I'd like to throw my .2 in here while I have a couple of minutes of free time....
1. I was at the intro because I am ABOUT.COM's ATV/UTV Expert, so I contribute quite a bit of content each month - I'm expecting I'll be at a number of intros for anything that has 4 wheels when I'm not at the races - lol!
2. The Viking actually surpassed all of Yamaha's sales goals, etc....it's been a very successful model for them for the demographic they targeted. I have been using the crap out of mine, and it's a great, durable, useful machine for utility stuff.
3. Given the success of the Viking, it only makes sense that Yamaha would make a 6-seater (which has its own niche market for businesses, ranchers, etc) while they have everything tooled up for Viking production.
4. I like big motors, too, but even fully loaded with 6 butts in the seats, the Viking VI has plenty of low end torque with the 700 and it didn't feel like it was even trying pulling a full load up the hills we were on. So, considering it's a utility vehicle for work, and for hauling passengers, I guess there really is no need to make it rediculously fast.
5. I'm waiting for a sport machine from Yamaha, too......and with their promise to release a new machine every year for 5 years, I'm sure we will see one. Given the amount of time that Yamaha has taken to come out with something for us racer types, I'm going to assume it's going to be pretty freakin' awesome when it does drop.
Carry on! But just remember, the sport UTV market isn't the biggest market, even though it totally should be!

And I totally agree with you BrArmor! More options!!