This is horrible news!! Just found out about this - Scott is a great person and so much fun - I hate to hear of anything bad happening to him or anyone in his family!! Does anyone know what happened?? Does anyone know what hospital they are at? This news breaks my heart.....:(

If we can help at all, with anything - please don't hesitate to call.....and whoever has info, please keep us posted!
Justin told me that Scott and his Son were riding their quads and hit a sand storm in the dunes....they both went off a 90ft drop off both rolling down and obviously getting injured.....From what Iunderstand both his sons arms are broke and multiple broken ribs. Scott also has some broken bones but is doing OK. We will keep praying for them and hoping for the best. I will work on getting an idea of when they will get home and putting together an Underground collection to send them. Something to help them feel better. If anyone has ideas let me know. I dont think we need to send cash, but maybe some stuff to help them pass the time.
What horrible news. Our thoughts go out to Scott and his son, and prayers for a speedy recovery! Get well soon guys!!! Magnum Crew
Food, they need food so cooking is one less thing to worry about.

I found this site called Courier Cafe in Missoula and they are going to deliever a meal from one of a bunch of resturants they work with to my mother once or twice a week and it charges to my credit card...Christmas present.

Maybe thats something that could be done for them.

Sounds like the boy is also going to need a DBW but I doubt any of us will volunteer.....
I think I know what a DBW is but I am not going to say it although I think Scott would even crack up!

I love th eidea of a meal. I am sure his wife will be a really busy lady helping the boys. I am good for a meal for sure!!!!!

I will try and get Scotts address.......

I also saw that Brian B said they may have some gnarly med evac and hosptial bills so cash could always help I am sure........
I will get his address...I am in for a dinner and I will try to collect some goodies for the family as well.
Scotts son is 16 and was supposed to be getting the 16 year old present for Xmas. Guess he will have to wait with two broken arms...

if i remember right it was a damn good one to...

Scott is one of the best guys in the utv industry! its always a good time when he is around.

Joey maybe we can give him some hamburgers and pickles to count to pass the time?

i'm in for helping out just let me know what i can do
Scotts wife said there doing good (as good as they can be anyway) when I texted her a couple hours ago. They were going to get scott to andrews room for a visit last I heard. Andrew is gong to be in ICU till tomorrow is what they think but they took the breathing tube out this morning. He is awake and alert. They operated on him early this morning putting his arms back together with pins and plates. Scott is still waiting his operation, probably saturday for him.

I took a really nice picture of scott in the hospital, he said "your gonna post that on the forums arent you?". I said, "you know it buddy".
Thanks Court! Your a great friend to all who know you and you should be commended for coming through in a time of need at a time that people all want to be with family. I am sure you consider Scott family as he does with you however. Thanks for keeping us updated. Post that picture of the guy! LOL

Danny, dont worry Scott is going to get some cheeseburgers now! LOL

Actually we do need to figure out the dinner thing, Doug is in for a dinner, I am in, and Mike Lasher is in. Justin is getting me Scotts home address we just need to work out details about when they get home and what they would like. Maybe you can help with that Court? As if your not already doing enough..LOL

Its a pretty bad pic, I can't do it to him......yet.

Not bad like gruesome or anything, he just looks like he is on his third day of a hangover.
Justin is getting me Scotts home address we just need to work out details about when they get home and what they would like. Maybe you can help with that Court? As if your not already doing enough..LOL

I'll get it tomorrow.

Scott and his family are very good people, I'm not doing anything he/they wouldn't do for me (or anyone in need for that matter).

Its a pretty bad pic, I can't do it to him......yet.

Not bad like gruesome or anything, he just looks like he is on his third day of a hangover.

LOL....Yeah, its all good....poor Scotty....I hope he can count cheeseburgers and get a good nights rest!
Brian B and Nick over at Rhino Forums and also UTVUnderground members got this Pay Pal set up for Donations to be made to help with the Mears Families Medical Expenses. Feel free to throw a little cash to help them out!

Mears Family Fund
Thank you Nick!! Great work getting that account set up! You know the Underground will do what we can to help out a fellow friend and off road enthusiast any day of the week!!!
just was browsing my computer quick and found this picture


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