Official UTVUnderground 2016 Parker 250 Update Thread

I know Casey well enough that he won't deal with anyone's crap, but Casey also knows who pays the bills and where the money in his bank account comes from. The racer and the sponsors! If 1 or even 5 racers tell him they are sitting out, Casey will say "That's fine". But if 50+ racers stay home and if Casey gets a call from Polaris who is a BITD series sponsor wanting to know what's going on, Casey's going to take that call and he will do what he needs to, to not lose a big chunk of his income.

Casey took care of Ford and still does. I believe it was the first year of his General Tire deal and there was a bit of controversy in regards to a penalty Steve Strobles BFG TT was given, handing the Championship to a General Tire racer. If Casey thinks he's going to lose one of his biggest classes and upset a sponsor he will do something.

If the group as a whole does not stand up and do something then these issues will continue. But what do I know?

I believe Todd is correct AGAIN. There is always some kind of bullshit with Cory and always will be. The stories are endless from promoting a slanted Can Am agenda to strong arming money out of racers in tech. He has no sense of professional responsibility to the position or the series or he would have folded UTVRA long ago. SNL could do a whole season on Cory and UTVRA. We"re all Saps for allowing this in the pun intended. Ok it was...I have to agree w Todd the class lacks the backbone and a set of balls to fix this once and for all. After the survey Cory basically told all the racers to fuck themselves there wasn't going to be any committee...there was a collective "well I never" and everyone went home to shave their vaginas and another word hasn't been spoken since. Personally I don't give a fuck about any of it......I just think it's wrong on several levels. . It's a lot of effort for me to come to these races would be no effort at all to stay home or race elsewhere. However I would support the group 100% including not showing for The Mint!!!
lol they dont need you at the mint they have more racers then the BLM permit allows .. I get my Vagina Waxed

on more serious note I think George is Still CHEATING ..
lol they dont need you at the mint they have more racers then the BLM permit allows .. I get my Vagina Waxed

on more serious note I think George is Still CHEATING ..

They do need the UTV's at the Mint. Yes they get more entries then the permit allows, so filling the field might not be as big as an issues as lets say V2R, Bluewater or Henderson. The UTV class in the BITD series have constantly been the 1st or 2nd largest class in the series. That alone gets the class major recognition. Then you have the Mint ran by MadMedia and BITD, with their big sponsors for that race being Polaris & BFG this year. If the UTV's (Polaris in general) sat out, it would make some noise! It would get the series asking why your not there, and it would majorly impact their TV production, as Polaris is paying them for this, and without the racers they would have no UTV TV coverage.

Now with that said; you like several others teams are Polaris Manufacture Sponsored. (Not sure what arrangement you have with Polaris on your SpecTT?) But the fact is you are a "Today" racer and will show up no matter what, as you dont want to jeopardize any manufacture sponsorship contracts. You could call Polaris and explain the issues the class is facing and see if they would support you standing with the group, but again I doubt any of the factory Sponsored teams (All Manufactures) would be willing to do that. As long as your checks, parts & vehicles are coming in you will be there.

BTW it would not have to be the Mint, it could be the UTV Championships, or even V2R. It does not even have to be sitting out a race if all the racers could collectively stand & speak together about the direction they want to see the class go. But as a group you have to stand up and back up what you say your going to do. If you threaten to sit out a race then you have to do it. If you threaten to not go threw Corey's Pre & Post Tech, and use BITD tech then do it! In general all tech is looking for is Safety related issues anyways. Most rule issues are policed my the competitors and protests. So BITD could easily handle Safety Tech'ing the UTV's just as Score does. Whatever the class decides to do, you just have to do it as a whole!
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What the rule should state is that "There is no way to police the ECU" so reflashing them is Ok.

Allow flashing and there's no argument to be made.

I was under the impression the no flashing rule was implemented to keep the turbo vs N/A cars on a level playing field last year when they we're in the same class.

The ECU rule is stupid because it can not be policed fairly. Let them play damnit! Let the desert limit the class. I want to see these UTV's finish these races as fast as possible. I want to see them move up in the overall results!
Make the rules the same as the production class. Limit displacement and Tire size. That's it!
Rant over.

Whenever there's a serious discussion about not supporting a race there will be a whole helluva lot of noise well before the event and a call from ALL the Polaris sponsored teams as suggested would elicit a WTF response from Polaris at the very least. Worst case scenario all the teams boycott a race unilaterally. So what's Polaris going to do? Drop everyone in their program and find a bunch of "scab" teams to represent? I don't think so. Like any partnership both need each other as much as the other don't be so insecure to think otherwise.
CAN AM's can ask turbo

