Official UTVUnderground 2016 Parker 250 Update Thread

If the trend continues, they will make a special Artic Cat class and have them run against other Artic Cats. I'm sure everybody except the guys running Artic Cats will be ok with that.
20 more hp than everyone else? where you hearing that? i got inside sources and right now what they are testing is 100hp more than anyone else has right now hahahahaha.
Their 20 HP is coming in the form of the NA car. The 100 is coming in the turbo form.
They do need the UTV's at the Mint. Yes they get more entries then the permit allows, so filling the field might not be as big as an issues as lets say V2R, Bluewater or Henderson. The UTV class in the BITD series have constantly been the 1st or 2nd largest class in the series. That alone gets the class major recognition. Then you have the Mint ran by MadMedia and BITD, with their big sponsors for that race being Polaris & BFG this year. If the UTV's (Polaris in general) sat out, it would make some noise! It would get the series asking why your not there, and it would majorly impact their TV production, as Polaris is paying them for this, and without the racers they would have no UTV TV coverage.

Now with that said; you like several others teams are Polaris Manufacture Sponsored. (Not sure what arrangement you have with Polaris on your SpecTT?) But the fact is you are a "Today" racer and will show up no matter what, as you dont want to jeopardize any manufacture sponsorship contracts. You could call Polaris and explain the issues the class is facing and see if they would support you standing with the group, but again I doubt any of the factory Sponsored teams (All Manufactures) would be willing to do that. As long as your checks, parts & vehicles are coming in you will be there.

BTW it would not have to be the Mint, it could be the UTV Championships, or even V2R. It does not even have to be sitting out a race if all the racers could collectively stand & speak together about the direction they want to see the class go. But as a group you have to stand up and back up what you say your going to do. If you threaten to sit out a race then you have to do it. If you threaten to not go threw Corey's Pre & Post Tech, and use BITD tech then do it! In general all tech is looking for is Safety related issues anyways. Most rule issues are policed my the competitors and protests. So BITD could easily handle Safety Tech'ing the UTV's just as Score does. Whatever the class decides to do, you just have to do it as a whole!

Now see im a little bit differnt then most and as I told the guys I work with at Polaris "Im Going Racing with or with out you" and with or with out you im in 110% but being Partners/Team mates would be great !! so we came to a mutual-ally beneficial agreement I give them all I can Baja 1000 wins, first year Bitd Championships and im living the dream having fun and as long as I get to line up with bad ass racers Like S3, Murrays, Cognito, Sims, Fisher, thats all I need hell even if it was just me against S3 Id be a happy camper and race .. I really dont care about any of this petty stuff I just like causing trouble so ill be their either way .. I dont need Polaris and Polaris does not need me but as a Team we kick some ass and Just a FYI I think Cory is doing a great job and I would never dream of calling a sponsor and saying I wasnt going to race .. they dont care about this petty bullshit they know on any giving Race Day they have the Best Machines and Best Teams Racing Them and they do all they can to sponsor and promote off road life style, adventure, and recreation

so although I like to whine a bitch a little I love racing BITD just the way it is and evolving with the rules even If they are not what I like ...
You guys think R.G. is close to semi retirement and gonna want to race more UTV races ? Prolly still do the big ones in the truck like the 1000 and Dakar but a handful of Class 19 races as well ? I already can't wait to go see how he does next month at KOH. Could you imagine having lightning larry and R.G both in UTVs at the mint ? How cool would that be. Johnny since there are a bunch of ass kickers signed up for KOH I'm suprised you didn't decide too as well now unless there is a 6100 race that week.
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This is not a rumor. I've personally seen pictures of it from RGordon. He was at BWDC sizing up his competition

Are you talking about the redesigned suspension? I can't imagine why AC /RG would start working on the best part of AC and ignore the worst- drive train / engine.

Now if your talking about new engine (not just H2 crap w/turbo slapped on) that you've personally seen??? Now that would be something worthwhile.
You guys think R.G. is close to semi retirement and gonna want to race more UTV races ? Prolly still do the big ones in the truck like the 1000 and Dakar but a handful of Class 19 races as well ? I already can't wait to go see how he does next month at KOH. Could you imagine having lightning larry and R.G both in UTVs at the mint ? How cool would that be. Johnny since there are a bunch of ass kickers signed up for KOH I'm suprised you didn't decide too as well now unless there is a 6100 race that week.

