new guy from Calif


New Member
Hello all,
I live in the high desert and have an 08 tyrex and a 72 jeep cj5. I have checked some of the threads and from what I can see there is a bunch of nice, relaxed folks who just go out and have a good time.... I would love to go on a few trail rides and knock the dust off my Tyrex.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I love old cars, have had a few over the years. As far as the screen name, I always use the same one, its just easier to remember. I live in Victorville and hope to join all of you on some of the rides you put together. I missed the last miller canyon ride but the pics look great.
Don't worry, we do the Miller ride probably 4 or 5 times throughout the Summer so I'm sure one or more of them will fit your schedule:D We also do the Miller Jeep trail in Fraizer Park a few times during the Summer:D You'll love both of them, they are awesome rides and great camping!

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