the stripping shop
RACER - UTVUnderground Approved
Yes in a non multi loop race the fast guys start first with slower classes behind. If you did not you would get run over. It's just common sense! But on multi loop races most race series have split the races, slower limited classes in the morning, faster unlimited classes in the afternoon. It's not a BITD thing, they all do it and have for a long, long time. Score's Laughlin race, slower classes ran their races in the morning with each group and race getting by faster until the afternoon TT race. Score's Henderson and Primm was the same way. Limited in the morning, unlimited in the afternoon. The new Score did the same with the Imperail race. Snore's Battle @ Primm and Rage @ the river, slower classes race first, unlimited's and TT's at the end.
If the unlimiteds raced first, the DNF rate would be 75% for the afternoon limited class race and people would bitch, that they are tearing their cars up running in ruts & whoops from 39-40 inch tires.
My point exactly utv are part of the limited class. Ex Polaris and all utv move over to SNORE make it the biggest series wont the show come with it, so your back were you started unlimited run last and limited first. Were do you put utv. I am pretty sure Joey d and mad media paved the way on what to do someone just needs to run with it, EX UTVworld championship.
Still the question is how can you make the lap races better for all, not just pick up and leave to smaller series.