When we talked to him in Parker he claimed he was racing a UTV next season. The pictures of the AC he showed us on his Cell phone was legit. Spoke of a 280hp turbo model. He is bring more than himself as well. He has team mates that will also race the new AC. He didn't say what the engine would be...but the HP numbers he stated sounded like Z1 stuff
When we talked to him in Parker he claimed he was racing a UTV next season. The pictures of the AC he showed us on his Cell phone was legit. Spoke of a 280hp turbo model. He is bring more than himself as well. He has team mates that will also race the new AC. He didn't say what the engine would be...but the HP numbers he stated sounded like Z1 stuff
It was on his iPad
yeah its not a punched out H2 motor.

not sure what engine he is doing. insiders tell me he just recently changed engine ideas like a month or so ago. he had a 4cylinder with small displacement, but he may be swapping back to the Z1 engine configuration. i dont know what it has, but they were telling me 272hp on the turbo version. and thats been their number on the turbo HP since like august or something. i feel farily certain that if they use the small 4cylinder, or a triple, or the Z1, whatever engine they use will have an NA version and turbo version. i doubt its multiple different engines, prob an NA and Turbo version of the same powerplant.

i would also suspect that they will do a complete redesign of the running gear simply because of all the engines mentioned, they use a divorced trans. i think they wil probably use the same or similar configuration to what is in the Wildcat with the 700 twin. its a small twin with divorced trans and supposedly that trans setup was built to hold 150+hp or so the designers were telling us it was. i feel certain that trans/rear diff setup will be used on the newer machine possibly which means no more H2 for sure. and since the front diff doesnt like throwing tons of power down the line, i would also think that they are probably building a bigger beefier front diff.

i am sure since RGordon was given this project and a free set of reins to do what he wanted, i seriously doubt that he will overlook the small wheel hub bearings and stub shafts. because i am 100% positive that if he has been pushing the wildcats hard he has broken at least one axle stub shaft and the rear wheel pass him in a turn. i would bet that he fixed that before going any further.

a few years ago when arctic cat was building their cross country team and the wildcat first came out they came here to run my track to work on clutches and make the machine as fast as they could get. the first trip they were here they brought everything to do anything, and in a fast sweeper turn they broke a stub shaft axle off at the hub and the wheel passed them and landed about 200ft up the track. they didnt have another axle/hub assembly so they had to leave with only a few laps of run time.

the second time they came out literally in the exact same spot, the exact same wheel hub broke off and send the drivers wheel passing them and the tire landed literally within 5ft of the exact same place it landed the first time. bummed again they left again and never came back here to test. they did have me to come run at a test track where Greg B was testing his new Z1 builds at the time a while after. we were able to get in a good whole day without a tire passing us. and time and time again i have seen on the forums different folks breaking the stub shaft on the axle and the tire go flying past them. i am sure RG has got that problem solved.

new engine - i feel certain is gonna be bad azz
new trans setup - i feel certain is gonna be bad azz
more than likely a new front diff to match - i hope its bad azz
the axles themselves were amazing. just a little beefing up and they would be the best on the market - they wre already bad azz
rear hubs needed a larger bearing to accept a much larger stub shaft to stop them from breaking - i am sure they are bad azz now.

frame and suspension were and looks as if they will continue to be the best on the market. i surely hope they change the overhead cage hoop. man it sure didnt feel very safe to me.
Our new turbo build is way faster than our NA car, and the guy driving it is twice as fast as me. LOOKOUT!
Go ahead seal the stupid data port!! The can high and can low wires run throughout the entire harness! its pretty simple to splice in anywhere and hook up a gizmo the works through Telemetry . O yea, do you know what that can do?? Think about it! we are years ahead if someone wants to play! This was the worst idea ever of trying too keep cost down!!
Also I feel that none of the Can Am's are or have cheated in any way. I talk to S3 on a regular bases as well as well as Murray and Corey. I congratulate all of them for their performance at Parker. All I was getting at is I don't believe even the Polaris's are being "policed" evenly. Do all the Polaris turbos have their data port sealed up?
NOPE!!!!!! I flashed a already "teched" car on friday!!!!!!
The logic of this forum has me in stiches. If there's something to bitch about, people will bitch. The Can Am teams are cheating via BUDS, but the Polaris guys who run gears and a Healer are claiming foul because they can't access the Digital Wrench port. Which is it guys? I think everyone has figured out now how to make these cars run 90 MPH. How much more is needed when the average speed it 40-50? Do these cars REALLY need flashing and motor upgrades to run 90+ MPH?
The logic of this forum has me in stiches. If there's something to bitch about, people will bitch. The Can Am teams are cheating via BUDS, but the Polaris guys who run gears and a Healer are claiming foul because they can't access the Digital Wrench port. Which is it guys? I think everyone has figured out now how to make these cars run 90 MPH. How much more is needed when the average speed it 40-50? Do these cars REALLY need flashing and motor upgrades to run 90+ MPH?
The question should why not go faster. Why go 100mph +in a unlimited truck because you can.
"..All I was getting at is I don't believe even the Polaris's are being "policed" evenly. Do all the Polaris turbos have their data port sealed up?.."

NOPE!!!!!! I flashed a already "teched" car on friday!!!!!!

Really? Polaris na or turbo? Or can am?

Don't feed the Trolls

Some funny shit going on! would be even funnier if the real meat involving these issues didn't spoil just as they started to heat up...
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