Other NEW 2014 Yamaha VIKING **UTVUnderground Exclusive**

I will say the build quality and fit and finish looks excellent, along with the price point. I think its a great machine, just not set up for the SoCal demographic. I really think its a great great machine, going to be a very solid unit without a doubt. Looking forward to their next performance oriented machine. Id take this over a Polaris Ranger anyday and twice on sunday.
Yamaha should just hang it up. Why make another underpowered pos farm machine. Hell even polaris stepped it up and made a semi powerful farm rig with the ranger xp. I never expected yamaha to build a 1000cc machine but i expected more thank a rhino in a 3 piece suit. FAIL

x2 I agree, well said !!!!
Not what I was expecting/hoping for. I was hoping for something to head-to-head with the Teryx4. Too much utility, not enough sport. What is up with the wheel arches?? Too much arch or not enough tire...it looks like 33s would fit no problem.
Looks like a competitive SxS for the 66%ers. I guess a lot of us are in the other percentage market. Glad to see them building in the USA! Welcome back Yamaha!
lol, not sure this is the machine I want to make a mud monster... gonna need a few more ponies for that... but a rock crawler or trail rig maybe... I think it could look really cool with some LT suspension, new cage, and wheels and tires!
Ah, so quick to be ready to love what so many had HOPED Yamaha would release, and so quick to bash and trash when it wasn't the machine we each had in our minds.

I'm a sporty UTV person myself - I prefer the one machine that still scares the poo out of me every once in a while (coughSR1cough) over any other side x side out there, but I can still appreciate a good product when I see it. I'm also kind of a big picture person.....so that helps. And Yamaha quality has always been excellent.

I have yet to actually drive this machine.....none of us have driven it yet. But, based on its great fit and finish, and some of the cool things that Yamaha has done with it, I'd like to get my hands on one, put some bigger wheels and tires on it, and romp the **** out of it for a while! Stock Rhinos are fun....this looks like it could be even MORE fun. Power steering? - yes please! I like the Big Horns - great choice IMO! I'm curious to see if I can feel any difference in this re-tuned motor, and I'd really like to see if I can haul two full-size Pro 4 wheels/tires in the back with my jack (flat, steel bed - nice!) to the hot pits! :) I also see lots of potential for aftermarket goodies.

I do like the fact that Yamaha is stepping away from the Rhino, and venturing out into new side by side territory, hit or miss in our particular demographic. It shows that they are past the lawsuits (which again - I think many forget, that if Yamaha hadn't spent SO much time and money fighting them, the side x side industry could potentially have gone the way of the three-wheelers) and ramping up that new factory of theirs, so who knows what else will come out of it!

By Yamaha saying in their dealer meeting that they are releasing new models over the next 5 years, it's obvious they have a game plan - and this is just phase 1. If it's not your cup of tea, or mine....well, we have some hope, straight from Yamaha's mouth, that ours could be coming soon!

PS - They also released the 2014 YFZR - my favorite model ever! :)
Ah, so quick to be ready to love what so many had HOPED Yamaha would release, and so quick to bash and trash when it wasn't the machine we each had in our minds.

I'm a sporty UTV person myself - I prefer the one machine that still scares the poo out of me every once in a while (coughSR1cough) over any other side x side out there, but I can still appreciate a good product when I see it. I'm also kind of a big picture person.....so that helps. And Yamaha quality has always been excellent.

I have yet to actually drive this machine.....none of us have driven it yet. But, based on its great fit and finish, and some of the cool things that Yamaha has done with it, I'd like to get my hands on one, put some bigger wheels and tires on it, and romp the **** out of it for a while! Stock Rhinos are fun....this looks like it could be even MORE fun. Power steering? - yes please! I like the Big Horns - great choice IMO! I'm curious to see if I can feel any difference in this re-tuned motor, and I'd really like to see if I can haul two full-size Pro 4 wheels/tires in the back with my jack (flat, steel bed - nice!) to the hot pits! :) I also see lots of potential for aftermarket goodies.

I do like the fact that Yamaha is stepping away from the Rhino, and venturing out into new side by side territory, hit or miss in our particular demographic. It shows that they are past the lawsuits (which again - I think many forget, that if Yamaha hadn't spent SO much time and money fighting them, the side x side industry could potentially have gone the way of the three-wheelers) and ramping up that new factory of theirs, so who knows what else will come out of it!

By Yamaha saying in their dealer meeting that they are releasing new models over the next 5 years, it's obvious they have a game plan - and this is just phase 1. If it's not your cup of tea, or mine....well, we have some hope, straight from Yamaha's mouth, that ours could be coming soon!

PS - They also released the 2014 YFZR - my favorite model ever! :)

Well said Cory!!
Haven't touched it yet but I am thinking great platform for more travel and a more HP, it has a decent wheel base. let see hat else they stack in there next. Welcome back Yamaha ! Lets see what they bring to the plate next. Matter a fact, I can't wait to see what else is coming from the other MFGs, this party is not over. Goodtimes
They'll surely be a sport machine down the road. I'm glad Yamaha finally is getting back into the game with a new SXS, even though its not what we all wanted. I do like how they equipped it with Apex motor mounts for an easy swap.
450grRRY. 35364 said:
Ah, so quick to be ready to love what so many had HOPED Yamaha would release, and so quick to bash and THEtrash when it wasn't the machine we each had in our minds.