Who are you, I mean what is your name...I would like to know who I'm talking to.. Come introduce yourself at World Championships and we will show you anything you want, we are a open book with our fact I invite anyone to come and take a look!. We do not have a advantage period, we have the lowest HP car in the turbo class and we can't do over 75mph for extended periods without blowing a belt. So wether the rules are unclear or clear to you has nothing to do with me or my team. :)
Shane, I think mostly people still aren't happy about the process and the absurdity of the conflict of interest that exists. I also think most if not all would agree that S3 is a class act and plenty good enough to win with any platform without resorting to desperate measures. You just happen to run a Can Am.....the epicenter of the conflict of interest.
Who are you, I mean what is your name...I would like to know who I'm talking to.. Come introduce yourself at World Championships and we will show you anything you want, we are a open book with our fact I invite anyone to come and take a look!. We do not have a advantage period, we have the lowest HP car in the turbo class and we can't do over 75mph for extended periods without blowing a belt. So wether the rules are unclear or clear to you has nothing to do with me or my team. :)
My name is Rito my friends call me smart ass. I will be at parker 425 we can meet then. Again not saying you are cheating for the hundredth time. I am saying UTVRA is not playing with a level field ex Polaris ecu taken and end of race/ can am were not/ some data ports taped with tamper proof tape some were not/ 1 ex Mr sims Polaris and turbo can am was not/ speed sensor on can am can be disactivated which it will take all torque management out/ Polaris speed sensor cant be touched or will mess up system. If you cant see were UTVRA/ team mate is favoring one side sorry turbo. I am a huge can am fan I have about 4 sleds in shop plus 2 turbo 4 seaters all BRP love watching you guys from down south kick ass.
My name is Rito my friends call me smart ass. I will be at parker 425 we can meet then. Again not saying you are cheating for the hundredth time. I am saying UTVRA is not playing with a level field ex Polaris ecu taken and end of race/ can am were not/ some data ports taped with tamper proof tape some were not/ 1 ex Mr sims Polaris and turbo can am was not/ speed sensor on can am can be disactivated which it will take all torque management out/ Polaris speed sensor cant be touched or will mess up system. If you cant see were UTVRA/ team mate is favoring one side sorry turbo. I am a huge can am fan I have about 4 sleds in shop plus 2 turbo 4 seaters all BRP love watching you guys from down south kick ass.

We wont be at the 425 but we will be at UTVWC, and I agree there needs to be consistency and tech all brands the same. On the dataport I see Cory's perspective as he can use his buds that was provided by BRP and see if a Can-am is flashed, and he cant do that with the Polaris so he just seals the dataport. I can see it from the Polaris racers perspectives, y'all don't know that, y'all don't know if he is giving us free reign with our ecm's(which is not the case). I feel he is harder on us because he has to prove a point. But if I drove a Polaris I cant say that I would feel the same way as y'all, even though that perspective is wrong.... someones perspective is their reality.

And I know my opinion doesn't need squat, but I think reflashed ECM's should be allowed... I think the Turbo class should have the same rules as Pro Production with exception of stock injectors and stock turbo. I know this wouldn't be a full proof plan but it would be alot easier than trying to police a ecm... injectors are relatively cheap and BITD could issue new injectors, tag them and install them before the race. And even if someone wants to have zero integrity and break these rules we all have one limiting factor that will keep the whole playing field pretty level and its called a BELT... we all know that it's the one thing that limits us all on power and speed.

Like this motor work can be done, reflashes and this will allow guys like Queen, Alba, Evolution and others to show case their products in the Turbo class which isn't the case at the moment.
Who Pre & Post race Tech's Cory's car? Does a 3rd party person Tech his car, inspect his ECU? Does he allow someone other then him or his crew to randomly pick a ECU out of the box to install in his car and seal?

Also from what I gathered Score is keeping the Turbo and N/A cars together in the same class for 2016? Score's Tech will also continue to inspect all the UTV's along with all the other classes? I would also assume Score is not going to be pulling and taking teams ECU's? I'm asking as Score's new website is hard to find info on.
i think you just gotta trust him to do right? i am sure he will do right, but realistically there is nobody to make sure he does right cause he's the rule enforcer.

and on top of that, his car was first in the UTV turbo class on lap 2. his car ran out of gas 5 miles from the finish line otherwise he would have won 1st place and S3 would have been 2nd place. not saying he has a cheater ecu to get 1st place, but i think everyone woulda been calling for a hanging if 904 would have been 1st place, and the can-ams went 1-2-3-4 in the turbo class. boy that would'a caused a big ole stink. i know the S3 guys. their ecu is stock. they arent cheating. and i feel fairly confident that all the other can-am teams are stock ECU as well. but it doesnt matter cause there is plenty of speculation and confusion on the class, how its ran, who its run by, and how everything works. as stated time and time again i think the way he is trying to police the class is the wrong way which seems to be the general consensus here with everyone else.
Who Pre & Post race Tech's Cory's car? Does a 3rd party person Tech his car, inspect his ECU? Does he allow someone other then him or his crew to randomly pick a ECU out of the box to install in his car and seal?

Also from what I gathered Score is keeping the Turbo and N/A cars together in the same class for 2016? Score's Tech will also continue to inspect all the UTV's along with all the other classes? I would also assume Score is not going to be pulling and taking teams ECU's? I'm asking as Score's new website is hard to find info on.
Score to no ecu/ecm rule same N/A rules as last year I believe. They don't wont to deal with it let the desert be the deciding factor.
I do not think you guys would want to allow reflasing when artic cats turbo car will already have 20 more hp than everyone else right off the floor. If they use the motor I think they will use anyway. Check out their sled line up. It's a bad ass , reliable motor that's been around for along time. I dont think that would be very fair
You could be right. You would know more than i. I had assumed they would use the reliable 180 hp motor they have had forever . The couple of friends I have working at AC here in town told me they don't know anything more then us but their guess was they are going to beef up that 180hp turbo sled motor and use it on their new UTV. That motor has won many titles already in their snowmobile program so it would make sense.
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