MX vs Closed face helmets


Need opinions between the two. I plan on getting new helmet wired for communications. I've worn MX style helmets all my life but have 0 experience with the full face style. I don't plan on doing the Parker pumper setup if I go with the full face.

Will I run into fogging issues without the pumper?
What if I add a skirt?

Opinions welcomed.
I have raced with both, and I prefer the full-face helmet over the MX style for several reasons. One being there is more coverage from roost/rocks/debris and weather with a full face helmet. I wear mine at the dunes because I hate getting sand all over my face, too! :)

Less windnoise for your microphone in a full-face helmet.

As for fogging up....that depends. I ran without my pumper all weekend at the dunes in my HJC, and had zero fogging issues. It has good venting already (nice big top-ports and vents in the front), so as long as I was moving, I got plenty of air-flow.

You probably have a better chance of fogging up with a skirt and no pumper than without the skirt. The skirt will trap alot of your heat in there......I have raced alot more races without a skirt than with, and I can't really say I prefer a skirt anyway.

Also, I have had other helmets and no pumper, and have had some fogging issues on very cold mornings/nights. So....I think it depends on your helmet and it's venting more than anything.

Full face is also safer......I have heard of two people who have shattered eye sockets/broken noses from a rock being kicked up at them while racing with an MX style helmet. Goggles protect from the little stuff, but a face shield can take a lot more abuse.

Any reason you don't want to run a pumper? I didn't want to run one originally either, but now that I have used one for so long, I don't like being without it.

Hope that helps a little! :)
I'd second everything Corry said, not a fan of MX style at all in the car personally...and I raced MX my entire life.
I switched form an MX to a full face one and it was the best choice ever. really depends on the helmet to but I went with an HJC one with pumper hookup and tinted lens.

The model I got was light weight, a lot less stress on your head and you dont feel like a bobble head, a lot more protection, and way better field of view.
Corry said it perfect! We always ride with a full face helmet! The pumper is a great addition and well worth the money! I hate getting in a car that doesn't have one!
Thanks for the opinions and advice. The main reason I didn't want to run a pumper is the cost and I'm trying to use some of the current gear I have. I can't afford 4 new helmets wired and blown, plus the cost of the pumper.

I have a 4 seat car and my 4 and 6 year old are in the back. The wife and 6 year old already have mx style helmets. I plan on buying my 4 year old a bmx style helmet due to the weight, and wire all 3 for comm. Im in the market for a new helmet and was thinking of switching to the full face style. I was eye balling this helmet from PCI.

HJC CS-R2 Playcar Helmet Affordable fun and safety! Detail Page

I'm just worried about fogging on those cold night rides with a full face helmet without having a pumper.
Thanks for the opinions and advice. The main reason I didn't want to run a pumper is the cost and I'm trying to use some of the current gear I have. I can't afford 4 new helmets wired and blown, plus the cost of the pumper.

I have a 4 seat car and my 4 and 6 year old are in the back. The wife and 6 year old already have mx style helmets. I plan on buying my 4 year old a bmx style helmet due to the weight, and wire all 3 for comm. Im in the market for a new helmet and was thinking of switching to the full face style. I was eye balling this helmet from PCI.

HJC CS-R2 Playcar Helmet Affordable fun and safety! Detail Page

I'm just worried about fogging on those cold night rides with a full face helmet without having a pumper. aren't racing, just play riding? I assumed (perhaps we all did), that you were going to be racing. Well, if it's a family wagon and you are just play riding, then I'm sure your MX style helmets will work fine. I still prefer the full face, myself, because I like a clean face, but if you already have all of the helmets and you aren't racing, that changes things a bit. BTW, I'm really glad you choose to helmet your family in your UTV - alot of people don't feel it's necessary, but I think it's a great safety precaution! Wish more people would do it!

BTW, I REALLY like that helmet you linked to......I think that would work great for you, but just make sure it's got good venting if you aren't running a pumper. If you run in a lot of dust, I'd still recommend the pumper - but for play riding, not such a big deal.
just wanted to say thanks for the question / post.I was researching this very subject last night and could not decide.I totally agree with your opinion 450 girl and I really think that the pumper will go over real well with the wife.I wanted to have communications and be cheap about it,(not do it twice) but it looks like were buying new helmets already wired.Now wheres the cheapest spot??greg
Mom and dad get pumpers, kids get non pumpers. Problem solved :D

I got to say I prefer a closed face helmet as well. I have been using an old Shoei streetbike helmet I have. It has much better venting than some of my old simpson race helmets. The shield is a much better design and cuts down on wind noise compaired to the simpson, not to mention how much more comfortable it is.

It does fog up but only when sitting still. Cracking the shield open for a second fixes it. When moving it is not a problem. Streetbike helmets also come with chin deflectors and nose deflectors so a skirt is not needed. They generally have a bigger shield opening and are ususally cheaper too. Only thing is they are not fire rated to SA standards. They make great playcar helmets..
if you want the option of both styles, then look at AFX dual sport helmets, you can run goggles or thier full shield.

I believe the DS-39 is the current model.
It can be pretty expensive to run blown helmets, but our Parker Pumper blower is $125. Then you can put a dual Wye Splitter for one motor to work for two people. Yes its expensive, but as these guys have said, once you use it there's no going back. Plus it only draws 2.5 amps on high which is more than enough to keep you cool.
We have used our(Parker) pumper,and helmet set up and it is awesome!We bought those noise redusers($25,00) from ebay and installed them this past weekend,and it is bitchin to be in a big group(of 11) rhinos,and not have to look like a dirty crack addict after the day!Once you learn how to get the helmets on,and off (along with the communications..its easy peasy lemon sqweezy!
My wife leaves it connected all day,and sets it in the seat.
We had to return our hand held (car to car) radio and battery operated (person to person) intercom,because it wasnt loud enough.We bought the 50 watt intercom with the in car radio.
oops!did it twice:)
I want to thank rugged for letting me return them with no re-stocking fee.VERY COOL!
I hope this helps

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