I'm a sporty UTV person myself - I prefer the one machine that still scares the poo out of me every once in a while (coughSR1cough) over any other side x side out there, but I can still appreciate a good product when I see it. I'm also kind of a big picture person.....so that helps. And Yamaha quality has always been excellent.

I have yet to actually drive this machine.....none of us have driven it yet. But, based on its great fit and finish, and some of the cool things that Yamaha has done with it, I'd like to get my hands on one, put some bigger wheels and tires on it, and romp the **** out of it for a while! Stock Rhinos are fun....this looks like it could be even MORE fun. Power steering? - yes please! I like the Big Horns - great choice IMO! I'm curious to see if I can feel any difference in this re-tuned motor, and I'd really like to see if I can haul two full-size Pro 4 wheels/tires in the back with my jack (flat, steel bed - nice!) to the hot pits! :) I also see lots of potential for aftermarket goodies.

I do like the fact that Yamaha is stepping away from the Rhino, and venturing out into new side by side territory, hit or miss in our particular demographic. It shows that they are past the lawsuits (which again - I think many forget, that if Yamaha hadn't spent SO much time and money fighting them, the side x side industry could potentially have gone the way of the three-wheelers) and ramping up that new factory of theirs, so who knows what else will come out of it!

By Yamaha saying in their dealer meeting that they are releasing new models over the next 5 years, it's obvious they have a game plan - and this is just phase 1. If it's not your cup of tea, or mine....well, we have some hope, straight from Yamaha's mouth, that ours could be coming soon!

PS - They also released the 2014 YFZR - my favorite model ever! :)
Personally I think this machine is a complete fail! They made a much wider, heavier SXS with the same slow ass motor. Lipstick on a pig! Looks like my mother had final call on the power plant.

What exactly did they improve from the Rhino? Three seats? Great, now my Bestie can have his arm around my girl when we ride. Power steering? Great a $600 option on the Rhino. 10:1 compression...great anyone that rebuilds the top end has that in a Rhino. A great fit and finish? Come on guys!

They could have stayed conservative and still made a lot of people happy with a simple v-twin but instead they released another disappointing 686 that no one wants. Personally I would have rather seen a Rhino with no other upgrades but a better power plant. I'm extremely disappointed and not sure this competes with anything on the market...including the 2013 Rhino. I haven't seen or driven one yet but my initial reaction is that I wouldn't trade my modded 7 year old Rhino for a Viking straight up
I Know from long time that there is new sxs sport model 3 seater, but the engine still same. Rhino still production and this will be new model, but I don't imagine it will look like this. Just one more seat and utility not sport as they said.

All this info throw Yamaha dealer here. they said the japans manufacture will not goes more than 800 cc, why they don't know. ( Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha ).

Now the competition I think is only between Polaris and Arctic Cat.
Honda at least make some change, it is too delay but it make it stander available from factory ( Pioneer 700-4 ), this model is good for rental company at least, which before we need to modified Rhino to make it 4 seater.

Usually speak with Yamaha people when we meet him and the dealer here we need sport model automatic gear, but Yamaha not listen to us and continuo to cancel and change the sport to utility model.

Long time before Yamaha have quad ( breeze 125 ) they change it to grizzly 125, also they stop production of wolverine 350 & 450. Now most model in Yamaha is grizzly and raptor, just 2 Category and we need one more Category which is between sport and utility, automatic gear like Polaris Trail blazer 330. Also they add new 300cc grizzly from Taiwan manufacture and we test is and we find many problem in gear box. I don’t know why all this utility model grizzly 350, 450, 550, 700. They cancel again the grizzly 125 & 300. Yamaha not listen to us and also cannot think.

I don’t know what happened to japans manufacture to cancel some good model like Suzuki stop LT-R 450 quad, a lot of utility and very few sport. Honda cancel TRX 700 XX.
I'm sure its been said but I don't want to read through all the hate on this new machine. Its ok I'm sure it meets a market, and they will sell. It was fail in the sport market forsure and I would think it will not help sales. While I do think yamaha has great potential to build something amazing (really like the new sleds) They simply should have targeted the sport market first. It has just been too long and everybody that held out for this release is going to buy their canam/arctic/polaris today and the rest of the summer. While its not our season to ride out west the majority of the u.s. is in full gear to ride all summer. I think that was a huge mistake on yamaha's part. This could have been released later and nobody would have bad mouthed because they would have hopefully been satisfied with what has really been on the mind.
Personally I think this machine is a complete fail! They made a much wider, heavier SXS with the same slow ass motor. Lipstick on a pig! Looks like my mother had final call on the power plant.
I wouldn't trade my modded 7 year old Rhino for a Viking straight up

hmmm. this post makes me want to pick up one of those long travel rhinos i keep seeing on craigslist for 7k-10k.:cool:

the big question is can us tall guys fit in this rig? as of right now i only fit in the teryx and jagged x rzr without removing the dash on the other utv's:eek:
hmmm. this post makes me want to pick up one of those long travel rhinos i keep seeing on craigslist for 7k-10k.:cool:

the big question is can us tall guys fit in this rig? as of right now i only fit in the teryx and jagged x rzr without removing the dash on the other utv's:eek:

7-10k! You should be able to get one for 6k!
I see no reason to buy this machine at all. I was waiting for this, looks like I will go with an xp now. Why get this with a 686 when you can get a ranger farm vehicle with a bigger motor. I bet there is room now though to put an apex in it.

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