just get the eliminator, and save a pound or so in weight)
-Bypass the kickstand switch
-Epoxy the flip over switch in the right position
-What ever wiring is needed to use the smog block off plates (makes it so you can get an accurate AFR reading on the dyno)

What about the clutch switch? Do I just wire it up so the Starter Interrupt thinks the clutch is pushed in, so I can start it? Or are you guys putting a little micro switch on the clutch lever?

Am I missing anything else?

I also got a good deal on a Used Power Commander 3 USB, and have a set of Graves smog block off plates ordered. I just need to decide what air filter setup to use, but that can wait.
930's are good to 24 degrees ....
you could use high angle drive lines the are good to i think 40... look them up on line

sotkc cvs have more angle capability and so do gorillas over any bug CV, but of course are weaker.

Thats my problem, only 10.5 inches of travel. Not a problem on the short course, but not good in the dezert. I'd be losing nearly 5 inches.

did Corry lose wheel travel? did not look like she did, but maybe I guess.

can't wait to see how it turns out Ben.

First thing Im going to do once I get my kit is mockup the CVs to see where I stand with clearance, angles, and travel... so that I can start the process of making any changes needed asap, while I finish all the other stuff. Hopefully I will be good, but believe me, I will do what it takes to make it right, if needed.
I think Im going to go with Barkers for the Harness. He price seems really good, and he will do up a little switch plate with all the switches and lights you need, and then you only have to connect a few wire, battery positive, ground.. Pretty easy.

I am going to use the stock Gauges, mostly for the tach but also for pulling codes and such if there are problems.

On the air filter, I was thinking of using a Kinser filter. What do you guys think. Probably need to run his qualifying filer though, its made for very dusty conditions. Not as trick as Peter D, but I think it will flow better, and its cheaper.

Speed Partz, Kinser Air Filter - dwarf car, modified lite

I also found a trick filter setup from Rosson, thats pretty darn nice.

Online Store // Rosson Racing Online Store

Ben, you can't go wrong with Rosson Racing. I know Shane Rosson pretty well, his shop his here in Ramona.
Ben, you can't go wrong with Rosson Racing. I know Shane Rosson pretty well, his shop his here in Ramona.

Thats all I needed to know. Thanks Chris. Im going to give him a call.

Im going to see if he will do my harness too. The way I was going to do it was to keep most of the stock stuff, just bypass the stuff I dont have. But it seems the minibuggy and circle track guys really take it to the next level and remove alot, with alot of rewiring, and it may be a bit too complicated for me...
So with out Gear One setup (aka with stock setup) what is the maximum wheel travel you can run?
No worries Matt. Im going to have to call Weller my self, and probably have to go with the Gear One setup.. :( Looks like no 10" shocks or power steering this go round.
i hope all of thistalk about cv angles and loosing wheel travel is un justified. i hope. will see i hope to have a kit soon and will let you guys know asap.
Talked to Jason...

The standard stub setup will sacrifice some travel. But they are making new uprights that will get that travel back, and at the same time give plenty of clearance for the Type 2 CVs. They will move the wheels out 2" on both sides. This may or may not put you over the 72" max width for racing.. So depending on your wheel backspacing/tire size, you may have to go with a different offset wheel to keep it legal. If your not racing, the extra width wont hurt.

Corry is running the Gear One setup, and it uses two Right side Gear one axles. This setup is the best for travel, and wont move the tire out at all from stock. The Weller uprights will give the same length of axle, so the CV angles, and thus the travel should be the same. Uprights are still in the design faze, so it will be a while before they have prices/product, but Jason assured me they will sell them as cheap as they can like the rest of the kit, to keep costs down.

Ive got a line on a used set of Gear One hubs, so well see how that goes. Probably going to give up a few other areas, to do the Gear One setup now, and make it right the first time.

So basically, if your doing this kit, you should plan on either the Gear One hubs, or the Weller uprights, IMO.
I'm going to work on a 930 inner, stock outer cv setup. I'll let you all know how it works out as far as angles, I think they should be strong enough too, but time and testing will have to prove that.
I am sure with properly race prepped, clearanced, undersized ball type 2 cv joints you can get a bunch of angle. I just dont know how much angle we will need with tha weller setup. Jason??

How much is a new Gear One setup - everything wed need? Closing on like $3k right?

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