Mint 400 UTV/DSR1 race update

Kevin we are paying the same entree fee as the other 2 lap classes. I did ask Casey to allow the Pro UTV class race 3 laps and the Sportsman, 850 and DSR1 to race 2 laps, he said no. He metioned that the 3 lap classes would catch some of us and that would create a safety issue. I will continue to request that the Pro UTV's race the full course at Parker and 3 laps for the Mint for next year. Maybe next year it will happen.
I would also like to mention that there is 10 pro C/T limited classes that pay the same entree fees as the unlimited C/T, yet they only race 3 laps. I have not seen or heard of any of them complaining, that they only get 3 laps and pay the same. I don't think it helps our class to be accepted, if were complaining. I think if you are a spectator or "arm chair racer" you should not share your opinion in a forum that only applies to racers. Your comments can breed negativity and your perspective is not from a UTV racers point of view. Until you race in a class you can not know what is good for the class. Casey does his best to put on races that are good for all the classes and we should be thankful that we have off road racing and a premier series to race in. "There is no wining in off road racing" ;)
Last edited: has a racer only section to discuss things like this. It's a password protected section of the site. Maybe we can figure how to move these type of issues into that section and get everyone set up with passwords.

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I closed the racer section. No one used it.

I think 3 laps was awesome. It wasn't the full 4 I think all classes should get but it was adequate. 2 laps sucks.

Then again. I don't race. So what do I know.
I don't think any one is whining and kinda of insulting I think everyone is giving their oppionion sad that was why I thought u started this thread.. I hope u don't think we don't appreciate very thing you do and try to get done for us but we all have our opinions that's all... I'm sure no one means any disrespect but if u ask then people will respond
My first race was this years parker 250. Before the race started I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't the full three laps. After the first lap of the race I was glad it was only 2. Granted, this was my first race and maybe after more time racing I would think different, but I thought 2 at Parker was enough for me. That being said, if we were told to run the full 3 we would have. I have never raced the Mint so I can't comment there, but I fully intend to race more BiTD races in the future and will race whatever they decide UTVs can.
Joey you have more pull than I do, so make it happen. I would love to race 3 laps. I think you should race in a UTV, it would be a great experience for you. Your welcome to ride with me anytime. Kevin don't be sad I was just sharing my "opinion". :)
Trust me, I am using my connections to try and get it back to at least the way it was. But I also know and understand how Casey operates, therefore I don't have much faith in the decision being reversed.

I just want to see a good race. I too believe that a longer race makes a more equal race. At 2 laps it's a drag race, I want more endurance out of desert racing.
I would also like to mention that there is 10 pro C/T limited classes that pay the same entree fees as the unlimited C/T, yet they only race 3 laps. I have not seen or heard of any of them complaining, that they only get 3 laps and pay the same. I don't think it helps our class to be accepted, if were complaining. I think if you are a spectator or "arm chair racer" you should not share your opinion in a forum that only applies to racers. Your comments can breed negativity and your perspective is not from a UTV racers point of view. Until you race in a class you can not know what is good for the class. Casey does his best to put on races that are good for all the classes and we should be thankful that we have off road racing and a premier series to race in. "There is no wining in off road racing" ;)

I can say for a fact many of the limited class that get shorted a lap, yet pay the same as unlimited classes have been vocal about paying full price yet getting shorted. Search RDC and you will find threads about it.

Like I said before it is hard for a racer & confusing to a sponsor, when I'm selling sponsorship and yet the races I'm trying to get sponsorship for, I'm not racing the full race.

No joke I had a sponsor ask me if he got a discount at a particular race where I was not racing the full race miles. Never mind my costs were the same. (BTW he paid full price)

As far as only racers responding, unless you state this upfront, don't get bitter when non racers or non UTV racers comment. For those who don't know me, I have raced in multiple classes, in multiple series, won a Championship, volunteered & helped with MDR's Supertition series & even acted as a promoter of the Best of the Best 5/1600 Shootout which brought 30 5/1600's to Plaster City's New Years Dash. We had just under $30K in prize money & contingency. Not trying to brag, just letting you know some experience non UTV racers are on here and have faced some of the same issues the UTV classes is facing.
Damn. only 200 miles, that sucks. thats like going to the movies and only get to see half of i am busting my ass to get my car ready for this race, not so sure i need too now.....

the Mint...even 2 laps, will more than likely, kick your ass...
Parker had a 40% DNF rate, from what I understand the Mint will be even tougher. If the extra lap gets added back in what would the DNF rate be then? 45, 50, 60%? If less than 1/2 the starters DNF is that better? If you look at the teams racing BITD there are 4-6 factory teams with a lot of support. The rest of us are just getting by, I team up with car #1902 and we have 1 dedicated pit guy between us.
Not complaining, I'll run whatever miles are put in front of us, and we are having a great time.
I kind of like how the miles build up from race to race, then finish with a "sprint" at Henderson.
Parker 170
Mint 200
SS 300
V to R 520
Bluewater (different format)
Henderson, 90-135 (grand prix finish should apply to classes)
FWIW, I'm not sure I like the throw away race.

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