prez day at ocotillo


Murder Red
was sooo sick joeyD, Rusty, Danny, Todd and all the others thanks soo much i had a freakin awesome time out there. Oh and Rusty whenever you get those pics send me some pics of both of us getting sideways on that hill. hope you guys a good rest of day out there
It was good riding with you KDUB!! You got a sweet Rhino! We had a good time today...some close calls and some good air!! All in a days work Underground style!!! LOL

Rusty decided to stay the night so I am sure we will see pics tommorow!
man these things are addicting i have had it for like a week in a half and already want to do a lot of mods lol. i wish i was a fabricator that would make this soo much easier
Yeah it was so nice!!! I wish I was there the whole wekeend instead of just Saturday! Take pics!!!!!
I went out there late sat for a lil to show my lil girl the mud pit and it was windy there but wasnt to bad, but overall the weekend was nice even through i wasnt at OW i was right around the corner at salton sea
I went out there late sat for a lil to show my lil girl the mud pit and it was windy there but wasnt to bad, but overall the weekend was nice even through i wasnt at OW i was right around the corner at salton sea
You can actually ride over by the salton sea ?
You can actually ride over by the salton sea ?

We hit a bunch of diff washes and ended up by power line road and was right by the mud pit thing(sorry dont know what is called) it was a good ride. I love the diff washes and the terrain the salton sea has to offer
We hit a bunch of diff washes and ended up by power line road and was right by the mud pit thing(sorry dont know what is called) it was a good ride. I love the diff washes and the terrain the salton sea has to offer
I think your talking about the gas domes. I always wondered if you could ride over by the salton but thought it was open only to on highway vehicles only. Which part of the salton do you camp at ?...gonna have to check it out sometime.
we rode over to gas domes and then took the Magnum Wash special called the ROLLER COASTER!!! That Shiz is FUN!
We stayed by the casino and then just take off from there and try to find washes and see where we end up. good times
I love OW for that really can go for days and never take the saem wash or road! It is so much fun!!!
hey where is that wash you were talkin about joey we are talkin about goin out there in the next couple of weeks and always lookin for new trails

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