Pictures open behind threads

Joey go play with kids, worry about it on monday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its out of my hands... I have been trying to get it done.. its a code thing.. Im sorry guys
Joey, PM me if you need help on this.

geek mode on

The short of it.. You just need to set your CSS "container" div "z-index" to something between 2 and 9 to make it appear behind the lightbox popup, and in front of you background ad.

Your content is currently set to z-index:1000 which means it will be infront of just about everything.

geek mode off
Joey, PM me if you need help on this.

geek mode on

The short of it.. You just need to set your CSS "container" div "z-index" to something between 2 and 9 to make it appear behind the lightbox popup, and in front of you background ad.

Your content is currently set to z-index:1000 which means it will be infront of just about everything.

geek mode off

thats exactly what I was thinking, except you forgot to adjust your flux capacitor to 1.28 jigawats. The problem is that the XP1K goes over 88 mph which messed the whole thing up. If we were not trying to see pics of the XP1K it would not matter. Best of luck fixing it little patowan. Just use the force.

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